Thranduil christmas 2007…. 32mm?!

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony Thranduil christmas 2007…. 32mm?!

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  • #235
    MMP Elder

      Well , here it is, picture is on official site. I am a bit surprised, the christmas figurine is now in 32mm? it has not been the case since… 1989!

      The figurine looks great but… well, I was expecting some 54mm…

      MMP Elder

        Well , here it is, picture is on official site. I am a bit surprised, the christmas figurine is now in 32mm? it has not been the case since… 1989!

        The figurine looks great but… well, I was expecting some 54mm…


          The figure is ok, I think, but I’m also a bit disappointed about the size.


            Ok, I’m stupid.

            Where are you are seeing this figure? :D

            MMP Elder


              it is in the newsletter sent by Michael


                Thank you my good sir.

                The email I got kept linking to last month’s newsletter.

                Never thought to check in the Fellowship section!


                  It makes zero sense at all for this figure to be 32mm. It guarantees I won’t be buying on, and really makes you wonder if Mithril is interested in staying in business with decisions like this. Maybe I’m just being pessimistic because we got 8″ of snow last night, again. That’s 20.32cm for you metric people…;)

                  MMP Elder

                    well I wish there could be more posts like yours presto, but on the official board… in order to – at least – get an answer on the rease for this change, from Michael

                    So far the only good point I see for this 32mm is that, if it had been 54mm, I would have lacked place in my glasscase row dedicated to Christmas figurines … which is, at the moment, quite full…lol… and this good point is a very very small good point


                      Here’s my suspicion for the 32mm. This “Christmas in March” figure seems to have almost been an afterthought. Perhaps Lars had Chris come up with something on the quick? A Thranduil master that might have been around mostly complete? Perhaps it was an early model for the MX Thranduil’s standard bearer that went unused, and was converted to Thranduil himself for this release? It just makes no sense that every other Christmas release is a 54mm, both Mithril and non-mithril characters. A cost savings perhaps?
                      I would only be more surprised if the something like all future Mithril releases were put out in 25mm instead of 32mm to keep costs down. Wouldn’t that be funny! Not!!

                      MMP Elder

                        well it rather seems that Mithril is forsaking the 54mm figurines completly :(
                        and well as I was saying elsewhere presto : there is a former 32mm for Chritmas, but that was back in 1989, one of the rarest christmas mithril ever…

                          presto247365 wrote:
                          It makes zero sense at all for this figure to be 32mm. It guarantees I won’t be buying on, and really makes you wonder if Mithril is interested in staying in business with decisions like this. Maybe I’m just being pessimistic because we got 8″ of snow last night, again. That’s 20.32cm for you metric people…;)

                          Odd, here in GR we got none. Rather backwards from the norm, eh?

                          (Trying to stay a little on topic…) Well, as for the Christmas figure, smaller figure means smaller amount of resources used up in their inventory and lower cost of the item, I suppose. I don’t own any Christmas figs though, so I haven’t much say about them.


                            We got freezing rain, then snow, then rain, then a freeze so suck it up. :D

                            I don’t buy 54mm figures. I can’t really justify them. I’ve considered buying one as a statue for a diorama, but again, that’s not a priority. I don’t think its much of a stretch for Mithril to decide that 32mm figs are just less hassle all around.

                            I am also displeased – for enother reason entirely. My GW/Mithril combo elves had to go back in the paint stripper. GRRR. My reach exceeded my grasp. Again.


                              Gavin wrote:
                              We got freezing rain, then snow, then rain, then a freeze so suck it up. :D

                              Yuck. Nasty stuff. Staying off the 401, eh? :/


                                …sunny, Spring-like conditions…
                                It’s the base. It just doesn’t work to mount a 32mm figure on those bases which are much bigger and heavier. I’d bet one could get 2 more figures from the amount of metal used here! And with the rising prices of some metals it seems even more like a rushed decision amounting to what looks like a cut and paste job.


                                  It hadn’t even clicked with me that the figure was 32mm until now (I’ve never collected the Xmas figures so I hadn’t been paying a lot of attention), but it sure is a strange decision. But a great many of Mithril’s decisions over the past couple of years have been out of left field.

                                    Wendy wrote:
                                    Gavin wrote:
                                    We got freezing rain, then snow, then rain, then a freeze so suck it up. :D

                                    Yuck. Nasty stuff. Staying off the 401, eh? :/


                                    Well, I try to stay off the 401, unless I am being hauled along on one of my wife’s trips to TO. For those that don’t know imagine a long highway surrounded by featureless bugger all. Then you arrive in this huge Milton Keyens like place, sick tired and possibly a little insane.

                                    Our trip from Montreal home went something like this.

                                    Heavy snow.
                                    White out.
                                    Heavier snow, ice accumulation on windscreen wipers.
                                    Ice pellets/hail.
                                    Freezing rain.

                                    45 minute trip became a two hour extravaganza.

                                    Anyway, to get back on topic, the metal on the base isn’t a huge deal for a low rate of production figure. We will be sucking up the price difference by paying 20 euro for it.

                                    I am, however, thinking of asking can I buy one without the finishing.


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                                  MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony Thranduil christmas 2007…. 32mm?!