Mithril and the Fellowships Chronology
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Mithril and the Fellowships Chronology
- This topic has 405 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Mornedhel.
September 20, 2018 at 2:41 pm #37404
He can do the Masters and I can do the rest to save time!
September 21, 2018 at 1:20 pm #37408I re-read all the last pages of this thread today and now will not comment on this matter any more, as I before have just politely tried to point out my thoughts here in public and found a lot of interesting response. Thank you for that, gentlemen. But after I now had to learn that obviously “Mithril” is not about to consider any well-meant positive criticism for at least trying to slightly change just a little bit of the last desastrous development (indeed I just had a very close look at the “new website”) I decided not to pester you, being present here on MMP, any more with my anger, as you are the wrong addressees. And obviously there’s no-one you can directly contact in the company, as it once was. And for me that’s it.
September 21, 2018 at 4:36 pm #37410Very sad to hear that Wisest of Ents!
September 21, 2018 at 9:29 pm #37412Theobald wrote:But after I now had to learn that obviously “Mithril” is not about to consider any well-meant positive criticism for at least trying to slightly change just a little bit of the last desastrous development (indeed I just had a very close look at the “new website”) I decided not to pester you, being present here on MMP, any more with my anger, as you are the wrong addressees.May I ask what it was that you learned that shows Mithril will not consider any criticism?
September 26, 2018 at 5:30 pm #37414This does not make happy reading, on my return!
September 26, 2018 at 7:08 pm #37415What Master Barliman? What dont u like?
September 26, 2018 at 7:27 pm #37416Master Theobald’s comments of course, Master H.
September 26, 2018 at 8:28 pm #37417Ok, first, welcome back Master Barliman. I hope you had a good time!
Oh and sorry, no it didn’t make me happy either reading this comment of the Ent …September 29, 2018 at 9:17 am #37419Houm… I did not been it the pony for a while but I see I did not miss anything… Barliman was on vacation with mrs. B. and Nob’s probably slept in the attic… now it right time to drink something… Please Master innkeeper can I order one beer and my second breakfast….
September 29, 2018 at 11:04 am #37421Coming up. Actually, that can also be said of some of my worst ale after its’s been drunk.
September 29, 2018 at 12:31 pm #37422Hi
The chronology has not been updated for a year now
If I can help?September 29, 2018 at 10:26 pm #37424oh well, yes please if you can help me figure out the missing info since I last updated it… I admit I wanted to do it, and then… this new awful mithril official site, I can’t seem to find any pertinent info when I look for any.
If you can provide me with the missing info (well you can clearly see what is missing: months, person who suggested it, release order and reference number when released
) and send it to me, I will gladly update the original post with page setting and all the links !you can send it in email if you want
edit : I managed to get some info by myself, but I still lack capital info : release order… if you can help me with that
October 3, 2018 at 1:54 pm #37429[mith]MZ651[/mith] & [mith]MZ661[/mith] added in database.
October 3, 2018 at 8:12 pm #37430…. persistent and accurate! Merci
November 14, 2018 at 7:26 am #37474[mith]MZ657[/mith] and [mith]MZ658[/mith] added in MMP database
November 21, 2018 at 9:32 am #37481[mith]MZ654[/mith] and [mith]MZ656[/mith] added in MMP database
February 16, 2019 at 10:59 am #37603[mith]Chr2018[/mith], [mith]MZ655[/mith] and [mith]MZ660[/mith] added in MMP database
Master Gildor, there is a small problem on Chr2018 image display (case sensitive issue on Ref I guess). I also need un update for Years table (you should allow up to 2021 now)
February 16, 2019 at 1:07 pm #37604Dear Milo, first of all let me thank you for taking care of the database that thoroughly for years by now. You do an excellent job there.
Well, I use to check the database from time to time and the last time I did that, there came up some questions and I want you to check the MZ654 (mounted Dunedain) and the MZ651 (Dwarven scribe) again because of the number of parts you provided in the description.
– I think the parts of the ranger are different: 1. ranger+horse 2. right arm with falcon 3.and4. two legs = 4 parts
– With the Dwarf there are more than just 3 parts: 1. base 2. desk 3. Dwarf 4.and 5. two arms 6.and 7. two legs of the stool 8. candle = 8 parts altogether
Ooops I just came across that Galadriel-Christmas figure: 4 parts is correct again, but the parts are: 1.Figure,horse and base 2. right arm with sword 3.and4. two legs = 4 parts — By the way, the inscription below the base reads “Galadriel at Dol Guldur”
You know that all this is no criticism, my dear friend
February 16, 2019 at 2:20 pm #37607Yes, grand job as ever Master Milo. You emain just about the most committed member of our seemingly shrinking community, and certainly the least negligent! Myself, I seem to spend less and less time here. Age and illness, alas.
February 16, 2019 at 2:39 pm #37608Thanks a lot for the highlights master Ent, I have corrected the mistakes.
I shall now focus on 2018 estimates updates.and thx also for your kind words both of you.:cool:
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Mithril and the Fellowships Chronology