Option for supporting Mithril

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Secret Vaults of Angrenost Option for supporting Mithril

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      No, LR10 is is wearing plate. Nice figure, though.

      MMP Elder

        as I said, even if it contradicts Tolkien, Mithril , well Chris in this case, does not want to contradict himself…. It is mainly why the database is so useful to him… he checks the database quite often actually to look at figurines he has done in the past for a given character, and to make the new (same) character using the same basis as the old one…

        Radagast may have been one exception, but not a lot if you look at the M84 (a bit thinner)
        but Isildur, Aragorn, Gandalf, Saruman, Gil-Galad, Legolas… Witch King…. well they all look the same or almost…

        what could be said about the named Nazgul from the LR series then? they ALL are in full plate mail (and very well designed ones!) they are inspired from the only artistic source that could be found concerning named nazgul => Angus McBride pictures

          Gildor Inglorion wrote:
          Indeed I can criticize, but it’s the same as PJ movie…. you may be tolkien purist, did you “boycot” the movie or did you consider it worthwile enough to at least go and watch it for what it was….

          No I did not. But I also tried (and succeeded in) keeping my own image of Middle-earth, keeping the movie stuff in the movie corner where it belongs. As a consequence I did not buy any merchandise stuff. I only “let in” those movie pieces that I deem compatible with the source. I guess that might be the opinion of other Middle-earth fans too. So being offered something with the “Middle-earth” label on it but obviously not the fitting content is frustrating. Therefore I am inclined to look for alternatives that *look* like Middle-earth even if they do not have the official label on it.

          From my experience with producing Middle-earth related RPG supplements (here comes OM again), it’s much better to make a clear cut between the “old” version with many flaws due to its production history and make a fresh start unburdened by it. I did this for my games (and things I write) with the MERP supplements. I take the stuff that measures up to the info provided by Tolkien and that stuff that doesn’t (e.g. where gross mistakes where made) is trashed without any problem in the wink of an eye – even if creates “continuity” problems. IMO it’s better have a clear cut rather than burden yourself with “historic” ballast :)
          An example from another area comes to my mind: I once noticed that Ted Nasmith portrayed Minas Tirith with entirely white walls. Later he had another MT image with the outer first wall in black. Then I noticed that it is said that the outer wall of MT was built from the same material like the jet-black Orthanc. So, I see this as a good example of a Tolkien artist in improving his Midfdle-earth related art when getting input about errors he made (I don’t know whether he noticed it himself or was pointed to it).
          It could even be marketed: “Classic” Mithril design vs. “New” one. Again it’s about communication like in other areas. You might do it either way, but giving a clear (and exhaustive) explanation is good so that the same questions are not asked ever again. If Chris consciously decides to better keep internal consistency rather than faithfulness to the source, it’s perfectly OK for everyone. Then all the others can look elsewhere for products that better match their vision of what Middle-earth figures should look like. But since I thought it was the goal to get more customers it might be worthwile to design them more with a close look on the source. That might help in attracting customers well-versed in the sources looking for Middle-earth related artwork (in the wider sense).

          I always thought that Mithril’s rather close license on the books should produce minis that resemble the info from the books as closely as possible. If this is not done, I find it a bit irritating.


          MMP Elder

            still I think the debate about elves (or men) in plate armor in tolkien universe is a BIG debate, transcending Mithril… it is a well known debate among all mithril communities…

            I consider myself to be quite strict with Tolkien works when it comes to names, places, events and genealogies… but designs… I am not strict at all… and I must admit that respectful or not… Elves like the M239 or M247 or more recently MS462.. are true jewels for me, tolkien or not… I like those plate armored elves…

            One of my favorite (and it took me weeks to paint it, because I took attention to very details) is the LO28, there is chain, and there is mail… not full plate… but really I love this one

              Barliman wrote:
              No, LR10 is is wearing plate. Nice figure, though.

              There’s certainly no doubt about that. For me personally though, I could not make for example a diorama with it (or even simply paint) and label it “Gil-galad”. It is perfect for generic RPG plate-armoured (elven) characters though ;)


              MMP Elder

                I will nevertheless, compile your considerations, and send them to Chris for him to ponder about them….

                could you make a synthesis of all “design” aspects that should be “corrected” … (very synthetic please)

                  Gildor Inglorion wrote:
                  what could be said about the named Nazgul from the LR series then? they ALL are in full plate mail (and very well designed ones!) they are inspired from the only artistic source that could be found concerning named nazgul => Angus McBride pictures

                  An excellent example. That’s the point I tried to make earlier: Only while others have made mistakes (consciously or not), no one is obliged to follow them there in light of more recent knowledge. I have long given up to hold “internal consistency” in secondary works (RPG, minis, whatever else) as an important goal. It’s the source that counts (and what can be drawn from it). As Arthadan said – there are so many white spots – also where minis are concerned (design-wise) – that keeping those few informations that we have all the more important :)

                  Though I guess we have different priorities, which is perfectly OK with me :)



                    I think several versions of the same character can wear different equipment. What about a Boromir, captain of Gondor or a Gandalf lost in the deeps of Goblin-town (no hat, no staf, Glamdring ready to strike). kings and general would quite probably have more than one armour suit, so we could have a Gil-galad, the High King in ornate “parade” armour (or unarmored and sitting on a throne!) and then a Gil-gald in a more “practical” armour.

                    Gildor Inglorion wrote:
                    could you make a synthesis of all “design” aspects that should be “corrected” … (very synthetic please)

                    I’ll make a try (please keep in mind this is just a fast list for you, I’d never address Mr. Tubb like this!):

                    – Accurate designs to Tolkien’s descriptions. If that means breaking flawed continuity, so be it:
                    * No more full plate armours!
                    * Some scale armours.
                    * Haradrim bronze “overlaping plates”.
                    * Height distinction between races (dúnedain and noldor taller than average Men and so)!

                    – Detail:
                    *textures (fur, feathers…).
                    *less stiff clothes (specially cloaks).
                    *more natural poses.
                    *some detailed muscles in warrior types would be nice (i.e. a defined biceps)
                    *more expresive faces.

                    – More “personalization” in miniatures. For example, how many braids, tails or (human) bald figures have we seen? Also, give them something more than the very basic equipment (armour, weapon and here you go). For example, the last Mirkwood serie, dress a Troll with a bear fur, give another one a ponytail and the other one a pendant with a skull.

                    An example of all the above here

                      Arthadan wrote:
                      I’ll make a try (please keep in mind this is just a fast list for you, I’d never address Mr. Tubb like this!): [snip]

                      That sounds like the most important suggestions for me too. Beside the topics already mentioned I also think that taking these points seriously is also economical. We have to face the fact that Mithril minis are quite pricey and will stay that way for some time. In turn I as a customer then also can expect to be served the highest quality not also in workmanship but also fidelity to the source – for a product with the “Middle-earth” label. If I want only generic Fantasy types, I can go elsewhere for much less money. To be honest, personally I am looking quite closely on the match of source vs. mini and therefore am quite reluctant now for a number of minis (for the already mentioned issues) in the Mithril range. So to attract Tolkien aficionados, making the figures as close as possible on the source might be an important step for sales as well.


                      MMP Elder

                        I sent all the comments (with some explanations, and links provided to other figurines examples)
                        I added my own concerns about ThORIN entombed and the Heraldry (I was more than upset about Gil-Galad and Elendil shields in the Sauron vignette actually but well…beside shields, the vignette was superb AND I liked the elf and human kings in plate… )

                        I hope Chris won’t be hurt and answer to such critics and most of all will give an answer between : Mithril will keep true to their old releases to respect continuity, or is ready to enter e “new design age”…

                        this is the main question and one way or another I am ready to accept the answer… but an answer to THIS question is what we need, isn’t it?



                          Thanks Master Elf! I have been concerned for these issues for years and it’s a great new for me to know that Chris is aware of them.


                            He will be, Master Arthadan …

                            MMP Elder

                              I received mail from Chris about all your concerns… the longest mail I have ever received from the Man… he explained and answered every concern…

                              I am waiting for his authorization to broadcast his email as is… as I don’t want to extrapolate or express the content with my own words, so I’ll just make a little synthesis but it requires detailed explanations :

                              Mister Tubb won’t change his style of sculpting except maybe some efforts on 1) furs 2) heraldry respect

                              Personnally I fully agree and support his comments… but you’ll read by yourself in some time :)


                                I like his style of sculpting and why he must change anything… and what about furs…. !?!?!? for which figures furs is so important to be changed…. only wargs or wolves…

                                MMP Elder

                                  precisely Thingol, wargs or wolves only (and bears if there are bears any time soon..)

                                  fact is, IF we finally get a range of animals… it would be cool to have furs that allow stylised dry brushing on them…

                                  besides that, there won’t be any change I think, and sorry Arthadan, but I think it is better like that… I don’t think the man was upset with all those concerns he just made his point clear:

                                  For years, Tolkien has been illustrated by many artists who gave life in their own manner to Tolkien writings (Howe, Lee, Hildebrandt, McBride, Nasmith… each with their own style) Chris is one of them and his View of them is HIS artistic view and artistic freedom and contribution to the universe of Tolkien… there is no canon when it comes to visual representation of Tolkien, as far as the final works are agreed upon and licenced by the appropriate entities, which is, in the case of LoTR and the Hobbit the “Middle Earth Enterprise” :)

                                  I am still waiting his approval to display his email…

                                  but he explains it quite clearly… also about the plate armors, the heights of characters, the lack of more details on face etc etc…


                                    Well, I think reading his mail is important. And it is an honour.
                                    Chris is one of them . . . you mentioned, Gildor. And that is f..###** right!
                                    You speak out exactly what am thinking for years. The Man´s imagination is a real part of Tolkien-interpretation. Absolutely!
                                    An important part and an equal part to those artists.

                                    PS: who is that Hildebrandt . . . 😎

                                    MMP Elder

                                      The Hildebrandt brothers are illustrators of Tolkien works, they made calendars and several illustrations… which looks quite different than all the others… still that is tolkien representation but would not match Howe or Lee canon…
                                      Artistic Freedom

                                      check Greg Hildebrandt on the net to find some samples I think :)


                                        If you want to see another visual interpretation of Tolkien’s work that’s entirely different from all the others, see if you can hunt down any images by Lorenzo Daniele – I don’t know whether or not any of it has ever been published in book or card form, but his work often adorns the pages of Mallorn, the journal of the Tolkien Society. Ruth Lacon’s work is also excellent, and extremely underrated.


                                          Other great illustrations of Middle earth are the ones buy J.R.R.Tolkien himself .
                                          If you don’t have it already, I recommend all of you buy this book:

                                          By the way, thanks a lot Master Gildor for sharing these information with us. I am glad Master Turambar showed me the road to the Prancing Poney 8 months ago.:lol:


                                            . . . I do know the H-brothers. ;) Unfortunately there is no way beside them if you focus on Tolkien Illustrations . . . unfortunately . . .
                                            I remember my mother´s birthday present somewhere in the late 70ies: a Tolkien calendar . . .

                                            Well, the book by Master Tolkien himself is very much recommended! There are fantastic watercolours inside.
                                            and Master Forest Warden, I remember well this time you mentioned . . . ;) :D
                                            I am glad also!

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Secret Vaults of Angrenost Option for supporting Mithril