My Mithril museum dream…

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Mathom House of Michel Delving My Mithril museum dream…

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  • #735
    MMP Elder

      Today I took some pics out of my glasscases and I wanted to share them here as I have no other mean to share this place physically with you all, maybe a “virtual tour” will be better than nothing.

      I have had the project of holding a gallery, mesueum for Mithril for years , gathering all the rarities I could to display them and show them to all my guests…

      So here is the beginning , which I consider my personnal “Hall of Fame” and I hope you’ll enjoy it.

      [imgz url=][/imgz][imgz url=][/imgz][imgz url=][/imgz]

      I will try to make other pictures from other parts of my glasscase later… maybe with special tools… as I organize all my figurines by released series by size (54mm or 32mm) by vignettes or big scenes…

      I am no diorama builder though but well, that’s something different.

      MMP Elder

        Today I took some pics out of my glasscases and I wanted to share them here as I have no other mean to share this place physically with you all, maybe a “virtual tour” will be better than nothing.

        I have had the project of holding a gallery, mesueum for Mithril for years , gathering all the rarities I could to display them and show them to all my guests…

        So here is the beginning , which I consider my personnal “Hall of Fame” and I hope you’ll enjoy it.

        [imgz url=][/imgz][imgz url=][/imgz][imgz url=][/imgz]

        I will try to make other pictures from other parts of my glasscase later… maybe with special tools… as I organize all my figurines by released series by size (54mm or 32mm) by vignettes or big scenes…

        I am no diorama builder though but well, that’s something different.


          Wow, this is more than a museum visit. You show us treasures !
          Legolas must be happy to have joined this glass cabinet :D


            …. no comment ! :) :) :) :) :)


              Hm … yes indeed, but where are my pictures … maybe I simply forgot about them.



                Fabrice JACOB

                  J’ai un rêve !
                  Cher Gildor,
                  quelle chance cela serait de pouvoir bénéficier de toutes ces beautés lors de l’exposition Mithril 2021 à Nantes/Couëron !
                  Je me chargerais d’y ajouter la ME 2 et nous pourrions présenter pour la toute première fois au monde, toutes les raretés Mithril en un seul et unique lieu ! Cela serait vraiment formidable, et une sorte de récompense Post Covid je l’espère, pour le micromonde de collectionneurs Mithril.
                  Qu’en penses-vous ?

                  I have a dream !
                  Dear Gildor,
                  what luck it would be to be able to benefit from all these beauties during the Mithril 2021 exhibition in Nantes / Couëron!
                  I would add the ME 2 to it and we could present for the very first time in the world, all the Mithril rarities in one and only place! That would be really great, and some sort of Post Covid reward I hope, for the microworld of Mithril collectors.
                  What do you think?

                  MMP Elder

                    Hello there everybody, Hello there Fabrice

                    I have had this dream of a museum, of an exposition, for years .. I shared this with Jacques Philippe back in the days.
                    At the moment, all of my collection has been in storage boxes for almost a year, in a 30m² appartment I am about to leave… more than one year and a half later my situation hasnt changed and well maybe it will in 2021 but not before I’m afraid…

                    I am still buying eveyrhint mithil sells, well… I suppose so, I just store everything I receive in boxes, not even trying to check if i missed a shipping or opportunity. My view is not what it was I cannot focus on figurines anymore and thus unable to paint anything for more than a year .
                    I don’t need to be reminded of the ME2 I think. i gave up quite some time ago, but as sad as it may be me, my passion, my investment, and my motivation concerning mithril, and also faith and trust in Prince August, has dwindled and almost totally disappeared since those events…. I don’t give up “hope” to find “faith” again in this hobby… but i don’t have any and haven’t had any for quite some time now… Maybe it would be time to pass along things to people more passionate than I am… besides… I drastically need the money at the moment I think….

                    Sorry to say that gentlemen…

                    Sam Wise

                      Master Gildor, you don’t have to be sorry if you express your opinion and personal feeling !
                      Master Fabrice (like maybe some other “Masters” ), “up”something that exists for some Mithril collectors.
                      I’ve read recently on the Mithril forum some points of view which are in this way of thoughts ( arghh ! english is not easy enough for me to say what I would like to say!). The last example is the new figures of the new “The Hobbit” box but not only.
                      For me, Master Gildor, I’m more annoyed with your personal situation that with the questions about Mithril.
                      I don’t know what I could do for you (nothing I guess) but you can be sure that you have all my empathy (and sympathy).


                        Hi gentlemen,

                        I would be glad to provide any support on both matters:
                        – Master Gildor, please let me know if I can be of any support IRL, as you know, we are almost neighbours.
                        – Master Fabrice, you have my full support. I only miss few prototypes so it may be good time to move our assets in the same place.

                        MMP Elder

                          well master Milo, if you know of good judges, or good notaries who would allow me to get out of this mess without loosing so much money in it… well notaries most of all, as I’d really like to know how much all this procedure will cost me and no way to find out yet after almost 2 years… with some hope at the end of the road who knows i could afford an ME2… if I manage to find another one…

                          (let’s try to be optimistic)

                          in the meantime, I’ll give thoughts about this idea, as i would really like such an event to happen…


                            PM sent

                            Fabrice JACOB

                              Bonjour messieurs,

                              Demain aura lieu l’assemblée générale 2019/2020 des Chevaliers du Centaure. A cette occasion, il sera évoqué le prochain Open de l’Ouest de la figurines. A chaque édition, il y a un invité d’honneur, cela peut-être un célèbre peintre ou un sculpteur de figurines.
                              Vous voyez où je veux en venir…
                              Si Pietro Balloni, peintre officiel de la marque de figurines Pégaso, qui était l’invité d’honneur de l’édition 2020 avortée, ne peut pas venir pour la prochaine édition, je proposerai le nom de Chris Tubb !

                              J’ai un rêve Gildor, celui de réunir sur Nantes, la plus grande collection de figurines Mithril de tous les temps, en compagnie de son créateur et de ses plus fidèles collectionneurs ! Il ne tient qu’à nous de transformer ce rêve en réalité !

                              Hello gentlemen,
                              tomorrow the 2019/2020 General Assembly of the Knights of the Centaur will take place.
                              On this occasion, the next Western Open for figurines will be mentioned. At each edition, there is a guest of honor, perhaps a famous painter or a sculptor of figurines.
                              You see where I am coming from …
                              If Pietro Balloni, official painter of the Pégaso figurine brand, who was the guest of honor of the aborted 2020 edition, cannot come for the next edition, I will propose the name ofChris Tubb !

                              I have a dream Gildor, to bring together in Nantes, the largest collection of Mithril figurines of all time in the company of its creator and its most loyal collectors !
                              It’s up to us to make this dream come true !

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                            MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Mathom House of Michel Delving My Mithril museum dream…