MS423A – Alert!

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  • #440

      Chris seling MS423A in Ebay!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

      Number is: 140361390543


        Chris seling MS423A in Ebay!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

        Number is: 140361390543

        MMP Elder

          yup we saw that… and discussed it too elsewhere… I don’t know if it is a good news or bad news in the end…
          I don’t think it is the proper place to display such info by the way… I move this thread to the appropriate forum…


            My problem was that I don´t always locked in when i go to MMP, so I don´t see this threat in “The Marketplace of Tharbad”.

            MMP Elder

              (don’t take it personnaly master Zoetrop.. let me explain why I moved your announcement)
              Only members of this forum can read (and post) in the marketplace … announcing ebay auctions… this way, I try to avoid having “businessmen” who are NOT inscribed on this forum take notice of such information…
              I know they have other ways to find it out, or maybe they have “spies” or maybe they are registered.. but nevertheless…

              When Chris sells on ebay, he sells for collectors mainly to try to be fair… TOO often, his offers get bought by people (drizztdourden for example) who buy several of them to then resell themm twice or thrice the price Chris has sold them…
              And thus, the desire of fairness by Chris has the countrary effect… it creates unfairness in the end and that upsets and saddens … I suppose… both, the collectors… myself (as this forum administrator) and Chris himself I suppose….

              So, that’s why I made the Tharbad section member only… and would like “announcements” of rarities offer to remain among a closed circle of trustful , fair, and friendly collectors…

              this MS423A affair saddens/upsets/annoys me a lot because I am more than sure that Chris has been quite saddened by the sale made by Arnaud Godet….


                I don’t search E-bay very often anymore, so don’t see too many Mithril auctions. How much did Arnaud’s sale go for? Was he given this figure as a gift by Chris??

                Again, I applaud Mr. Tubb for trying to minimize speculation on his creations. True “Mithril Spirit”.

                MMP Elder

                  I don’t remember the price… but yes it was given to Arnaud as a gift…


                    By not spending too much time, I still have the announcement ….;)


                    122 € Total

                    MMP Elder

                      I can easily understand how this can upset C.T … considering he GAVE those figurines for FREE….


                        So can I, Gildor.

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