Phaeton Miniatures

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  • #21816

      Well, that fallen Balrog is a real masterpiece and I am already inside the waiting lupe . . .

      MMP Elder

        We will soon be working with Chris about improvments and better functionnalities for his own brand… I’ll keep the MMP community informed as always, be certain that Ebay is only one way to buy the figurines, direct paypal also works. and I offered to manage an online shopping basket in my dedicated site, directly linked to Paypal.

        Chris was very satisfied withe the first “official” sales (pm3, pch1&2) and so the brand will carry on on a regular basis…

        Also, I asked him details on his metal alloy and casting methods. and I know that future releases will include Resin for bases. Chris does not hesitate to use resin for bases in order to have details and save some costs. the fallen balrog should be in resin, with “attached parts” such as wings, in metal.

        I suggested Chris to share his experience with his own moulding, casting, and metal choices to Mithril and Lars as I am certain this could help reduce the costs…

        next, the packaging for Phaeton Miniatures is inexistant… that reduces a lot of the packaging costs already…. but I’m sure we could make something in the future… I’ll personnaly work on that


          Good news in general, Master Elf !


            yes indeed ! merci for sharing some news us. :D

              Turambar wrote:
              Good news in general, Master Elf !

              Indeed !


                I am a great fan of resin castings so I welcome that bit of news plus the updates :).



                  I am no fan of resin castings, not at all and I won´t never be! ( one of the reasons of collecting mithril-miniatures! )

                  But- who cares, if it brings that fantastic balrog to us . . . 😎

                  MMP Elder

                    well .. you should all have received a mail by now ;) just go check :)

                    MMP Elder

                      well I have the originals actually… (CH8 and CH18) and those new versions should definitly be a LOT more detailed and smooth


                        …. I will order them today :) !!!

                        ….I sincerely hope that Chris will skip some of the old CH figures… There are a lot of them that does not fit into a Middle-earth world….

                        I will only buy the ones that give me the impression of that world…. not all…


                          I’m like you a fan of Chris work….. but ultimately I do not want to disappoint him…. but I do not have enough money to invest into a some figures like druids, paladins, rangers with hats, some knights, kung – fu monks, one eyed girls, female warriors that looks like the Greek heroines… etc…


                            Verrrrry nice :D.

                              Thingol wrote:
                              I’m like you a fan of Chris work….. but ultimately I do not want to disappoint him…. but I do not have enough money to invest into a some figures like druids, paladins, rangers with hats, some knights, kung – fu monks, one eyed girls, female warriors that looks like the Greek heroines… etc…

                              Hopefully most will be useable in Tolkien type settings – I tend to do this with a lot of the MERP/ICE figures released by Mithril.

                              I am not familiar with the rest of the range that CT is recreating but what I have seen so far is keeping me happy :D.

                              MMP Elder

                                as Chris stated, ONLY the figurines from the CH range that could fit into a REAL fantasy tolkien-like world will be reproduced…

                                there are many that are not fitting at all… I don’t think we’ll see Friends & Foes, nor monks, nor rangers with hats or knight in full armor. Also this only concerns the PCH sub-range, there is not only this sub range, the PM range is brand new, and there should also be other ‘celtic’ brands… the “fire demon” and “thor and the dark elves” should soon see the light of day too, as PMV I think…

                                Chris makes a point at satisfying his customers and fans… he will force himself to release Two figurines EVERY month and at fair and regular price… no matter the circumstances… even what recently happened to his family…

                                He wants to do that because he wants people to see and understand he won’t play on the same “inactivity” that Lars does with Mithril…

                                  Turambar wrote:
                                  I am no fan of resin castings, not at all and I won´t never be! ( one of the reasons of collecting mithril-miniatures! )

                                  But- who cares, if it brings that fantastic balrog to us . . . 😎

                                  I know metal feels more traditional, what I like about resin is how well defined castings can be compared to a lot of metal castings, something I’ve noticed with the Teutoberger figures when comparing identical parts of the figures that have been cast in both metal and resin. Having said that I have also seen resin castings that are full of air bubbles, warped etc.

                                  At 32mm though I guess resin may be a bit too fragile for figures themselves :D

                                  MMP Elder

                                    well the example of MB279 resin base is a perfect example of incredible quality resin can achieve… well if you had the resin version of the MB279… Really it was impressive and heavy too :)


                                      Indeed Gildor, I have both and much prefer the resin vesrion :D


                                        I threw the resin base away . . . years ago, becaose it was resin!
                                        I built something else . . . unfortunately the cat killed this . . . :/ years ago.

                                        one of the reason why the door to the “mithril-chamber” is closed ALWAYS!


                                          I do not feel like MAster Archer.
                                          painting the reisn base version of MB279 was very easy, and well detailed.


                                            Yes these new phaeton miniatures are very nice.

                                            I could not resist and just sent payment. :P
                                            When I receive it, as for PCH1 & PCH2, I will show new PCH and old CH together.

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