Phaeton Miniatures
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- This topic has 771 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 6 months ago by Milo.
April 19, 2014 at 4:40 pm #30332
indeed, I also do … well he already sculpted some nice figures for PA once … talking about old Irish tales and legends … as for the hound of Culain, I’d fancy to see him at his last battle driving the chariot deep into the ranks of the enemy. Sorry, I just recalled that wonderful painting by a skilled artisan. – Alas, who do I tell.
April 19, 2014 at 5:36 pm #30334I know for the Bronze Age Irish / CuCuchlain range but this is one of the PD range figures… he dropped out of the gladiators and works more slowly at Robin Hood figures… but those also PD rang figures… anyway I hope we will soon see new figures directly from CT house shop
July 5, 2014 at 4:24 am #30786I received a long explaining email from Chris yesterday, I won’t enter into details but well news are not that great…
Phaeton last sales did not work well, particularly the Destroyer, considering all the work, and problems it had to see the light of day. but besides that, last phaeton miniatures did not sell well.
Was it because the themes did not appeal? because the lack of releases and the delays made people boycot or not care anymore, is it the crisis? who knowsFact is, Chris is trying to solve the delay aspect by building a stock of figurines beforehand so that he can then begin selling figurines again monthly , without delays, for at least a year…. hoping this would satisfy customers with good regularity. He will begin selling again once his “stock of ideas, and masters” is complete … in some months.
(I must say here that he rejects any responsability on Mithril being late in releasing his work…. most of the suggestions are long sculpted and only await production and casting, even if Chris’ job is long done… and that upsets him too..)
If Phaeton does not reach back its original success well, in the end , Chris may have to terminate the brand
July 5, 2014 at 8:21 am #30787Sad to hear the news Gildor that potentially the Phaeton brand may cease
. I can offer no educated advice for apart from Mithril, Phaeton, and a while back some Thunderbolt Mountain figures, I generally stay away from figures in this scale (with the odd exception of a figure that may hold a particular appeal).
I am not involved in RPG, Wargaming etc. therefore am unaware how the more successful manufacturers sell their wares, but I would suspect they are getting their stuff noticed through advertising. I do get a regular newsletter from Coolminiornot who seem to advertise new releases from various manufacturers, I wonder does Chris send samples or pictures to outfits like this – possibly he falls into the same ‘marketing pit’ as Mithril?
My other thought would be to produce figures that appeal to the ‘mainstream’ wargamer (whoever they are
) to keep the Phaeton ‘brand’ alive, but that can easily be adapted to other genres, e.g. Ghengis Khan’s Mongol hoards = Easterling cavalry (we’ve had this conversation/thought before
), Norman knights with a bit of artistic license = Rohirrim etc. etc.
If Phaeton ran a ‘Fantasy’ Range as well as mainstream ranges then accessories like shields and such like could be brought separately so that Norman Kite shields could be substituted for ‘fantasy’ designs.
I personally would like to see Chris produce his Gladiators, and what about the Necromancer Tower range? (can’t remember what it was to be called).
I wonder if themed historical sets would work; what about a Teutoberger Wald series in 32mm similar to the range he did for Time Machine?
Anyhow, fingers crossed all will turn out well
July 5, 2014 at 12:35 pm #30790Some good thoughts there, Master Dave. Some “standard” range concepts with a potentially wide appeal would seem a very sensible approach, if only to generate income while more interesting pet projects are undergoing development. One of the unappealing aspects of any “small” range of figures is that the absence of alternative poses / costumes / weapons means gamers can’t introduce variety into their units. For instance, I’d love to have a unit of Phaeton Rangers (I love PCH9), but with just one pose available that isn’t going to happen.
As an aside, I can’t help but add a personal opinion, which is that the subject matter of Chris’ figures is a bit, well, esoteric, and it sems unlikely that many people are actually looking for such figures as Prospero and Caliban etc. Some historically themed ranges would be a far better bet, as Dave says.
July 5, 2014 at 1:20 pm #30794Other option is crowfunding, get the production cost covered before producing a new range (and some free marketing, as people tend to share and comment interesting crowfunding proyects).
I also would advise to try a new twist on his take of non-Middle-earth. The last incarnation of the RPG game is much celebrated by fans because it fits perfectly with the setting (no plate armours this time!
). I think he could really draw some inspiration from the RPG illustration such these (sorry for posting so many images, but you know what they say one a pisture is worth a thousand words): (this is not from the RPG, but is the same artist)
Here you are the illustrations in Devianart by the two main illustrators (of course in the books there are many more):
Jon Hodgson
Jan PospisilIn my humble opinion, Mr. Tubb is a good sculptot but not a good designer. For example almost all Beronings look like is the same one in different poses. I am 100% sure that a small crowfunding project (say 6 miniatures) based on these illustrations with nice action poses (no need to be exagerated) would be more than succesful.
July 5, 2014 at 1:45 pm #30796Well, what is Phaeton Design? – How can you try to sell Fantasy-figures nobody knows of? – I think there are not many people (if any) who by coincidence log into the site while just browsing the internet. Then most of them won’t be collectors or people being interested in such figures. If you then mind the poor numbers of figures of Mithril-Fellowship sales (which is a brand at least some people might know) … well, I’m afraid it’s no wonder to see that the brand Phaeton Design was doomed once it started.
I’m definitely sorry about this sad development, but on the other hand it does not surprise me at all.
So let’s hope that Chris’ final attempt to release a set of figures more regularly might be of some success.
July 5, 2014 at 1:57 pm #30797well I replied his email with some of my insight and impressions , which I share with you. Hopefully he will take them into consideration. I will also relay him some of your own feedback if you want, but all in all, I answered him the same as you all just did…
July 5, 2014 at 3:03 pm #30798I already talk with Chris and Lars about crowdfunding without success.
Not only your are paid in advance but the funding site advertise for you.I bought this way nice figures as: 5, 2014 at 3:35 pm #30799I can understand Lars not wanting to hear about crowdfunding (mainly because there are licence issues behind)
but about Phaeton itself, is Chris completly against the crowdfunding process?
July 5, 2014 at 3:53 pm #30800The official Alien Vs Predator miniature game was founded via kickstarter. I don’t know why the license is such a big deal.
July 5, 2014 at 4:07 pm #30801certainly the alien and predator licence are nothing compared to ME Enterprise licence
MEE has the leisure to decide that a final product ‘once sculpted’ is not ok per the licence and refuses its release even though it is produced… and thus, funded…
July 5, 2014 at 10:27 pm #30805I didn’t know that but, but i guess it has never happened that a Mithril miniature has been rejected by MEE. There was some fuss about Brogga with the severed head and even that was produced.
July 6, 2014 at 9:31 am #30807well maybe you don’t know about MEE rejecting figurines because Mithril kept silent those refusal and did not communicate about it… Indeed it never happened for the GF range…
but you certainly remember the Turin series… the Warband series… and most of all, the unreleased warbands (half-orcs, dwarves) … the licence protocol was different back in time, but now every figurine must be accepted “visually” before entering production.
July 7, 2014 at 11:17 am #30819………………………… endless tale……………..
July 7, 2014 at 11:47 am #30821Gildor Inglorion wrote:well maybe you don’t know about MEE rejecting figurines because Mithril kept silent those refusal and did not communicate about it… Indeed it never happened for the GF range…but you certainly remember the Turin series… the Warband series… and most of all, the unreleased warbands (half-orcs, dwarves) … the licence protocol was different back in time, but now every figurine must be accepted “visually” before entering production.
Many new sculptors generation are in fact 3D designers. Really easy to submit a visual rendering before approval and create a 3D printing prototype … and today very cheap.
Add the fact 3D printers may now print in various alloys…
July 7, 2014 at 12:25 pm #30822Can 3D modelling be compared to hand sculpting ? …
July 7, 2014 at 12:42 pm #30823Based on the result, definitely yes.
from an artistically point of view, I am not an art critic but I prefer the rougher style of hand sculpting.from a financial point of view, the trends goes to technology.
July 7, 2014 at 12:45 pm #30824I am working on a Mithril 3D scan database for some months. However results with cheap webcam materials and handy laser is not relevant enough. I will manage to outsource to a professional company.
July 7, 2014 at 3:19 pm #30825I’m only just beginning to realise that 3D printing has huge potential in just about every walk of life. I hadn’t even thought of it being applied to minis, but I can see how it might work – so long as the figure proportions are right.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › Phaeton Miniatures