It’s finally done! Some might remember that a long while ago, I posted about converting a Grenadier Chaos Giant into a Balrog by adding GW bloodthirster wings, balrog back flame, and sculpting flames for the arms and legs. Well, he’s finally all painted up! Some of the pics are with a flash, with the colors more washed out but showing greater detail. The ones without a flash have a little more “atmosphere”, but aren’t as cleanly focused. The orcs were painted for me by Wendy a few years ago. Enjoy!
It’s finally done! Some might remember that a long while ago, I posted about converting a Grenadier Chaos Giant into a Balrog by adding GW bloodthirster wings, balrog back flame, and sculpting flames for the arms and legs. Well, he’s finally all painted up! Some of the pics are with a flash, with the colors more washed out but showing greater detail. The ones without a flash have a little more “atmosphere”, but aren’t as cleanly focused. The orcs were painted for me by Wendy a few years ago. Enjoy!
As a point of interest there was a very intersting post on a modelling forum called the clubhouse about painting fire/flames, and it states that the ‘white’ heat should actually be at the source of the heat gradually darkening as it spreads out. It was not something I had considered before (nor if I was to be honest do I care as long as the result looks good), but for those yet to paint their Balrogs or any other flame effect, you may wsnt to think about it.
You know, that’s a good point about fire. I thought about it for the sword, in relation to hot metal, but didn’t even cross my mind to do that with the flames. I wonder how that would look painted up? Where’s the oven cleaner? Time to strip him down and start over! (kidding!) I’ll try that NEXT time.
mmh, what is it? Grenadier . . . Chaos . . . ? Are they producing miniatures as well . . . ????
Well, let me say something about the orcs. Quiet interesting, I must say that, is the colour scheme.
Skinny orcs ! Very interesting indeed, presto! I should try to give an orc this colour-line also.
I need further time to make my mind up concerning this converted-“thing”