just for fun

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  • #478

      As I like and also enjoyed the idea of having fun with mithrils I might be the first here to open this thread. Master Tubb went at his best in sculpting the UP-vignette, because he likes such scenes (remember the old Prancing Pony series). So I enjoyed it very much, indeed.
      As for some kind of humour I would like to add to the scenery a drunkenly, sleeping Elf (antique-finish, of course)

      [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_mx535elf_1.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_mx535elf_1.jpg[/imgz]


        As I like and also enjoyed the idea of having fun with mithrils I might be the first here to open this thread. Master Tubb went at his best in sculpting the UP-vignette, because he likes such scenes (remember the old Prancing Pony series). So I enjoyed it very much, indeed.
        As for some kind of humour I would like to add to the scenery a drunkenly, sleeping Elf (antique-finish, of course)

        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_mx535elf_1.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_mx535elf_1.jpg[/imgz]


          I think I know this elf???
          He comes in a set of 3 if I’m not wrong….


            Now seriously asking … does anyone know this figure … ?

            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_sleeping_elf_3.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_sleeping_elf_3.jpg[/imgz]

            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_sleeping_elf_2.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_sleeping_elf_2.jpg[/imgz]

            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_sleeping_elf_1.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_sleeping_elf_1.jpg[/imgz]

            I bought it about two or three years ago just by coincidence and I do not know what it is. It was called “sleeping Elf” by the one who sold it. It is casted in lead and still seems to have a genuine ‘antique finish’. There also is a sub-reference under the figure, reading CH 25 B and another sign I cannot read (could be a number).
            The sculpting of the plate&mail armour reminds me very much of those of the “Last Alliance” figures by Chris Tubb.
            So, can anybody help me please with identifying that figure?


              Thank you Holger, … but which set and from which company? Can you remember?


                Not 100% sure, but I blieve it is from PA recognising the CH reference number aswell. I got the elf girl from PA.
                I will look it up Master Ent.


                  There we go…
                  Not a elf at all. It is from PA still available and called Armoured Cleric (3 poses).
                  [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/6_ch25b.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/6_ch25b.jpg[/imgz]

                  They don’t come in antique finish, but to do that yourself is not to hard eighter.


                    That’s what I would like to call quick and reliable information, Master Caster.
                    Thank you very much indeed. :)


                      You are very welcome.
                      Only very rarely you have the chance to be able to provide information for the Wisest of the Ents!:cool:


                        Huoommm … come on down, please – I really do not like that adjective Master Gildor added to my name in here when he installed this site on this internet-thing, as I am not wise at all … not at all … so, how can I be wiser or wisest than “not at all” ? … 0 + 0 = 0 right?
                        All this did not amuse me. I never wanted to be a tree on a pedestal, never (just imagine).
                        So again it’s up to me to change things into sth better. I will alter that “wisest of Ents”-thing Gildor invented in a few minutes … and he will not interfere … rhuoommm … though he’s the only one, except me who could change it ….
                        From now on I would rather prefer to be called talkative rather more than wise …. some barkeep gave me that adjective a long time ago … rhuoommm … if I remember well …


                          How about “Talkiest of the Ents”


                            see… I can do that tree-changin-name-thing, so to say … rhuoommm …
                            but what do you mean with “talkiest”, Master shadyt?
                            Ahh, I know, you’re used to talk with trees once you’re enjoying being inside a forest alone and talk to trees, right? … huoommm … let me guess that there were just a few answers … if any …
                            in case you don’t believe me, go back and listen again :)


                              But this server said he didn’t allow me to use an avatar as the pic I chose was too large … though I tried to re-large it … huoomm
                              So, that doesn’t matter very much to me tree … I just thought of the “avatar” I had in the very old MMP and which was provided by Master Axe99? without letting me know … if I’m right …
                              anyway … I’ll find out about these matters …


                                Very talkative this tree isn’t he?
                                And very wise he is too!:lol:
                                If you call a cat a dog its still a cat! Some might wonder what funny dog that is till they have a closer look. I had a closer look!;)


                                  ey, Master Caster, I just called mine two cats a dog … they were not interested in that at all, they even did not react … not even were interested in having a look at this screen here … alas …
                                  so I’ll try to be patient and feed them further on … one is called ‘Hajopai’ the older one simply is called ‘Tiger’, which meets well with Theobald if you remember Kurt Tucholsky … 😆


                                    So you think I should change the adjective again … or even cancel that ? …
                                    huoommm, then it will be Ent … rhuoomm … I’ll have to consider that … ;)

                                    MMP Elder

                                      mmhh well those CH figurines are very old… I possess some they look cool and I think mister Tubb had some parts in their making… the tree poses consist in Roleplay pose, Fighting pose, dying pose…

                                      well talking ent you say… isn’t that a bit of an “oxymore”? but well you are a most special Ent indeed master tree :)

                                      still, I feel like it is me, lying on the floor in this UP scene lol… desperatly need some sleep


                                        This elf is to drunk to enjoy in “Unexpected party” 😆:D it looks dead from to much beer… but it’s perfectly fit to new ideas for May 2010… on GF Forum 😎


                                          Ah, I remember this thread again … just for fun … I called it.
                                          Do you know that Bag’s End is about being to be finished next autumn?
                                          see …

                                          [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_image001.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_image001.jpg[/imgz]

                                          [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_image011.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_image011.jpg[/imgz]

                                          [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_image010.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_image010.jpg[/imgz]

                                          [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_image012.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_image012.jpg[/imgz]

                                          … though some massive work still has to be done … 😆


                                            That looks waful big for a Hobbit house. :/

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