Announcement : NEW MW346 “Iron Hill Dwarves” to be put for sale soon!!

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad Announcement : NEW MW346 “Iron Hill Dwarves” to be put for sale soon!!

  • This topic has 98 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Milo.
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      Yes, Master Cameosis they are different. It’s the Dwarf warband and CT is selling the different types he got in sets of 4 and now in a set of 5 different minis.


        I also recieved it direct from Chris.

        MMP Elder

          well, it seems he begins to know us all.. no mystery, as he may keep track of the buyers of his former sets too!

          about announcement, master archer, I can assure you there are “announcements” to be spread widely, and those “informations” to be kept secret and not shared at all…

          Usually Chris clearly states if an information is for announcement or for private information…

          (eg. pics of future Helm’s Deep part 2, years ago not to be displayed on the net… or personnal information, when it came to interview, or personnal concerns about Mithril politics… there are times for which Chris states “please don’t tell anybody” and others when he states “could you spread it widely”…

          so, I always wait for his approval to do anything… Usually when it comes to ebay auction that is ALWAYS (so far) meant to be publicly announced… but he specifies it… well he asks me mainly because this is my forum, I think and as administrator, main moderator, it’s usually up to me to post such info, but please don’t hesitate if you have his approval :)

            hsf62 wrote:
            Yes, Master Cameosis they are different. It’s the Dwarf warband and CT is selling the different types he got in sets of 4 and now in a set of 5 different minis.

            so that would increase the total of the dwarf warband to 9 figures, if i got this correctly? more info for the database. :D

            MMP Elder

              well not really master cameosis;.. Mea Culpa but the database entry for MW347 is far from complete….

              you can see them all in the gallery section though… and in dedicate topics in the mathoms house… I will update this asap


                Master Cameosis, so far CT sold
                command group 3 dwarfs
                swordmen 4 dwarfs
                axemen 4 dwarfs
                speerman 2 dwarfs
                slingers 2 dwarfs
                with the set of 5 he will sell now we come to a total of 20 different dwarfs.

                MMP Elder

                  [mith]MW336[/mith] had 20 different orcs
                  [mith]MW337[/mith] had 19 different Gondorians
                  [mith]MW346[/mith] had 20 different kinds of half-Orcs (with 2 definitly lost ones that would have made 22 different figurines)
                  [mith]MW347[/mith] is now complete with 20 figurines (which is the common number for types in a given MW)

                  well… the MW saga will soon be over gentlemen :)

                  In order to spread the news I will send a “mass mail” with the information about this sale to ALL the 77 members of this forum tonight… (since this option has been implemented specifically lately for such occasion.


                    Well, I don’t think the numbers of the MW336 and MW337 are correct if you do not only refer to the poses of the figures. There are differences in armour and garb as well, especially for the orc army.
                    Anyway, you’re right saying this coming last sale (I really do mean ‘sale’) seems to finish all the excitement about the two “lost” armies. To me it has been a nice time though it was more of a challenge.
                    You might pass on a what you call “mass mail”, but don’t forget that people have to be very quick with their PCs to have a chance. That’s what we sometimes learned in the past years. The fastest “auction” (sale) I do remember took about 20 seconds, right?

                    As for the announcement by Chris you seemed to be a bit surprised of, Gildor. As far as I know he informed a lot of people about upcoming auctions of the Dwarves in the past. Of course he knew that these information were spread among people being interested in these matters.
                    That’s what I know.


                      thanks to both for the info! while they’re not critical for me to have, i’ll look forward to seeing images of the entire warband range for reference purposes.


                        Gildor, You should put pictures taken from Master Tree hand into a database page for MW 346 & 347… it is not official picture but is a picture…. and now if we would have opportunity to make pictures of complete MW dwarves. I’m sure that Master Tree and you are not alone in the possession of whole war-band bunch :)

                        MMP Elder

                          well since these are unique… but not painted ones as “artistic painting work” I did put them in the unique section of the gallery but not in the database;..

                          now if you think it is better in the database I could add them indeed


                            Both may please everyone !:lol:


                              Oh, right, Gildor. I just checked. Err, I saw my old pics over there. Do you think I should try to provide better ones? There’s some discontinuety in the quality of the pics. It’s just because I always tried to provide pics whenever I received a new set.
                              Same with “Saruman’s Army” I’m afraid.
                              Just let me know to keep me a bit busy ;)


                                Ha! Just met Mista Postman this morning. :D :D :D
                                Quiet unusual. His time is about 11.00!
                                I am just watching at those dwarves! 😎
                                ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT FIGURES!!!! I can tell you.


                                  Sure!, I also I have mine on Saturday. Germany is nearest to Master Tubb, isn´t it? :rolleyes::cool:


                                    I received my dwarves on friday, absolutely great warrior dwarves. They are packed inside my “precious mithril’s blister” now.

                                    MMP Elder

                                      well I suppose I’ll get mine…. lAAAAter…

                                      as usual


                                        First I was a bit disappointed because of the fact that those 5 reveil only two different poses. But once I had a closer look at all the details I have to admit: very nice figures indeed. – So now the army is complete. It all took a long time waiting for all of them, but it was very much worth it.


                                          I wish I had met MMP before 2010…I would possess more than 5 of these dwarves. I can’t call mine a warband :/

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                                        MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad Announcement : NEW MW346 “Iron Hill Dwarves” to be put for sale soon!!