Well- while working on my Esgaroth diorama . . .
This is vor everybody who plann to combine figures sculpted by Mr. Chris Tubb.
In this case the “old” version of an Esgaroth archer- called “Bard” from the “Hobbit-range” [mith]M235[/mith]
and the “new” versionf an Esgaroth archer as part of the “Arkenstone” vignette.
Well- while working on my Esgaroth diorama . . .
This is vor everybody who plann to combine figures sculpted by Mr. Chris Tubb.
In this case the “old” version of an Esgaroth archer- called “Bard” from the “Hobbit-range” [mith]M235[/mith]
and the “new” versionf an Esgaroth archer as part of the “Arkenstone” vignette.
You’re right, Master Turambar. There are many more other figures which proportions do not match well. So I still wonder how you will include that Malbeth-figure into your planned diorama.
By the way, a very good choice of colours and great painting skills, as usual.
Oh, you mean that tiny seer, Master Theo????
Yes- that figure makes my hair grey . . . BUT: fits perfectly to those tiny Arkenstone-figures . . . for my taste!
Have a look:
Really wonderfull colors and painting Master archer. Who is that citizen?
And I can’t wait to see the esgartoh diorama achieved. I know how wonderful the house looks like, I want to see the final scene ! When do you plan to achieve this one?
. . . at present, Master Milo, at present . . .
I just have to paint those “hard things” like barrels, jugs, boxes, additional accessories and so on.
Very toilsome, I can tell you . . .
You don´t know that citizen??????? Have a look here: [mith]M449[/mith]