Anyone have a Prince August CH 27? The Fighter guy?

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Crossroads of Esgaroth Anyone have a Prince August CH 27? The Fighter guy?

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  • #11915

      Interesting conversion.

      The original is casting a spell (I think) with his left hand while holding a sword in his right.

      MMP Elder

        I just received the CH figurines I bought on ebay recently, most of them are still in unsealed blisters (the black moss has turned into powder because of the age) these are really well sculpted, no doubt!

        If any of you have access to some of the CH or have the official moulds and could cast me some (no piracy here, since it is the mould that was sold, it is autorized to reproduce them) please let me know :)


          The mould figures have less detail.

          You really DO want their CH equivalents.

          MMP Elder

            well, finding them is the problem…


              I know, but its worth holding out for the better ones.

              If you give me a little time, I can cast you a few of the CH Elves and a skeleton and barbarian fighter.


                    There is few German Mithril masters there… ask someone to buy this figure for you Gavin…. I’m sure that your mission will be successful…..


                      I had a look and found these…
                      [imgz url=][/imgz]
                      are you interested Gavin?

                      MMP Elder

                        (if he is not, I may be, in some of them at least :)


                          I am interested in the 5th and 6th; I am not sure about the Houri :D The second guy is well worth Master Gildor’s time. The 1st, 4th and 7th are still available from Prince August.

                          MMP Elder

                            well it’s been Three weeks I have asked Mithril to send me a list of what they had available so that I could buy them… I don’t have access to….

                            I still wait for their answer

                            now from the pics you posted I see, from left to right : CH38 GB6 CH16 CH19 CH37 CH31 CH26A

                            I already have CH16 (houri) CH19 (enchantress) and CH37 (female magician)

                            it seems then that CH26A and CH38 are still available at PA?

                            so I would need GB6 and CH31 are indeed interesting for me! Gavin needs the CH31, so there remains the GB6 ;)


                              The GB-6 is a lovely little figure.

                              And here’s the list from PA’s page!

                              All figures on this list are available.
                              These figures represent the central characters of any fantasy-world adventure. From outright heroes and heroines, relying on strength, steel and courage, through the mysterious powerful practitioners of magic, to the devious but hopefully good-hearted denizens of the night.

                              Human or not, our detailed and accurately proportioned figures give form to the imagined creations of the role-player and may suggest personalities of their own.

                              CHARACTER FIGURES – Miniatures
                              Grams Description Code
                              Number Mail Order
                              Price Euro
                              20gr Druid CH13 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Ranger CH14 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Enchantress CH19 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Female Fighter CH20 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Female Fighter mailed CH21 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Fermale Thief CH22 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Nubian Prince CH23 €3.95 Add to basket
                              80gr Magic User (3poses) CH24B €9.95 Add to basket
                              80gr Armoured Cleric (3 poses) CH25B €9.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Elf Girl CH26A €3.95 Add to basket
                              80gr Elf Girl (3 poses) CH26B €9.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Ranger CH28A €3.95 Add to basket
                              30gr Thief with Sling CH32 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Celtic Warrior CH34 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Druid Bard CH36 €3.95 Add to basket
                              20gr Shan’na The Barbarian CH38 €3.95 Add to basket

                              MMP Elder

                                i think there are also other references not beginning with CH but MS GB, VL…. maybe it is from Friends & Foes (which is related to Characters). I saw a nice looking necromancer I think (MS4)
                                actually I am looking for any figurines in the “Fantasy Armies” ranges, which seems to not only include “Characters”

                                anyway, thanks for your list Gavin, but there remains the problem to pass the order… if Joann from Mithril never answers me :/


                                  If all comes to all, Master Gildor, I’ll order some for you.

                                  The other list:

                                  FRIENDS & FOES – 28mm Miniatures
                                  Grams Description Code
                                  Number Mail Order
                                  Price Euro
                                  20gr Dwarf Axeman DW7 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Dwarf Axeman DW8 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Dwarf Axeman DW9 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Gnoll GL1 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  130gr Storm Giant GT2 €9.95 Add to basket
                                  25gr Minotaur MS1 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Necromancer MS4 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Ogre MS5 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Reptilerman RP1 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Treasure Chests TS2 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Mummy UN2 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Undead (3 figures) UN7 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Village Sage VL2 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Juggler VL3 €3.95 Add to basket
                                  20gr Blacksmith VL4 €3.95 Add to basket

                                  The Dwarves are higher qualify casts of the Dwarf mould figures (683):


                                  MMP Elder

                                    too bad they don’t have any of the boxed sets :/ (dragons, demons….)

                                    they were quite cute too… especially those slave girls ;)


                                      Yeah, the dragons and the slave girls were still on sale a few years ago. I would not be horribly surprised if they have a few of the dragon/girl sets floating around the studio. But until someone finds them, we’re all out of luck.

                                      MMP Elder

                                        I went to and though I don’t understand a single word it seems from the pics that many CH or Friends&Foes figurines are for sale there… only in Germany though…

                                        maybe someone could buy them for me but first I’d have to compilate a list… the problem with those old figurines is that the references are never given or scarcely… when they are for sale…


                                          I thought I posted this here yesterday, but my mouse pad is a bit untrustworthy and I didn’t stay to double check:

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Crossroads of Esgaroth Anyone have a Prince August CH 27? The Fighter guy?