Announcement : NEW MW346 “Iron Hill Dwarves” to be put for sale soon!!

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad Announcement : NEW MW346 “Iron Hill Dwarves” to be put for sale soon!!

  • This topic has 98 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Milo.
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  • #9535
    MMP Elder

      to be sure to have access to the sale in the right time I have put the name of the Man (phaeton-design) in my favorite seller, and I refresh the sales page of THIS special seller every minute or so, so that I am sure I don’t miss it… that’s the better filter you can make


        I got a set also!


          Gildor, that’s my technique too. I refresh as soon as my computer clock hits the hour designated for the sale to start. It works pretty well, but this time my browser loading was just too slow to keep up with demand! ( I’m running a VERY outdated processor).

          I think I’ll just chalk this one up to karma, and wait and see if a second set is put up for sale. I’ve pestered the man about extra sets too many times in the past when I’ve messed up my time-zone conversions and missed the sale completely. ;)

          He has always been generous and accommodating, and I’d feel like I was taking advantage of his good nature contacting him directly about more dwarves.

          Also, I don’t recall what the total number of sets were for previous releases. Does anyone know?

          MMP Elder

            I have already sent him a mail asking him if there were other batches to be sold in the future… along with other … “matters at hand” (cf pony discussion…)

            if i get an answer, I’ll let you know


              now I have an question…. is it possible from someone of you guys buy the first few MW346 by sold by the Man… those guys with axes…. and drum… or officer…or standard bearer
              if someone has a duplicate… difficult question that is not for this place … I know but…. ?!?!?!?
              thanks for any answer…


                . . . yes, I have to say, that I am interested in these “command group” also, like Master Thingol. This offer was before I took place here
                and before I even dreamt about such an existance . . .


                  65 GBP it is around 75 Euros….


                    Congratulations all!

                      ESTEL wrote:
                      how much was one of the sets? about 70,- Euros like the last one?

                      Price is the same as in previous sets. More or less the same as a single figure GF ;)


                        Well, as expected…..
                        I hope the Man has some sets left and puts them up for auction and I’m not as sloooow as I have been… LOL
                        Would be very annoying not to have all of the dwarfs….


                          [large]NEWS FROM C.T.[/large]

                          I will be selling the last set of figures from the un-released Mithril
                          Mw346 Warbands set “Dwarves of the Iron hills” on Ebay next Saturday
                          12th February at 21.00 U.K. time (GMT).
                          They comprise five medium infantry and will be priced the same as
                          previous figures in this series.
                          Please note that none of the dwarves in this series are primed.
                          Please use the search words “Mithril Dwarves” to locate the sale

                          ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† :D :) ;) ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜Ž


                            Just received few minutes ago :) !!!!!

                            MMP Elder

                              lol, I was about to post the info myself as I received it today too and I find that Thingol already posted it damn

                              well you have the info. (Chris always asks me to broadcast the information on this forum usually, it’s the first time it is done before I arrive, well done Thingol!! )

                              oh, well, as a side note, it’s the first time I think that a set of the unreleasedMW will have FIVE figurines…. I also think this one will be MOST desired and the auction may not last even one minute… Why? Because it is the very last MW to be released, after this one… there is no other… and this one completes the full [mith]MW347[/mith] range!! (ok people like to call it MW346…. )


                                . . . I got this message also . . . :rolleyes:

                                MMP Elder

                                  well I wonder if posting the info here is of any use if everybody receives the info directly from Chris :)

                                  Still I suppose not EVERYbody got the message, did we?


                                    I received a mail from Chris also. I will follow this yes.


                                      Maybe The Man wanted to delete “bad influences” and contacted only “serious” collectors.
                                      But he didnยดt mentioned to keep his announcement in secret.


                                        ….. certainly a pleasant mystery is….rhooooooomm :)


                                          LoL I got the message 2 times! Maybe I should buy two sets….:D


                                            well, i read it here … but it’ll be too expensive for me, anyway … are these five figures different from the four previously released / sold?

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad Announcement : NEW MW346 “Iron Hill Dwarves” to be put for sale soon!!