Beorn’ s Hall

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  • #29333
      Thingol wrote:
      Thingol wrote:
      Magnificent idea Master Milo…. this hall will be great… I’m sure !

      … an yes you look “:D = Milo” better ;)

      Twice thanks !


        Hm … you can spare a lot of paint and brushes, Milo, trying it this way. Have you ever tried to add colours to a straw? – It doesn’t cover the surface but runs down incontrollably, so you have to repaint, etc. – The surface is too smooth for that. And by the way, I always like to use natural material, as then you don’t have to immitate it, just give it a final finish.


          Looks fantastic Milo, a great interpretation of the picture by Prof. T ;). How does it look with figures in it? Given the perceived length from the photo, they won’t get lost will they? Sometimes a fine balance between artistic licence and ‘reality’ has to be considered.

          Regarding the roof, unless thatch is mentioned in The Hobbit, have you considered a turf roof which may be easier to ‘scale’ than thatch :).

          Anyhow, can’t wait to see what you end up with ;)

          p.s. my trip to the dentist today will eventually cost me £200+ and a gold cap (so I must keep away from the cut-purses around the back of the Pony :lol:). Maybe not as painful in the mouth (yet!), but painful in the wallet :/

            ddaines wrote:
            Looks fantastic Milo, a great interpretation of the picture by Prof. T ;).

            Thanks David.:)

            ddaines wrote:
            How does it look with figures in it? Given the perceived length from the photo, they won’t get lost will they? Sometimes a fine balance between artistic licence and ‘reality’ has to be considered.

            Agreed. This is exactly what I intended. I defined scale the following way :
            – using mithril [mith]M85[/mith] x2 for pylons’ height
            – using [mith]M122[/mith] table + [mith]M122[/mith] stool + [mith]M113[/mith] stool for top cross bar’s length
            – using [mith]M122[/mith] table for spacing between 2 pilons
            – using [mith]M122[/mith] table x4 for floor’s length before fire place
            – using [mith]M122[/mith] table for fireplace size
            – using sleeping men [mith]CH25B[/mith] & [mith]CH28B[/mith] for floor sides depth (a human kind is supposed to be able to sleep there).

            I haven’t any pics yet with all minis as most are still in blisters & unassembled

            ddaines wrote:
            Regarding the roof, unless thatch is mentioned in The Hobbit, have you considered a turf roof which may be easier to ‘scale’ than thatch :).

            My mind tells me it is thatch but maybe I’m wrong. I should check the book as always.

            ddaines wrote:
            Anyhow, can’t wait to see what you end up with ;)

            There I have to say I am not very fast. :/

            ddaines wrote:
            p.s. my trip to the dentist today will eventually cost me £200+ and a gold cap (so I must keep away from the cut-purses around the back of the Pony :lol:). Maybe not as painful in the mouth (yet!), but painful in the wallet :/

            Ouch :(


              Dear Master Milo, I want to encorage you to keep going in this project! trully looks amazing!!!

              Master Theobald give you a great suggestion (probably the best one), by my side only give you some more alternatives to use with your roof, I prefer show you with photos:

              synthetic material (like plush toys)

              [imgz url=][/imgz]


              [imgz url=][/imgz]


                Thanks for the advice. I am also convinced by Master ent technique which I used for the wodmeen house (with not enough stuff as mastrr maenas pointed out ;) ).
                This project has been asleep for 2 years…too long, L agree I shall take it out from my attic and start painting miniatures. :)

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