Original Aragorn’s Work
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › Original Aragorn’s Work
- This topic has 53 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 6 months ago by OriginalAragorn.
April 12, 2009 at 11:08 pm #4932
Christoph – you are a good calming influence..
I agree with you. I’ll use my own creativity and see what I come up with.
Thanks again.
GeorgeApril 13, 2009 at 1:09 pm #4937Hello, George. I think that I had not you greeted yet by joining this great group of people ….
I agree with Christoph: Each one has own style (himself has me excited with his dioramas with plants and branches with lichens ….)
On the other hand, certain that you get good ideas from other members. Not surprisingly, each of them are real artists …April 19, 2009 at 1:59 am #4970Here is my 2nd Hobbit diorama, entitled “Riddles in the Dark,” after the chapter in the book. Gollum lost his “Birthday Present” and he is PISSED! By the way, trust me – you DON’T want to be a guest at Smeagol’s birthday parties..
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/543_dscn1361.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/543_dscn1361.jpg[/imgz]
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April 19, 2009 at 2:15 am #4971Nice!
That is really good work, George!
Can’t wait for your next project.April 19, 2009 at 10:29 am #4973Well, Estel, I think it was the great Pedder Hammerskjöld ( never will be able to write his name correct ) who build this one before.
Check out his webside: http://www.tsome.com/
Nevertheless: a graet diorama by George, the Original Aragorn. And, George, with your own soul . . .April 19, 2009 at 12:00 pm #4975Some people are very creative! Why do they ask for advise? It would hav been a shame to give someone like you advise in building dioaramas. It propably would spoil the whole creativity!
Great job George!By the way, is your star sign Leo?
April 19, 2009 at 12:53 pm #4976right, rita.de. …. by the way it’s Peder Hammarskiold … yes, he had great ideas for creating scenarios for gamers and also doing some nice conversions of Mithril figures …
April 19, 2009 at 3:17 pm #4979Thanks for looking at my diorama and giving me positive feedback!
@jason: Thanks! Perhaps the next one will be the Great Goblin and Thorin.. hmmm… but the problem is that Thorin has Orccrist in his hand, which had already been taken away by the Goblin gaurds.. drat!
@estel: Thank you for the compliment! It means a lot.@christoph: Thank you! And thanks for the link to that website. What a fantastic diorama! But now you’ve put me in a bind. I really want to look at his other ideas, but I don’t want to lose my own ideas and get influenced by what I see. hmm
@masterC: thanks! and the sign is Cancer. (my son is Leo). Why? Are you a Leo?
April 20, 2009 at 1:44 am #4980@jason: Thanks! Perhaps the next one will be the Great Goblin and Thorin.. hmmm… but the problem is that Thorin has Orccrist in his hand, which had already been taken away by the Goblin gaurds.. drat!
Well, what’s the problem with Orccrist? Just make it dissappear!
And yes, Master Strider I’m a Leo! A very proud one! Depending on your sons age, you know what I’m talking about.April 20, 2009 at 2:28 am #4981Master Caster, I just took your advice and made Orcrist disappear (to be used as part of the diorama, however)! Now I need to reposition Thorin’s arm in some beligerent gesture at the Great Goblin. (no, not with an extended middle finger..)
My son is a Leo and I can describe him thusly:
-loves the spotlightGeorge
April 20, 2009 at 8:49 am #4984now that reminds me … about Thorin, and Orcrist. For sure you’ll have noticed master Holger that the “Death of Thorin” vignette had a very curious oddity… an axe, to be entombed with Thorin, instead of Orcrist… Did you solve the problem somehow, did you cast a sword that could pass as Orcrist for this vignette to replace the “wrong axe” ?
April 20, 2009 at 11:36 am #4985Hmm…..
Yes, I have a sword. It is not Mithril. It is very nice detailed and I believe it is the right size so a Dwarf can use it….
I also got a Mithril sword, which could be used as Orcrist, but this one has to be shortened otherwise it would not have been possible for Thorin to use it.
Is there a actual description of Orcrist in the book? If yes, could someone please forward this description to me, because I don’t have the book.April 20, 2009 at 12:12 pm #4987What do you think Master Gildor?
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/6_thorin_orcrist.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/6_thorin_orcrist.jpg[/imgz]April 20, 2009 at 12:18 pm #4988Sorry Master Strider to use your space for displaying other stuff! It’s all Master Gildors fault!
Won’t happen again!
April 20, 2009 at 10:05 pm #4993Some excellent work there George, glad to see that you have started removing the bases for dioramas, you just need to replace the cast on reins on horses and you will be well away
(replacements can easily be made from metal foil around wine bottles, even better to have to drink the contents first!!).
I used to drill small holes in the base to insert pins for extra stability, but ended up with more holes in my finger tips and mangled miniature feet so I kind of gave up on that.
As to style and ideas, well the best solution is to create your own style so we can say “That is a George figure”, and as for ideas well no harm in ‘borrowing’ ideas, but add your own little touch so that other can ‘borrow’.
Riddles in the dark has turned out very nice, at first I thought Gollum’s boat might be a little large (I have always [since thinking about how to do this scene myself anyway] thought that his boat mght be like a Coracle, made from orc skins given the probable lack of timber down there), but in the finished article it looks just about right, something that may have been ‘abandoned’ by a goblin fishing party.
I may well have a crack at this myself as well now.
Anyhow, keep ’em coming.
April 20, 2009 at 11:31 pm #4994. . . a coracle, made from orc skins given the probable lack of timber . . . LET´S DO THAT !
Rummaging around in my memories I found a little picture, which- with kind permission of Mr. John Howe course- I would like to show you, look :[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_gollum-port_kopie.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_gollum-port_kopie.jpg[/imgz]
April 21, 2009 at 3:22 am #4996@ MasterCaster: As the Jamaicans might say: “No worries Mon!” Besides, it’s Gildor’s fault – as you say! 😎 You can display your figs any time on my thread! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a description of Orcrist, AKA Biter, AKA Goblin-cleaver. I looked in “Roast Mutton,” when they found the sword in the Troll’s lair. I also looked in “Over Hill and Under Hill” when the Great Goblin became so enraged at the blade. But no description.
@ DDaines: Thank you for the kind words. I hope to find a style of my own. Of course, I hope I get better as I go – so my style will hopefully evolve. I’ve been painting miniatures for about a year or so, so I’m not sure I really have a distinctive style yet. To be honest, I’m not sure how well I like the boat. I just whittled it out of a little piece of balsa.
April 25, 2009 at 5:27 pm #5041Hello all you merry Mithril collectors! Original Aragorn is pondering something…
I’m in the planning stages of an “Over Hill and Under Hill” diorama – featuring an enraged Great Goblin rushing towards a resolute Thorin after discoverin Orcrist in Thorin’s possession..
I’m including a throne, a dais, some guards, etc, etc.
My question:
Are there any suitable, CHEAP, COMMON Mithril figures I can use for Goblin Guards? Orcs would be fine too.I don’t want to go to the ends of the earth to find a rare figure – just something that may pass for guards. I need 2-3 of them.
April 26, 2009 at 5:21 pm #5049Thanks to a kind offer from Ken to ship me some orcs, I believe my problem is solved!
April 26, 2009 at 5:55 pm #5050As a useless aside: Goblins and Orcs are the same thing. It’s an artifact of years of Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer that geekdom at large imagines them as different things. The goblins of The Hobbit are mountain orcs of the Lord of the Rings.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › Original Aragorn’s Work