Phaeton Miniatures PCH vs Prince August CH comparison chart

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Secret Vaults of Angrenost Phaeton Miniatures PCH vs Prince August CH comparison chart

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  • #27996

      Sorry, I must have missed something, could you explain what “the Tempest figurines” stand for ?

      By the way, Master Gildor, I feel these news should be moved in “Phaeton Miniatures” topic. ;)


        Tempest subset are the miniatures from PH11 To PH13. All are characters from William Shakespeare’s The Tempest work.


          I have so far bought all figures… and I hope that sales will increase. Mostly because, in my opinion, good prices for the figurines…. And of course, Cris told me that long expected vignette (from Phaeton) will be on sale in late summer, that will be mosty (base and main figure) made from resin and that will have affordable price…. What we truly fits to me, because I am not currently the best friend with the money in my purse…

          About Gladioators….. I have not seen pictures yet but I will buy whole range…


            As for me, I just can agree with everything Thingol just said, as those could have been my own words.


              I bought all the art from Chris let it be Mithril, Phaeton, time machine … I really love the tempest figures but not really fond of gladiators.
              Why Chris doesn’t set up a pool like PA to get our feeling. He propose and we vote.

              MMP Elder

                we’ll continue talking about this in the phaeton releases topic I think it’s better :)

                  Mornedhel wrote:
                  I bought all the art from Chris let it be Mithril, Phaeton, time machine … I really love the tempest figures but not really fond of gladiators.
                  Why Chris doesn’t set up a pool like PA to get our feeling. He propose and we vote.

                  Chris wants to publish figures that he loves since he was a child… and I’m not sure that he wanted our voting here… About other JRRT imaginary figures…. maybe hm….. !

                  He already have few big projects in his short terms plans but they are still not for public… I’m sure Gildor also knows some of them… :)


                    I understand. On the other hand it is a waste of time and money to publish figures we may not buy (gladiators are really out of context here)


                      OFF TOPIC- gentlemen . . . as Master Gildor already mentioned.
                      This is for the COMPARISON . . . 😎


                        Is there anybody out there who is in contact with “The Man” – as you like to call him . . . ????????
                        And is able to give some news about forthcoming figures from “phaeton-design” ???????
                        For your memory: it is JUNE !

                        MMP Elder

                          I tried to write to Chris today, after months of silence. I hope I’ll get an answer from him soon enough…


                            better forget it … I also tried that a very long time ago

                            MMP Elder

                              Well I tried to contact him yesterday and got a “I have a received your email and will answer it fully in a day or two”, that’s a beginning ! The Man is still alive :)

                              (let’s wait a couple of days, in my email I asked many things including Phaeton concerns, and also the “sculpting schedule” for mithril… as I really need some intel on how far the man is in sculpting, as opposed to how far figures are in production at mithril (these are two different things indeed…)


                                All I know is that Chris has been very busy for quite a while and we might see the results in case that the Company can cope with releasing figures …


                                  I wonder has Mithril ever considered a Kickstarter?

                                  MMP Elder

                                    I doubt they could because there is a licence behind them (middle earth enterprise), and they could not promise any project to be funded considering any of them have to been approved by MEE…

                                    Unless you are talking about something else?


                                      No indeed.

                                      That does make sense. Hmm, alas.


                                        MEE is a fact, which doesn’t mean it makes sense for us.
                                        Er, Gildor, that licence is not behind them, rather more in front of them.
                                        If you would just forgive me some slight cynicism, gentlemen.


                                          They could sculpt the miniatures and submit them for approval before launching the kickstarter. Then just use the money for mould building and casting.

                                          MMP Elder

                                            this way is something I suggested to Lars many years ago Shadyt. Getting a master done and then funded by community, and released only when the funding goal is reached. Still that requires creating a master without any safety that the time, technique and material ‘invested’ to make the master would be rewarded afterwards…
                                            This could also help Mithril get just the number of batches they require, but ALL figurines would be… EXTREMLY rare because only produced in the precise quantity to match the “backers”

                                            THAT could be achieved for SPECIAL figurines which cost a lot (such as vignettes or boxed sets) MX have their own rules…

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Secret Vaults of Angrenost Phaeton Miniatures PCH vs Prince August CH comparison chart