A word from the Man

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony A word from the Man

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      Mithril keeps mentioning that they will put a video on YouTube, but I have yet to see one. Maybe as a community we all could personally put our own videos on there to promote it ourselves?:/

      Just a thought. I have been wanting to put some videos on YouTube anyway at some point and maybe we can do this somehow.

        Gildor Inglorion wrote:
        (I know better than to officially criticizer Michael’s work but the mithril site is rather a static one….not at all dynamic like those I myself coded… The whole mithril site does not use any PHP or SQL programmation, it is fully static and not dynamic at all I was checking that just at the moment and I found astonished to discover that…
        That means that each time there is a slight change to make in several places, they have to modify the info one by one… this process of website making is not used anymore for at least 10 years… this is a serious problems

        I would just add a comment about the website and the late Adam Dawson who designed it just over 10 years ago. At that time it was state of the art. All those cute little flip functions…In fact my poor gallery posts used to work like that, but don,t any more :((and I was the first entry!):cool: I write this to give credit to Adam whom I met for being a part of the Mithril team and bringing them into the ‘age of the internet’ with his work. Does anyone remember the look of the site before? Adam did a lot for the company in terms of organization. He also drove what he called “the worst car in Ireland”:) Thanks for your hard work Gildor; I would say you are more than a ‘virtual’ member of the Mithril team. Chris’ comments, and indeed all those here are wonderful. The marketing issue is long standing and Presto’s points about Jim are case-in-point. There are no easy answers. I can say this, though, and I don’t mean this in any negative sense. Lars does not really know the typical Mithril customer is and hasn’t. Think of the LR series. This was an attempt to meet the customers needs. I admit they could do some research and sites like this will certainly help.


          I dunno, I pop down into the cellar for five minutes, and all of this takes place! And the fact that the MMP system unsubscribed me for some reason didn’t help, or I’d have commented sooner.

          Basically, how can I do anything but agree with all of the above? I too received an email from The Man a few days back asking to be disassociated from Mithril’s “absurd price increase”, about which he knew nothing until Gildor told him. But what kind of way is that to run a business, where the boss-man (i.e., Lars) doesn’t tell one of his business partners what he’s about to do regarding product prices? Very strange indeed. (Has anyone here met Lars? What kind of person actually is he?)

          The website is certainly uninspiring and uninspired by today’s standards, and its unchanging content doesn’t encourage repeat visits. I’m involved at a peripheral level with one of the larger wargame figure manufacturers, and their guy changes elements of the website daily, sometimes more than once a day, to ensure that it’s always current – mind you, they produce more figures than Mithril (and at far greater speed…)

          Advertising is the key to sales. Always has been, always will be. It won’t necessarily persuade people to buy something, but it does ensure that people are aware of a product’s existence. Mithril’s frighteningly low profile is a direct result of their failure to advertise for years and years. That’s what has led to those people who we’ve all encountered at some point or other, who think Mithril went out of business “years ago” – they could remember seeing advertising in the modelling and wargaming magazines a decade ago, but have seen nothing since.

          And why can’t Mithril simply get one of the independent shop outlets to represent their range at the shows? That alone would boost public awareness (if anyone has already suggested this in the posts above, my apologies). Even many of the large companies use such ‘agents’ rather than traipsing round to every show themselves. If the agent finds that he doesn’t have sufficient stock and people leave a show disappointed, even that’s good – it will generate demand for Mithrils.

          Certainly no one should depend just on the internet to generate sales. The wargame company I mentioned above used to buy several pages of advertising in issues of the monthly wargaming magazines some years ago, but once they’d built up a customer base they stopped doing that and started depending on their website alone. And now their sales are only about a third of what they once were. Need I say more?

          Finally, on the subject of seeing advance photos, I doubt that I’m the only one to have seen them, but I can confirm that the Helm’s Deep 2 figures (“Death to the Strawheads”) look superb. Oh, and my clue regarding the content of the Helm’s Deep 4 release is no longer valid. It now applies to Helm’s Deep 5 instead. All in all there’s some terrific stuff coming once TE have approved it all and the factory have got off their butts and produced it. I’m particularly looking forward to sets 3 (contains several figures I’ve been wanting for years) and 5. Chris says that set 3 is already “nearly complete”, but I’ve not yet seen any pictures – has anyone else?

          MMP Elder

            well i have not seen set 3…. but set 2 I have, they look great though it reminds me of the Prince August celtic army released not so long ago..

            as for set 3 I think Chris said it was finished too though; set 4 and 5 may not be finished yet…but there is time until release…

            Please could we try to make a synthesis on all aspects that are “wrong” with mithril and ideas to solve them…. and then send the letter to Lars (sending it to Chris does not seem to have any power because he agrees with us… already says the same to Lars…. and see .. he is not listened to but if Chris is considered like a “simple employee”, then, us customers will have more impact because customers are always more powerful than employees in such cases…

            So we should try to begin to enter into discussion contact with Lars…. and find a way to have his feedback on a regular basis… that would be a good beginning…


              . . . haaaaa- looooo ! I also want to see pictures of set 2 . . .

              Maybe Master Gildor can arrange a place here for The Man to put “HIS” pictures from HIS workbench to show.
              Like all fellows do in the Mayor Samwise-section !
              I suggest The Man should become a member here and I found a name for him also: Phaeton, Master of design department ! :D
              Just being member in the right place !

              The future can look like this :

              [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_phaeton001.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_phaeton001.jpg[/imgz]

              Please Gildor, tell him . . .


                !!!! :D !!!!


                  As for plans and future releases I only know that The Man at the moment is busy with “something special”.


                    Do you mean outside of the “known” M and Fellowship releases, Master Tree?


                      Having talked with Mr. Corless at MFCA (a big show/painting competition in Delaware) this year, I can attest to his continued passion for Mithril. (I also learned how he met the man and stuff.) At the last three shows I’d been to (MFCA, Chicago, MFCA), I usually see one other Mithril per show (not counting mine), but in the Manufacturer line of the registration they leave it blank or put a question mark. They don’t even remember what brand they are. :(

                      I’m wondering how much the folks at Mithril keep an eye on newest developments in minis. One thing I know: sometimes the box art alone sells a figure. The standard in painting of minis has changed dramatically even in just the years I have been painting. Large, traditionally historical painting competitions are beginning to take fantasy subjects seriously. I hope the people at Mithril peruse coolminiornot now and again. Some of the minis are mind blowingly good. (I really do hate to say it, because I don’t want to be mean, but the painters at Mithril don’t cut it anymore. They are on the right track by using that one guy’s minis…Fahey? What’s his name? They need well painted examples for each figure.) There are so many small manufacturers, but there are only two officially licensed LOTR mini companies. They need to use this to their advantage. Just having some kind of presence at shows like Salute and Historicon would be helpful too.

                      It is to Mithril’s advantage to sell their minis from their website. That way they maximize the profit for each mini. If they are sold in stores, they have to be sold wholesale to the store owner. This may explain their lack of marketing to stores. Still, they can’t just expect people to visit the site on their own. It need not cost a lot in advertising to be a presence. Linking Mithril and PA would certainly be a start…it’s the same company! More people have heard of PA than Mithril.

                      One thing that’s bugged me a bit (and this is a little off track). When I painted the Dol Amroth knights, I completely removed the primer. It is so thick that detail is being hidden (plus, in that case it was already flaking off…that doesn’t make for good painting). They need to go lighter on the primer so the man’s hard work can show through better. That or make unprimered figures available also. On a happier note. I really appreciate how nice the casting generally are (they don’t overuse a mould) and how well parts fit, especially compared other companies.

                      Now I’m rambling, so I’ll shut up… 😆


                        Yes, Barliman, I have met Lars albeit many years ago. He is a nice enough fellow. He is a businessman concerned with the bottom line. I would point out that one of his concerns is just how many Mithril customers there are worldwide. This is a difficult question to answer, but have a look at the numbers of members both here and at the GF. No one questions the loyalty of these great folks, but numbers do matter. Consider this: even the lamest GW figure sells in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands. Comparing marketing strategies between Mithril and GW is simply not realistic. PA has many lines and is diversified for such a small company. But a small company it remains. Your really talking about a handful of people (many of whom do not share your passion for Mithril or Tolkien). Mithril is, as you have heard many times now, Chris’ baby. Heck, Chris knows many of you long time collectors. Talking to Lars is a good idea, of course, but hostility won’t help. Mithril is an expensive baby when the TE license and costs of production are factored in. Thinking of expanding the interest in Mithril in small steps, with subsequent numbers to back it up is what I think will appeal. These comments are in the catagory of ‘devil’s advocate’ and should be taken as such. Ultimately it is the small size of the company and the quality and uniqueness of the product that is the base of our interests. This is also the root of some of the problems encountered here….And by the way Wendy, I always reprime the figures as I have yet to see any miniature that doesn’t need some kind of prep (mold lines, sprues, flash) which in the case of Mithril will mean scraping through the primer.


                          Agree with both of you re the Mithril primer – it absolutely floods the fine detail, especially mail armour! I find it a real pain; and for the record I don’t prime my figures at all – never have – but then that’s one of the advantages of using enamels.

                            Theobald wrote:
                            As for plans and future releases I only know that The Man at the moment is busy with “something special”.

                            Perhaps, Master Tree, are you referring to what Michael said in the last Newsletter?

                            Chris is also looking into making a FREE figure for those who have purchased 12 different figures over the last 12 months and I will find out how that is progressing too.


                              Of course I was referring to that, Master Erchamion, and I really felt happy reading that, as you might imagine. It is about something special that was introduced with the GFM. Huoommm …. one figure for 12 months ….. rhuooommmm … though I am aware that this puts more workload on The Man’s list … so if he cannot find the time, I wouldn’t be sad about it …. rhuoommm … it’s just my way of trying to stick to some Mithril-traditions, such as the Christmas figures, you know … huooommmm … though …. considering … such a figure mustn’t necessarily be for free, methinks … hom

                              MMP Elder

                                @rita.de : it is the Man himself , when providing the pics to individual persons, who does not want them to be published anywhere… it would be possible to do so here and he knows this… but he wants not to be revealed and I respect that…

                                as for him being a member of the MMP forum…. he has been a member for quite a lot of months already… but he does not have time to come read and post… but he is there :) incognito… hehehe


                                  huoommmrhuoommm … that’s good to know, Master Gildor … huom … and let me add that I also share your respect about certain matters you just explained to Master Rita.de … … huom


                                    As certainly I do ! But what you explained to me Gildor, has been mentioned already . . .


                                      Ahhh … that good old “repetito non placet” … rhuoommm … don’t mind, Master Rita.de … once you grow old as me you won’t mind … rhuoooooommm .. hom hom hom

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                                    MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony A word from the Man