Option for supporting Mithril
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › Option for supporting Mithril
- This topic has 92 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 3 months ago by Tolwen.
November 24, 2010 at 1:24 pm #13451
This is as you said Master Estel, a most impressing paintjob! I’m happy to see the details of my figures with a magnifying glass. Let alone try to paint them without it! I bet none of his brushes are larger then 0000.:cool:
Ahem Master Estel, nobody deletes post anymore….
November 24, 2010 at 1:55 pm #13452Just ignore the cry babies…. :rolleyes:
You know better!A lot of talk and no foundation….. (sticks and stones may hurt my bones. but words will never hurt me!)
November 24, 2010 at 3:46 pm #13455Well this is a interesting discussion started by you, Master Arthadan. And I am afraid of agreeing to more facts you pointed out than I would like . . .
I am very critical about mithril. In general, especially at the moment. I “refresh” lots of my “old” mithril figures ( because there are no new ones . . .)
and have to experienced ( once more ) how much detailed those figures are.
Example: Compare the sword scabbard of the [mith]M4[/mith] with that one of the [mith]MS554[/mith] and don´t forget Eowyn is a fellowship figure for the current price.
There are a lot of miniatures out there which seems to be better than mithril. But to be honest: you have to love mithril, and I certainly do.Estel, your example is overfantastic. Are you sure it isn´t 54mm . . .
We are all fumblers.November 24, 2010 at 6:12 pm #13459though the discussion is interesting and many points are relevant… the title of this thread does not match a lot with its content you will admit…
judging on the design of the figurines is a “luxury” we could really afford, and that Chris could afford to hear too, if Mithril was widespread at least A BIT…
the main problem we face at the VERY moment is not AT ALL an artistic one…..
one thing at a time
November 24, 2010 at 11:16 pm #13475I respectfully disagree, Master Elf. We are speaking about how could Mithril increase the sales and I think in this industry the design is one of the keys (even more so than publicity, in my opinion).
November 25, 2010 at 4:31 pm #13484Chris Tubb does not only work for Mithril…
and changing the way someone “creates” is the last thing I would try…
Still those changes could be submitted to CHRIS, but in no way to Mithril … Chris is the sole responsible of his artistic decisions, Mithril has absolutly nothing to say about such things… so your arguments are good ones, for the person that is Chris… but not for Mithril
November 25, 2010 at 5:59 pm #13490Do you know whose are those other companies Master Gildor… it will be interesting to see others pieces of Chris sculpting works
November 25, 2010 at 6:13 pm #13491or has sculpting worked…
I don’t know the names as he does not want to reveal them, but I have some pics…
he worked for Grenadier… he indeed works for the other PA ranges (Edman collection) and for his own brand Phaeton…
I wonder if he worked for Pegaso at one time… though I doubt so, but I have pictures of many 54mm he has done… his skill/art in 54mm is quite different than in 32mm…
still he has never worked a lit with texturing but modelling, thus all surfaces being smooth … and the “pelts” or “furs” or other textured aspects are not in his art…it may be by choice, or by lack of skill… still he has done so for ALL his work, not only Mithril…
November 25, 2010 at 7:34 pm #13493Huoomm … our dear Elf has become emotional again, and he does have every reason for that, meseems.
As for you, Mr Arthadan, you’re wise, of course.
You have your position about how to visualize RR Tolkien’s writings in terms of metal miniatures.
So do I have.
What I read of your criticism leaves me a picture of someone, holding Tolkien’s Books in one hand and waving around with the other one complaining. So let it be.
I do value your wise judgement about sculpting and your advice how to read RR Tolkien’s books more thouroughly, than we did before.
As for the Mithril-figures I would like to suggest to you, that you, as always, might choose yourself what to buy and where. If certain characters of RR Tolkin’s Books are better sculpted elsewhere, so buy them there. Who cares? But why hassle here with that?
I’m a collector of Mithril Miniatures.
With this there’s no harm intended.November 25, 2010 at 7:39 pm #13494well I admit, I am in no mood for great discussion at the time I am not very objective … I have other things to attend, besides, I’ll wait for Lars answers to my email before taking any further step in mithril promotion…
I have spent enough time in this to carry on doing so without any reply from the other side… if nothing is done, well I’ll pass to other things and attend other more important matters at hand… I have neglected my own problems for too long…
November 25, 2010 at 8:57 pm #13496HUooooôommnn … rhuomm … mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm … ô …. rhrrrrrmmmm …. ?
HUommm … take a rest, that means, Master Gildor.
I think I responded with my last entry according to your idea of keeping up Mithril.
good n8t … rhuoommmNovember 25, 2010 at 10:01 pm #13499Data point: the last MERP release was in 1997.
The vampire chick came out about five years before that.
Most plate armoured Mithril figures are high elves or Numenorean lords. Both are, in the MERP interpretation, using higher, better technology. You can quite easily argue that a second age army be better equipped than a third age one.
MERP had plate armour…probably because it never occurred to anyone that there would not be such a thing during the Third Age. The various secondary material – the Letters, the Unfinished Tales and so forth came into publication after MERP had been going for years. MERP had rules for plate and whatever else because Dungeons and Dragons did. Later authors did a lot of work to undo the early damage, and had MERP continued, I suspect we would have seen the creation of a far more “accurate” iteration of MERP. It would probably have looked a lot like the Decipher RPG, mind.
As for Master Tolwen, soon as I get out from under this avalanche of stuff to do – making a movie, setting up an art show, painting up figures for a D&D game and probably knocking out a few D&D commercial adventures, I am going to do something for Other Minds. It’s just that things are a bit…overwhelming…this year.
Though I’ll be painting Mithrils again come next week.
November 25, 2010 at 10:08 pm #13500Theobald wrote:I’m a collector of Mithril Miniatures.
With this there’s no harm intended.No harm taken, Master Tree. I am a collector of Mithril miniatures too, since the very begining of the company. However, I have a very defined (perhaps strict?) criterion and I don’t like one and every release.
We were speaking about how to improve sales and I thought that ‘updating’ the style could be a good option. Nothing further from my intention than arguing. Sorry if I have upset someone.
November 25, 2010 at 10:46 pm #13502I agree with you Arthadan on the fact all options for improving should be taken into consideration…
BUT, all things considered, I think Chris has done a LOT to help promote his own creations, and is trying the best to promote them himself, and to adapt to OUR desires, maybe not in terms of style but in terms of Ideas, which is as much important for me…
Now, what has MITHRIL, as a company, owned by Lars, not by Chris, well what has Mithril(tm) or better … Prince August done?Ireland is in an economical crisis at the moment, this won’t help Mithril at all, but you can’t expect me to believe that a man, who can afford to run as much as four or five (maybe more) separate businesses under different companies… does not make benefits… I am not a manager, or financial expert, but you can’t diversify and create more and more companies if your current ones do not generate enough benefits to be injected into new projects….. unless mister Edman is a billionaire who spends his own personal money in dangerous projects without risk audit…
I know, it is SLIGHTLY off-topic but my point is… It’s time for MITHRIL to act, not for Chris, and as Chris said me, Mithril has absolutly no decision on anything reguarding design department of mithril, he is free to do as he sees fit, and that’s part of his contract… He can’t be said by Mithril (but he could, by us…) to change his design skills… and adapt
its my firm conviction, that, though you are true on very relevant points (mainly furs , feathers on eagles etc etc) it’s not the turn to ask things out of Chris… but out of Lars…
step by step, things can then evolve…
November 25, 2010 at 11:35 pm #13503Gavin wrote:Most plate armoured Mithril figures are high elves or Numenorean lords. Both are, in the MERP interpretation, using higher, better technology. You can quite easily argue that a second age army be better equipped than a third age one.I also thought this back then. Having a closer look at the sources (whether licensed for Mithril or not) shows you that there is ample evidence for mail (and a bit scale) armour over the course of three ages, but none – even for the great Elven or Númenórean lords and warriors from either the First or Second Age – for anything even remotely comparable to the typical late-medieval full suit of plate that we find so often in Mithril minis (e.g. Last Alliance series) – and MERP supplements unfortunately as well.
On top of that, for one main protagonist – Gil-galad – we even have positive evidence (in a licensed source!) that he used mail armour. That fits nicely into Tolkien’s scheme of technology of course but unfortunately not into Chris’ vision of him
I understand the need to sculpt minis differently to make them recognizable as unique of course (therefore drawing heavy artistic license), but as a Tolkien fan this is an annoyance to me (at least sometimes
) and also a hurdle to buy such minis.
I also would have loved to see regular differences in size. Now most human and elven minis are about the same height. It would have been perfect to make all the Elven and Númenórean lords bigger as well to show their distinctiveness. As an example, if the 32mm represents the average height of a man (e.g. 1,75m) then I would expect the average Númenórean character (ca. 1,95m) to be at around 35 to 36mm. Exceptionally tall characters like Elendil then should even be about 40mm. IMO that would be a great way to represent the distinctiveness of these people (rather than doing it with anachronistic and not justifiable equipment).
I havent’t measured closely, but from memory I fear that they (these characters) fit more into the average 32mm (or slightly above average) height.
But beyond all that, we’re quite off-topic right now, so I’ll try to pull it back then
It would be good to have more contributions/answers that relate directly to ideas how Mithril minis (or any other Middle-earth – look-a-likes) can be presented in the magazine
TolwenNovember 26, 2010 at 12:26 am #13504Getting to the point (it’s time, isn’t it?). From a pure role-player gamer perspective, what I find decissive to buy miniatures for my games are:
– They fit the characters playing the adventure. In this line, Mithril’s Middle-eart Characters serie it’s an obvious start point (save for that freaky half-elf/half-orc thing!). Now, people like their characters to stand out from normal rank and file soldiers, so tend to wear some kind of elaborated stuff and a backpack, at least two weapons, a shield… you know, you have to be prepared for the unexpected! Some iconic well-equipped adventurers would be nice to see. They need to be easily recognizable as belonging to one mayor culture/race (here comes my Rohir!) and with more equipment than simple soldiers. Detail and dramatic poses are usually the key to drag the attention of the players.
– Then we need generic foes, starting with most canonical common ones such Orcs, Trolls, Wights, Wraiths, Men of Darkness and Wargs, all of them in a variety of armours and weapons with some champions and leaders to represent the tougher types. In the recent Mirkwood release there are some (personally I dislike these last Trolls, Angmar’s ones were much better but that’s a personal opinion). In the Mithril range there are plenty of those, but in the current releases there aren’t. If Mithril is going to try to seduce the RPG market, a ‘classic’ range of bad guys should be made.
– Finally we need the final antagonist, which usually is something strectching the canon to its limits. Things like the Razarac, the Lesinas, the Orc Shaman… or the fearsome dragon. These tend to be quite adventure-specific, so miniatures need to be interesting themselves to have a wide market (i.e. everybody will buy a barrow-wight if Mithril offer as something new and if he fits exactly the description of the ‘final boss’ of the adventure because the emblem in his shield and the shape of his crown, all the better).
So, as conclusion, I’d begin with the current character series pointed out the accuracy and then moving to the Orc and Trolls in Mirkwood range and the Corsairs. To make it look even better, it could be presented with an adventure in both systems (MERP and CODA) using such miniatures. Working in that line, each new Mithril range could be presented with gaming background information, ready to use stats and some adventure to make it more attractive for the gaming community (as it was Mitril’s strategy back in the day, backing MERP modules with miniatures).
November 26, 2010 at 12:29 am #13505well, I have difficulties separating Tolkien and Mithril and even if I am somehow a purist too, I discovered Mithril AND tolkien books at the same time, and I came to love those elves in PLATE even if I know they are not “canon”, they are beautiful nonetheless in an artistic way…
Indeed I can criticize, but it’s the same as PJ movie…. you may be tolkien purist, did you “boycot” the movie or did you consider it worthwile enough to at least go and watch it for what it was….
well I militate for artistic freedom even knowing it does not match tolkien strict words…
November 26, 2010 at 12:33 am #13506Gildor Inglorion wrote:well I militate for artistic freedom even knowing it does not match tolkien strict words…I personally think there is room for both. Tolkien didn’t describe his characters to the latest detail, so why not picking the details he gave and be creative with all the rest?
November 26, 2010 at 9:46 am #13515maybe because :
– some of Mithril figurines were released prior to the release of some of Tolkien works (as mentionned by Gavin just before) and Mithril has to remain true to… MITHRIL themselves and their lines of products…
– It may be odd, but I hardly can imagine an Isildur in Plate armor from the Last Alliance series… being represented later in chain mail… that would break the continuityfor New characters I agree, but for “remakes” of already released ones that may be a problem.
Indeed I will NEVER understand why “the Arkenstone” MS vignette was made with an AXE to be put upon Thorin’s body, instead of Orcrist…. I agree it is a grave mistake… but nobody’s perfect, and this detail can very easily be solved ….
November 26, 2010 at 10:10 am #13516Don’t we already have a Gil-Galad in mail? (An LR series?)
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › Option for supporting Mithril