Anyone have a Prince August CH 27? The Fighter guy?

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Crossroads of Esgaroth Anyone have a Prince August CH 27? The Fighter guy?

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  • #11771
    MMP Elder

      well do you know where to find “many” of these CH figurines? That could interest me, not in terms of collecting (though a bit…) but for roleplaying purposes actually :)


        A quick note on CH 7 et al

        Prince August released a lot of its moulded characters as higher detailed pre-cast figures. The CH-7 from the blister is a LOT nice than the 679 moulding kit. The same goes for the BA barbarians – they were also released as the 681 fighters set.

        You can find some old PA figures on Ebay occasionally. I think the BA set is up there now. ITs just much harder to find them.


          Par example:

          The same guy is selling a “future shock” Healer as a “bard with lute” – I was confused at first.

          MMP Elder

            I wonder if I should add the Prince August “Fantasy Armies” series, somewhere in the database?

            after all, these are early chris tubb works… quite rare indeed, rare but not as worthy as mithril… they lack some of the finesse that Chris has developped in the later years…

            I myself possess :

            LC5(CH32) LC7 LC8(VL3) LC9(VL4) LC10(CH37) (LC stands for Legendes Celtiques, the brand the Chris was working on early in his professionnal Life, for a french RPG, alongside Bitume, these figurines were later or before that, used in the Character ranges of Fantasy Armies series “CH”)
            The LC7 seems quite unique because I could not find anywhere else, it is some kind of amazon throwing a javelin (which I miss)

            still there are many CH I would be interested in, I should begin by asking Mithril to send them what they have…


              I think you absolutely should.

              Maybe even convince people to haul things out of their drawers and put them on ebay, even.


                …so guys there are pictures of some old Prince August figure I own for more than 10 years. They are from 1993 and numbers are PA 692C & PA A689 ( it looks like that ) … as I see that here are interested members for this kind of figures so first who send me his home address on my PM will receive them in small package soon….

                so there are pictures of them so if somebody wants them

                [imgz url=][/imgz]

                [imgz url=][/imgz]

                [imgz url=][/imgz]


                MMP Elder

                  the problem with these early range, is to find a complete catalogue and a clean reference range… it is hard to come by the full list of what exists… apparently there is CH1 – CH38 but there are holes hard to fill… there are others sub references, it is a mess like some references existing in two collections (L & CH or VL & CH) … I’d need more info…


                    I have a few of those :)

                    Casting the Elf knights is always…special. The pose you have photographed is the one that always works. The fellow holding the shield horizontally never works. They do, however, make useful Last Alliance Noldor, if you put them beside the armoured Gil-Galad, Cirdan and Elrond.

                    MMP Elder

                      I love that elf, actually it could even be used as an elf from the Valar host of the Vanyar led by Eonwë at the War of Wrath (when Morgoth is vanquished, Angband destroyed) at the end of the First Age


                        They are a bit short to be Vanyar. Perhaps Noldor warriors of the Vanyar host?

                        The 32mm cast High Elves seem to have been inspired by the Elves of Gondolin article in the Tengwar magazine.

                        MMP Elder

                          well I don’t know what their size is? 32mm or 25mm? this elf is quite slender actually, more than noldor in armor… which made me think about Vanyar maybe… but this is “forbidden talk” ;)


                            They are a sort of tall 25mm. They don’t look bad compared to the 32mm Mithrils.


                              The Prince Augst CH Series list

                              Prince August Fantasy Army Miniature List

                              Character Figures (the CH Series)

                              CH 01 Female Armoured Cleric
                              CH 02 Elf (Warrior)
                              CH 03 Elf Girl
                              CH 04 Thief
                              CH 05 Elf Archer 679
                              CH 06 Elf Archer 679
                              CH 07 Elf Magic User 679
                              CH 08 Magic User
                              CH 09 Armoured Cleric
                              CH 10 Girl Fighter
                              CH 11
                              CH 12 Halflings (Male and Female)
                              CH 13 Druid
                              CH 14 Ranger
                              CH 15 Paladin
                              CH 16 Houri
                              CH 17 Monk
                              CH 18 Dwarf Chieftain ?
                              CH 19 Enchantress
                              CH 20 Gladiator Girl
                              CH 21 Girl Fighter (Mailed)
                              CH 22 Female Thief
                              CH 23 Nubian Prince
                              CH 24 Magic User
                              CH 24A Magic User (3 poses)
                              CH 25 Armoured Cleric
                              CH 25A Armoured Cleric (3 Poses)
                              CH 26 Elf Girl
                              CH 26A Elf Girl (3 Poses)
                              CH 27 Fighter
                              CH 27A Fighter (3 Poses)
                              CH 28 Ranger
                              CH 28A Ranger (3 Poses)
                              CH 29A Half Orc Thief
                              CH 29B Half Orc Thief (3 Poses)
                              CH 30 Bearfos
                              CH 31 Sorceress
                              CH 32 Thief With Sling
                              CH 33 Fighter/Thief
                              CH 34 Celtic Warrior (Note similarities to M10)
                              CH 35 Druid Brehon
                              CH 36 Druid Bard
                              CH 37 Female Magician
                              CH 38 Shan’ra the Barbarian

                              I do not know what CH 11 is…but I am willing to bet it is some sort of human fighter or man at arms.

                              That’s a start.

                              More to come :D

                              MMP Elder

                                well the question is to get your hands on them….


                                  Offer for figures in post No. 25 of this topic is still open !

                                  MMP Elder

                                    nice , very nice

                                    could you send me a copy of these images if you have them in bigger scale (holger already sent me two of them but I don’t have the others.

                                    Now I’ll try to get my hands on these figurines….


                                      Ooooh…so the later CHs were the same as the Legends Celtiques?

                                      Because I’d spotted a few connections before (the Village Juggler, for instance)

                                      Also, the poster looks eerily familiar. Is that the one I scanned? :D

                                      MMP Elder

                                        well actually gavin, for some CH reference you have a L number too, the L (actually LC) number is their matching reference in the Legendes Celtiques (LC) box… there are 10 of them, and I think one or two do not exist in CH range… all the others do. I have five of them (LC5-10)

                                        that’s also a reason on why there are so many dunlendings in the Mithril range… Chris loves doing celtic figurines, and dunlending matches his concept of celtic I think, that’s also matching the Helm’s Deep2 figurines…

                                        that’s also why he makes irish ranges, and soon irish iron age, (of which I put a pit not so long ago)

                                        many celtic figurines…


                                          Here is my CH 07, bought before my first mithril:

                                          [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                          I have always thought this reference looked like mithril ones. This is why I kept it safe.

                                          MMP Elder

                                            nice miniature indeed

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Crossroads of Esgaroth Anyone have a Prince August CH 27? The Fighter guy?