References M1 to M417 on sale. MMP Priority.
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › References M1 to M417 on sale. MMP Priority.
- This topic has 13 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by Gildor.
April 10, 2021 at 8:05 pm #1011
Hello dear mates,
Some years ago I established a nice friendship with a fellow collector who wanted to sell his collection, his name is Jose Antonio and he is from Bilbao (Spain), at that moment he accomplished to sell the Christmas, vignettes and a few more “specials”, but due to health issues and lack of time, everything was put on hold. That was somewhere around 2017, I think, and we kept in contact from time to time since then.
Well, he now wants to continue his quest on selling his collection, more precisely, what remains from it, and that is references M1-M417 including some duplicated or triplicated references. Although I must emphasize that there are some references missing too (i.e.. M7 and M16), but all in all, around 85-90% of the collection is blistered and in perfect mint condition.
Since Jose Antonio’s wish is that his miniatures end up in loving hands, he wants to offer them to one (or more) of our members FIRST. So we again, contacted Milo for help on this, and he answered with a neat idea, that I am going to expose to all of you.
Jose Antonio can sell the collection in “packs” of 5-10 references, or even as full ranges, as they were created (i.e. Halls of the elven king, The battle of Mirkwood, etc..), so it will be splitted among each buyer. We are going to call this option, OPTION B.
But here comes into play the idea that Milo had, and that is to “save” the collection, by buying it as a community, so the collection belongs to MMP. In a way that it may end (in some future day) on the hands of one of our actual or future member that is missing or wants to have the (almost) complete collection of older references. Since Milo had the original idea, he already showed interest on this option, which we will call OPTION A. On top of that I invite him, and you all also, to contribute on further developing this idea. Could this also be an excuse to make us a stronger community since I think we might have a bigger bond by doing this. (kind of cooperative I mean)
Obviously this last option, can come into play if no one around shows interest in buying the collection as a whole.
Regarding the collection, I have pictures of each reference and a full listing of what it contains (Jose Antonio is a serious collector and has it everything precisely controlled). Below you’ll find some images so you can see that it’s an excellent collection.
I also want to let everyone know that I am just a messenger here, since Jose Antonio is able to understand English, but not well enough to communicate with us all. So I will fluently communicate with him as required since I do not only have his mail but also his mobile phone number.
Some pictures:
[imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz]April 10, 2021 at 8:05 pm #39513Hello dear mates,
Some years ago I established a nice friendship with a fellow collector who wanted to sell his collection, his name is Jose Antonio and he is from Bilbao (Spain), at that moment he accomplished to sell the Christmas, vignettes and a few more “specials”, but due to health issues and lack of time, everything was put on hold. That was somewhere around 2017, I think, and we kept in contact from time to time since then.
Well, he now wants to continue his quest on selling his collection, more precisely, what remains from it, and that is references M1-M417 including some duplicated or triplicated references. Although I must emphasize that there are some references missing too (i.e.. M7 and M16), but all in all, around 85-90% of the collection is blistered and in perfect mint condition.
Since Jose Antonio’s wish is that his miniatures end up in loving hands, he wants to offer them to one (or more) of our members FIRST. So we again, contacted Milo for help on this, and he answered with a neat idea, that I am going to expose to all of you.
Jose Antonio can sell the collection in “packs” of 5-10 references, or even as full ranges, as they were created (i.e. Halls of the elven king, The battle of Mirkwood, etc..), so it will be splitted among each buyer. We are going to call this option, OPTION B.
But here comes into play the idea that Milo had, and that is to “save” the collection, by buying it as a community, so the collection belongs to MMP. In a way that it may end (in some future day) on the hands of one of our actual or future member that is missing or wants to have the (almost) complete collection of older references. Since Milo had the original idea, he already showed interest on this option, which we will call OPTION A. On top of that I invite him, and you all also, to contribute on further developing this idea. Could this also be an excuse to make us a stronger community since I think we might have a bigger bond by doing this. (kind of cooperative I mean)
Obviously this last option, can come into play if no one around shows interest in buying the collection as a whole.
Regarding the collection, I have pictures of each reference and a full listing of what it contains (Jose Antonio is a serious collector and has it everything precisely controlled). Below you’ll find some images so you can see that it’s an excellent collection.
I also want to let everyone know that I am just a messenger here, since Jose Antonio is able to understand English, but not well enough to communicate with us all. So I will fluently communicate with him as required since I do not only have his mail but also his mobile phone number.
Some pictures:
[imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz]April 10, 2021 at 8:49 pm #39514I find the idea (option A) really touching and a very good one actually, but I have some wonderings about how it could be achieved.
how could it be stored as a community? how much the collection is currently worth ? well I’m curious to know the opinion of you all
April 11, 2021 at 5:09 pm #39517Well,
I am in of course. It somehow.reminds me of traveling Elron, which could take benefit of a big update.Could it become.a.travelling MMP?
I am.also thinking maybe we should try to make it an event, kind of post codlvid one where we could all visit same place ?.
Just crazy thought nowdays is it?April 11, 2021 at 5:14 pm #39518a travelling MMP? but this is a whole collection and in blister would be too huge to be “moved” on a regular basis (and risky too…)
(though I can’t see how a painted figurine can be in a blister as seen in figure above, it must be “reblistered” ? )
a full list would be interesting too
if you could send it I am curious
April 11, 2021 at 6:24 pm #39519Each MMP meeber could travel with a subset to be shared and/or switched every IRL meeting.
April 11, 2021 at 10:51 pm #39520interesting idea but that requires quite some logistics I’d say
let’s wait to have some other feedback on that
definitly an exhaustive list would be welcome
April 12, 2021 at 10:24 am #39523Gildor Inglorion wrote:I find the idea (option A) really touching and a very good one actually, but I have some wonderings about how it could be achieved. how could it be stored as a community? how much the collection is currently worth ? well I’m curious to know the opinion of you allI have those wonderings too Gildor, but I am sure we all can find a neat answer to them. i.e.: Either you, Milo, or someone else here in the community could be the “host/guard” the collection. (another idea… How about Mithril factory themselves as a part of their “exhibition”??) (or even Chris Tubb as a little homage to his work….:rolleyes::cool:)
Milo wrote:…/It somehow.reminds me of travelling Elron, which could take benefit of a big update./…/Could it become.a.travelling MMP?
I am.also thinking maybe we should try to make it an event, kind of post codlvid one where we could all visit same place ?.
Just crazy thought nowdays is it?Completely agreed on the travelling Elrond, when he first arrived to my hands it was quite a big package, and it was a bit expensive to send it to the following member, I can’t imagine how it could be now, more than 10 years later.
This is related to your next question and I kind of agree with Gildor’s previous answer to it… A travelling MMP collection could be awesome, but in my opinion super expensive to constantly send over and as Gildor pointed a bit more risky than a single figure, but we can think about this idea and try to evolve it too…
Gildor Inglorion wrote:/…/(though I can’t see how a painted figurine can be in a blister as seen in figure above, it must be “reblistered” ? )
a full list would be interesting tooif you could send it I am curious
Yup Gildor I uploaded that picture of M30 on purpose, this reference is listed as “painted or partially painted”, but it includes the original blister as “a bonus”, so are some others in that category, which of course, also includes most of them without the blister, as seen on the other picture.
I can send the list and/or pictures of specific references to whoever is interested. I will reach you through email, for the listing Master Gildor.Gildor Inglorion wrote:definitely an exhaustive list would be welcomeSharing the list here would be too long, so we thought it was better to just send it to those interested. So as I told you before I will send it to you afterwards.
April 12, 2021 at 7:30 pm #39524It’s an intresting idea, no doubt, but the more I think about it, the more complex it becomes…
If we take the collection in our commun possession, we must all agree about the price we will pay Jose. No, first we must be clear who wants to join this idea. Then all participants must agree about the price we will pay, and how we will divide the price among us.
Once we have an agreement about this, the next question will be: who will keep the collection?
And then: what are we going to do with it? Will we save it until someone shows up who wants to buy the complete collection? Can some of us buy parts of it and at what price? I think we must avoid that the collection stays with someone for years and years, without use for someone.
What if a participant wants to leave the community? Not that I can imagine someone wants to leave this cosy company, but with health issues it’s possible someone has no choice.
Someone will have to act as bookkeeper and we should keep an inventory.But most important: we should bear in mind that Jose Antonio wishes his collection comes into loving hands, which means IMO in the hands of a collector who will take care of them because he or she loves Mithril miniatures as much as we do. I’m afraid a project like this will be only a delay for his wish. I think the best he can do is looking for someone who really is interested in the miniatures, and who wants to pay a price that is acceptable for Jose, eventually for only a part of the collection.
I fear that every one of us will ever face the day we will have to say goodbye to our great hobby and these great minis, hoping they will end up with someone new, who will take care of them as much as we have done. But I hope that day will be many years away from today for all of us!
April 13, 2021 at 9:19 am #39525Gerold wrote:…/If we take the collection in our common possession, we must all agree about the price we will pay Jose. No, first we must be clear who wants to join this idea. Then all participants must agree about the price we will pay, and how we will divide the price among us.
Once we have an agreement about this, the next question will be: who will keep the collection?
And then: what are we going to do with it? Will we save it until someone shows up who wants to buy the complete collection? Can some of us buy parts of it and at what price? I think we must avoid that the collection stays with someone for years and years, without use for someone.
What if a participant wants to leave the community? Not that I can imagine someone wants to leave this cosy company, but with health issues it’s possible someone has no choice.
Someone will have to act as bookkeeper and we should keep an inventory. /….Very good points all of them Gerold. First step would be seeing who could be interested in participating as you say. Up to now, Milo and Gildor are interested. It’s clear that less people would make things easier, but also will increase the amount each participant brings. On the other hand more participants mean more ideas, so that’s why Jose Antonio and I have reached MMP first and posted this here for all members to read, because my trust in you all is quite high due to all these years of shared forums.
All in all Gerold, I personally, completely agree with your thoughts, it will/would be a complex project that will require trust and agreement between some of us (those more interested in participating) I think it can be doable though, always with an open-minded communication which I am trying to achieve.
Gerold wrote:…/But most important: we should bear in mind that Jose Antonio wishes his collection comes into loving hands, which means IMO in the hands of a collector who will take care of them because he or she loves Mithril miniatures as much as we do. I’m afraid a project like this will be only a delay for his wish. I think the best he can do is looking for someone who really is interested in the miniatures, and who wants to pay a price that is acceptable for Jose, eventually for only a part of the collection.I fear that every one of us will ever face the day we will have to say goodbye to our great hobby and these great minis, hoping they will end up with someone new, who will take care of them as much as we have done. But I hope that day will be many years away from today for all of us!
I’m glad that you got his goal this clear even without him expressing himself here. Unfortunately Numenor’s blood is far lost, so we have to deal with our short years in middle earth… sharing those fears too. Indeed my hope is that there will always be someone interested in these mithril miniatures thing.
If those participating cannot reach an agreement on the terms/price/etc.. Jose’s other option (selling the collection as a whole, to some loving hands interested in it, will and is still interesting to him). His most feared and less favourite option is selling the collection in pieces/ranges and he will leave that as a last resort. He is not in a hurry and his main desire is to do things right. I have told him about prices on our beloved database, and he thinks that they are appropriate, I’m keeping him informed about all that is being posted here. And he is now thinking about it. I can advance that he is indeed open to “mid term and fractioned payments” so no problem on that.
To everyone reading this, I remind you that I have the specific listing and pictures of each and every reference in the list. So just write me a pm or post here to ask for it.
April 13, 2021 at 11:35 am #39526Re: the idea of some kind of ‘Community Hoard’ I would perhaps suggest that if this option is taken, that it is perhaps best kept in Europe where most of you are located. To be honest, as noble and good as the suggestion is (Option A), I fear that it will crack under the ‘strain’ of logistics if countries such as the UK, USA and others outside of the EU were included (by all means if a member of the Community outside of the EU was willing to pay postage, Customs etc. then so be it).
I believe shipping prices are extremely high nowadays when shipping world-wide, and there are also customs fees (and import duties depending on the value of goods), and for insurance purposes you could not falsify the value in case the collection was lost. I am no expert in this area but from other areas of my hobby interests this appears to be the case.
Personally, I would not become involved in this as a project (purely for practical reasons as it is a nice idea), but I do wonder if there is any value in keeping such a fantastic collection of figures away from those who would want to paint them up, or even Collect them as miniatures in their own right. I guess that this (Option A) is an ‘all or nothing’ idea as you would need to keep the whole collection intact otherwise the idea and thought behind it becomes a bit pointless if certain references are sold off.
I personally would vote for Option B if it was put to a vote, and for references to be sold off as a complete ‘Range’, i.e. Halls of the Elven King’.
I think the point may have been raised, but what if there was an unforeseen problem that suddenly arose that prevented the collection from being forwarded, divorce, death, being two and while unfortunate, are realistic possibilities.
Hope the input is useful
April 14, 2021 at 8:46 am #39527Thanks a lot for your input master Daines. I will forward it to José.
I completely agree with your point on Customs, taxes, etc… on top of that (frequently) moving this big amount of metal miniatures around is not a good idea, too many bad things can happen to them, and it is too valuable for that, just as you said.
April 14, 2021 at 10:58 am #39528All those insights and feedbacks are really interesting indeed.
As i told to Maenas in private , I could eventually be interested in keeping (and paying) for the collection (or at least whole ranges) for myself if the price would allow me to do so (but I doubt I could at the moment, well it depends the price…) , and in order to have a collection of “blistered” figurines, to have an “untouched” collection as a memory and safekeeping . (I already have a full collection myself but I intend to paint and unblister them for those which are not yet unblistered).
I had this project to build a “sanctuary” for absolutly everything Mithril or mithril / heroic fantasy related from Chris Tubb for years, and this is still one of my lifetime leit motiv (since I was 14, and I am now 42)… I still have time (hopefully) before I can pass the charge to other passionates “after me” … (I doubt my children will ever be interested in my hobby but who knows … )
I can very well understand Gerold points and also Jose wish for his collection to end up in cherishing hands. I would want absolutly the same for mine which actually also includes a lot of unofficial and unreleased figures.
July 17, 2022 at 11:52 pm #49261Sorry to dig up this old topic, but after quite some time… well, almost a year, the project came to fruition… I could not say that the MMP has “hoarded” Jose Antonio collection, but somewhat yes… as I personnaly bought the whole collection myself…
I managed to complete it with other stuff I bought and stuff I personnaly had already. which means that as of now I have a double collection at least from M1 to M417… either unblistered/painted, and at least one blistered for each.
I have lots of duplicates now, that I am ready to trade to the community, which was the goal initially, to hoard those gems for collectors, at the same time I’d like to complete my blister collection by filling the holes I miss for BLISTERED ONLY so I will put the list here (most of them are even quite common !! ) :
M86 Beorn in bear form (the “easy” one, with paw upward, ironically I have two with paw downward…)
M146 Mounted Nazgul (the “easy” one with Nazgul and horse in a single piece, in blister)
MW336 WARBANDS ORCS OF MORDOR (this one, unblistered in order to paint them, even TMM duplicates would do, as I have a mint one, never opened)
MW337 WARBANDS THE ARMY OF GONDOR (blistered or unblistered would do, but most of all the Officer variant which is the last variant I miss! )
M343 Aragorn’s Leavetaking
M344 Elven Flower MaidensMV361 STORMCROW
MV420 THE SWAN KNIGHTSThose are the only ones I miss for a FULL set of blistered/boxed collection from M1 to M420 without a single hole..
any help completing this jewel would be greatly appreciated.
Well after that, I have most of them in blisters already, (not all) but only one of each, and I wonder if I will try to build a full double collection as it would really become expensive…
- This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Gildor.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › References M1 to M417 on sale. MMP Priority.