Dol Amroth Colors
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › Dol Amroth Colors
- This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by ddaines.
November 14, 2009 at 3:01 am #439
Can anyone help me with Dol Amroth colors (for the people, horses, and clothing/emblems)? I’m getting ready to paint Imrahil.
Here’s what I know of so far from reading:
-Dark haired people with grey eyes
-Rode gray horses
-Emblem is silver swan on blue backgroundThat’s really all I can find.
Also, I see lots of people who paint them with blue and white cloth – so I assume this must be written somewhere.
November 14, 2009 at 3:01 am #7816Can anyone help me with Dol Amroth colors (for the people, horses, and clothing/emblems)? I’m getting ready to paint Imrahil.
Here’s what I know of so far from reading:
-Dark haired people with grey eyes
-Rode gray horses
-Emblem is silver swan on blue backgroundThat’s really all I can find.
Also, I see lots of people who paint them with blue and white cloth – so I assume this must be written somewhere.
November 14, 2009 at 5:09 am #7818The “blue and white” is sort of implied by the description of the flag, if memory serves – sea blue flag, white swan/ship.
So its just applied to the tabard. (Historically speaking, brightly coloured tabards are not out of the question at all. So the blue and white over mail “works”) But I can’t find any reference to any cloth colour. Blue is pure assumption.
Beyond that, how about a pale sea grey? Dunedain colours tend to be grey, blue, black and silver (with the occassional white) Perhaps grey cloth with a darker outline around the swan, picked out in white? (Or at least, don’t highlight directly around the swan, leave the original base colour showing?) I am totally spoofing here, and haven’t tried it, but a pale blue grey that becomes sky grey at the end?
Interestingly enough Tolkien used the world “gilded” to refer to the banner – does he mean “gilded” as in shiny or “gilded as in” covered in gold. Maybe there’s golden thread on the banner?
Another possibility that the Knights are dressed much as the Citadel Guards, and thus in black and silver, only with distinctive helms of Dol Amroth and the distinctive swan device.
November 14, 2009 at 6:02 am #7819Thanks! I swear, I think I will keep posting random Tolkien questions just to read your answers and build my knowledge!
Just kidding – I wouldn’t do that to you – but still, you’re quite the studied Tolkienite!
Good ideas.
November 14, 2009 at 3:38 pm #7830That’s what I’m here for.
May as well put a brain full of half remembered Tolkien and MERP lore to some use.
And, frankly, actively searching out information helps me remember things.
November 15, 2009 at 6:32 pm #7862Yes, he is the expert on Merp matters as far as I am concerned.
November 15, 2009 at 10:49 pm #7876George, having painted 15 of the b****y knights on horse, all of a uniform blue (with reversed colours for a couple), riding grey horses and sat on blue saddles, you might find this repitition a tad monotonous.
Why not adapt Gavin’s idea and perhaps mix some colours just to add a bit of variety, but maybe link them with a common colour or paint a white swan on their surcoat (or whatever the thing is called).
Visually this may look more pleasing to the eye.
And while we are on Questions – any ideas on what design might be found on a Gondorian ships main sail?
one reference seems to be the white tree and stars on black, any other ideas?
November 15, 2009 at 11:10 pm #7878Ahem … I do remember well how you painted that MX-Imrahil, Master Ddaines.
So you’re still thinking about a Gondorian vessel? My suggestion for a captain on the GF-board didn’t meet the interest of other collectors twice. He would have known about shape and design of the main sail. First Shipking of Gondor he was called.November 16, 2009 at 7:46 pm #7884Theobald wrote:Ahem … I do remember well how you painted that MX-Imrahil, Master Ddaines.
So you’re still thinking about a Gondorian vessel? My suggestion for a captain on the GF-board didn’t meet the interest of other collectors twice. He would have known about shape and design of the main sail. First Shipking of Gondor he was called.Actually I was not including that MX Imrahil (due to a foggy memory
) – he was a pleasure to paint being on his own-some so to speak, it was the labour of the diorama which tested my patience sorely especially working to the original deadline.
The ship I have in mind would be at the time of the War of the Ring or thereabouts, it is built but needs some painting ready for the crew to embark along with the Marines
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › Dol Amroth Colors