I thought I’d just pop in to say that now I’ve had time to explore this new place, what a ‘gem’ it is. I find posting images a simple matter – no awkwardness, just straight forward browse, select, cut and paste. A lot easier.
The threads are easy to use (I think) although there are still many dark corners to explore, and fairly self-explanatory.
Overall I think this new site has surpassed the old MMP site, for the right reasons I might add Mithrandir Illuvatar bless ‘im wherever he is brought us a cosy platform and this has now added to the pleasure.
A bit like the story of Gandalf – Gandalf the Grey was the old man we all knew and loved but passed on, Gandalf the White was returned and took the fight on (pure poetry I know :cool:) so has MMP evolved from the Grey to the White.
So well done Gildor. A job well done although your duty does not end with the passing of the Elves otherwise someone else will have to run the site!!!
Keep up the good work.