this confrms some of what Chris told me in private… he has taken into his own hands many mithril futur plans …. both strategic/marketing with partnerships but also about regular releases and series…
the suggestion/vote for mithril is not at an end but they plan to do a “static” Mithril-decided release related to the Hobbit movie release I think…
Besides, the fiasco that happened about first suggestion/vote for regular due to Mithril logistics may not have pleased him and he wants to address the problem…
Er, … let’s just hope that plans will arrive in the moulds to become real. – – i.e. “doing some more larger Hobbit vignettes, like the Unexpected Party” … if you know what I mean … Master Thingol, the place for rumours is in that Prancing Pony place
Er, … let’s just hope that plans will arrive in the moulds to become real. – – i.e. “doing some more larger Hobbit vignettes, like the Unexpected Party” … if you know what I mean … Master Thingol, the place for rumours is in that Prancing Pony place