Last night I managed to finish this year’s Christmas figure. First of all I’d like to say that I like that Imrahil-version very much. Very nice in pose and details. Assembly was easy enough for my unskilled fingers. Antique finish is no problem at all.
BUT: Well, either my eyes have become worse in all those years or I have become too critical after I complained about the new Galadriel figure recently.
I post some pics to show you what I mean. From my point of view something has run out of size or scale. What do you think?
Last night I managed to finish this year’s Christmas figure. First of all I’d like to say that I like that Imrahil-version very much. Very nice in pose and details. Assembly was easy enough for my unskilled fingers. Antique finish is no problem at all.
BUT: Well, either my eyes have become worse in all those years or I have become too critical after I complained about the new Galadriel figure recently.
I post some pics to show you what I mean. From my point of view something has run out of size or scale. What do you think?
Great figure indeed. I did not buy it yet… I will next year arround my birthday.. I have one question… did you make antique finish before or after assembling ?
Figure looks smaller on this picture but I cannot be sure if it is because of focus or only because of smaller base… or in company in new business policy they need to make miniatures under the condition of metal supplies reduction !