Regular Mithril Range Suggestions (members only)
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › Regular Mithril Range Suggestions (members only)
- This topic has 57 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 4 months ago by Gildor.
August 8, 2010 at 11:08 pm #515
This is an idea of the Man himself…
to have an “unofficial” but pertinent place for collectors to submit their suggestions for future M Releases. Indeed such wishlist exists on the official boards but it seems the man prefers MMP than the regular forum… mainly because of its members , seriousness and strong community feeling that we at MMP represent…
Here is the message of the Man :
M release suggestion board
As I may have told you before, the Mithril fellowship suggestion board really did inject some freshness into my own thinking about possible Mithril releases. Some of the suggested ideas have been extremely good and I have drawn much inspiration from the creativity of the members. I have greatly enjoyed creating the winning figures even when some of them like Sauron at Gorgoroth were very challenging, and have also noted many of the suggestions for future use from those that did not win, like Gandalf visiting Thrain in Dol Guldur, which I really must make at some stage.
As for the M series, I can honestly say that up till now I have devised every single release myself with no input from elsewhere,depending solely on my feeling for the world of Middle-earth and for what I think the collector might like.
But I would be more than happy to enlist the help of collectors and your contributors with their suggestions for M ranges. It would not be a formal arrangement such as the monthly Ms figure and would have no regular winners. But I would take note of all the suggestions and give credit to whoever suggested the range that I decided to opt for. Suggestions could be just a simple title, such as
“Variags of Khand” or they could be a detailed list of ten releases such as
“1. Variag war-chief with hauberk of lamellar armour, charging with vertical pennant in left hand and long scimitar in right etc etc”. Sketches, however well or poorly drawn would be even more welcome. I would of course retain ultimate control over what was selected , having as I do, to take into account the licensing constraints and the way that the proposed range fits into the overall Mithril collection, but I am certain if the ammount of creative thought that goes into this is anything like as good as that for the monthly Ms figures, then I will use this suggestions forum as the basis for several ranges.It might also gauge the level of interest there is for a resumption of regular M releases.So here it is gentlmen…
MMP becomes the forum for suggesting regulars!
Feel free to post your ideas and pictures here!August 8, 2010 at 11:08 pm #11270This is an idea of the Man himself…
to have an “unofficial” but pertinent place for collectors to submit their suggestions for future M Releases. Indeed such wishlist exists on the official boards but it seems the man prefers MMP than the regular forum… mainly because of its members , seriousness and strong community feeling that we at MMP represent…
Here is the message of the Man :
M release suggestion board
As I may have told you before, the Mithril fellowship suggestion board really did inject some freshness into my own thinking about possible Mithril releases. Some of the suggested ideas have been extremely good and I have drawn much inspiration from the creativity of the members. I have greatly enjoyed creating the winning figures even when some of them like Sauron at Gorgoroth were very challenging, and have also noted many of the suggestions for future use from those that did not win, like Gandalf visiting Thrain in Dol Guldur, which I really must make at some stage.
As for the M series, I can honestly say that up till now I have devised every single release myself with no input from elsewhere,depending solely on my feeling for the world of Middle-earth and for what I think the collector might like.
But I would be more than happy to enlist the help of collectors and your contributors with their suggestions for M ranges. It would not be a formal arrangement such as the monthly Ms figure and would have no regular winners. But I would take note of all the suggestions and give credit to whoever suggested the range that I decided to opt for. Suggestions could be just a simple title, such as
“Variags of Khand” or they could be a detailed list of ten releases such as
“1. Variag war-chief with hauberk of lamellar armour, charging with vertical pennant in left hand and long scimitar in right etc etc”. Sketches, however well or poorly drawn would be even more welcome. I would of course retain ultimate control over what was selected , having as I do, to take into account the licensing constraints and the way that the proposed range fits into the overall Mithril collection, but I am certain if the ammount of creative thought that goes into this is anything like as good as that for the monthly Ms figures, then I will use this suggestions forum as the basis for several ranges.It might also gauge the level of interest there is for a resumption of regular M releases.So here it is gentlmen…
MMP becomes the forum for suggesting regulars!
Feel free to post your ideas and pictures here!August 9, 2010 at 1:12 am #11272Well, let’s start with the very obvious:
The Passing of the Grey Company
(10 Figure series – in the book, we see the Grey Company first mounted, but lets have these as on-foot figures)
Aragorn, dressed as a ranger, bearing Anduril. Aragorn goes to fulfill his destiny. He is weary after many battles and adventures, but becoming the great king and captain of men.
Legolas, wearing a hotch-potch of his Helm’s Deep and Lorien equipment, and carrying his bow.
Gimli, armoured, carrying a shield, helmetted, and grim of face.
Halbarad, an on-foot version of the MS figure.
Elrohir – The sons of Elrond ride to war, dressed in shining Elven mail under a ranger-like cloak and gear.
Ranger of the North – a Ranger armed with sword. This should be a very detailed figure, representing some sort of ranger captain of ranger hero. He has a bow slung across his back, along with several packs. He wears a mail shirt. Comprises elements of the Halbarad, Female Ranger and Watcher at Sarn Ford miniature.
Ranger with Spear – a slightly less detailed “soldier” ranger in leather armour, bearing a spear two handed, striking an enemy.
Ranger with bow – a ranger with bow half drawn looking around for foes.
Ranger with sword – a Dunedain ranger with sword drawn, looking around him – as if troubled by the Whispers of the Dead.The visual theme is the Rangers waiting at the Black Stone for the coming of the king of the dead. They are all prepared for battle or violence. Put them all together and create an instant scene. But there’s just enough action in their poses that you could put them beside the Corsairs for a fight scene in Pelargir, or on the Pelennor.
Finally, one of the Rangers can become a MERP PC type (the singular Ranger of the North) or other “special” figure.
And of course we have variant poses of the soldiers, which can be converted anyway the collector might want. And Elladan and Elrohir looking cool.
August 9, 2010 at 8:14 am #11278A good suggestion, Gavin! As for myself I am currently looking for a Halbarad (MS) supporting figure . . .
Well, I would suggest my favourite Easterlings, but meanwhiling I have learned that they already exist . . . where ever . . .
So I will make my mind up . . .
Anyway, a great thing this!August 9, 2010 at 10:26 pm #11297This is quite an interesting development I think, coming from where it does, and a great gesture from Chris to value our imput so much.
Perhaps a troll (or should I say stroll) through the previous suggestions would give Chris a good start as I’m sure there is a complete M range or two already waiting.
August 9, 2010 at 10:48 pm #11298Or three . . . Who knows what is really waiting in the depths of that factory in southern Ireland . . . š®
August 10, 2010 at 6:03 pm #11307A very old wish list of mine. Be aware that this list is from arcane times, when my English was bad. Some suggestions seem to come true, others have been released so I deleted them.
What I suggest for future miniatures could be spread into two kinds:
(1) producing miniatures for existing ranges, filling in the gaps I ever thought there are;
(2) creating complete new ranges never produced.
(3) Re- Activating a ādeadā range, which means, please please do again some warband box sets. They are absolutely great for wargaming!(1) To fill up your existing ranges I think it would be fine to see something like Pelennor field part II or the plains of Gorgoroth part II and even Minas Tirith part II. Suggested miniatures:
– lots of different Easterlings, riders, wainriders, axemen and so on in the same fashion as Chris already did some. They are absolutely perfect!– A boxed set with a siege engine with Orcs
– Haradrim warriors, mounted and on foot, with bows or spears (Mithril always made Haradrim look like Tolkien described them, more like medieval Arabs, they look great!)
– I would like to see some more folk of Gondor, not even the warriors, which seemed to be produced in future, but also the townsfolk and some peasants. Healers, women, children would be fine and why not some wealthy women or princesses of the Dunedain?
– Why not producing all the feudal lords of Gondor in a boxed set (Furlong the fat and so on?)(2) There are a lot of suggestions for the first case, but for the second I think the absolutely must for me is āthe Rangers of the northā . I hope to see lots of mounted figures, because I love them and because other mini producers never have done them!
(A) Rangers of the North
It would be nice to see:– Mounted Characters like Halbarad, Legolas, Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir and so one (some of them are planned now for future releases)
(āpath of the deadā
Together with this range I think it would be fine to see an M- range called something like ādead of Dunharrowā or āpath of the deadā. There it would be fine to see:
– A door for the path (like in the Chamber of Mazarbul range)
– Some buried men/warriors (buried like the northern Indians treat their dead or even some urns to show changing in burial habits)
– Dead men (on foot and even on horse- please do some!)
– Dead men standard bearers, as described by Legolas, even some mounted ones
– Characters and rangers of the North together with their horses
– A closed doorway with the corpse in front, obviously wanted open the door
– A vignette showing the crawling Gimli, the base designed with rocks, stones and some skulls, a vignette showing one wall section, where there is buried a man in a wall ānicheā, some sword or spear and shield in the grave and maybe NOTHING behind Gimli to let people being terrified by their own imagination!(C) Siege of Erebor and Dale
Another range which never was produced by any of the miniatures producers is āThe Siege of the Erebor and Dale in the 3rd Ageā. Miniatures could be:
– Easterlings on horseback (bowmen, with shield, spears, lances and banners)
– Easterling warriors on foot (axmen w. shield, 2-handed axes, spears and bows)
– Men from Dale (bowmen, spearmen, with axe/sword and shield)
– Old men and women with children fleeing from pursuing Easterling enemies (I would be glad to see some, Sauron is really evil, so it should be shown!!)
– King Brand in full armour (with dwarven influence?)
– King Brands body guard
– Mercenaries like Easterling horsemen fighting for the Dale- Men
– Dwarven body guard of Dain
– Dwarven craftsmen
– Maybe also some warriors of lake townVignettes:
– King Dain fighting Easterlings
– King Dain and Brand being killed by Easterlings
– Easterlings climbing siege ladders onto a wooden wall section– Some small siege machines (Spear Throwers and so on), ladders
– Building instructions for siege equipments, tents and ladders
– Barricades (crushed wagons, wheels, tables and so on)(D) Corsairs of Umbar
I would like to see:
– Umbar sailors at work
– A Corsair Captain
– āEasy girlsā at the haven of Umbar
– Corsair Slavers and Slaves in Chains (Yes Saurons allies are as cruel as he himself)
– Maybe a Slave auction with fat and rich Haradrim or Umbar merchants
– Umbar small ship warmachines (again my beloved Bolt Throwers)In summary I think there must be something like āSlave hunterā theme throughout the range. It is the way I ever thought of Corsairs.
Luthien and so on.
(F) Battle of the 5 Armies
– Another great range would be āBattle of the five armiesā. It would be nice to see some ordinary Orcs/goblins as well as warg riders and the body guard of the great goblinā s son. Some wargs in fighting poses also would be fine. Here it would be suggestible a vignette with Thorin fighting in between lots of Goblins and a Goblin preparing for a last and deadly stroke from the behind (mean orcs!).August 10, 2010 at 8:28 pm #11308That’s an incredible list, Estel.
Though some of the Corsairs have been made already.
August 10, 2010 at 10:12 pm #11309Nice to notice, that Master Estel find some passion!!!
Well, I am just thinking . . . though Master Estel has anticipated “important” ranges, like the warriors from Dale and my beloved Easterlings . . .Very much I like these ideas of staffage: accessories, decoration, little war machines, columns. Even animals: a lying camel, a packed horse
I am often looking forward to those “little things” which top the diorama and hardly found something which fits well with The ManĀ“s art-work . . .
So there is urgent need . . .But I go on thinking
August 15, 2010 at 3:37 pm #11363Well, Gildor, I was very much pleased to read the first entry of this thread, as it provides a serious interest of The Man in your MMP.
As for the topic of this thread I cannot take part in suggesting further ideas. Sorry.
Let me explain, please.
As there are at least 3 or even more M-series being sculpted so far – ready for production – I don’t get the sense in contemplating about further non-released M-series which would add more to those unreleased releases. What for? My life’s not eternal at all.
As for the continuity (which is none) of the M-series I’d rather suggest to get back to those times when I started to collect Mithrils. Why always have a bunch of 10 figures? Why not have one regular M-release each month a year to a special topic (‘Prancing Pony’, e.g.). Do you remember how much time it took to collect these? Do you remember the excitement about what the next figures would be like? And where to get them? Do you?
So far we only have that within the Gold Membership. Were you not aware that the production of MS-releases took over the part of M-releases? Have a look at the decline of the castings of those releases year after year. Then have a look at the prices of the last M-series. You can buy them very much cheaper now from the company. Have a look at the LR Nazgƻl-series (which still is one of my favourites).
Alas. I just want to explain why I will not add any suggestion here – until I have those 30 figures (or even more) in my hands. And that’s it.
Keep on and take care.August 15, 2010 at 6:47 pm #11366I agree Theo, it seems that you and I have the same thoughts about this. I just left a post in the Pony, before I read this here. I won’t repeat it all, only to say that when I hear back Chris I will let you all know what I proposed, and what his answer is.
Estel, it is nice to see you back, and your suggestions are excellent–perhaps over the next few years we will see at least what has already been modeled, and a few more that are new.
August 15, 2010 at 7:05 pm #11367Additional Forces of Isengard at Helms Deep.
Regular orcs with spear
Regular orcs with bow
Uraks with great axes
Uraks with swords
Uraks with bows (aiming up towards the wall)
Orc blowing horn (horns are mentioned several places[UT p.359], Isengard forces are not mentioned using drums)August 15, 2010 at 7:50 pm #11368Thanks, Tom … I knew you weren’t absent.
August 15, 2010 at 9:36 pm #11372What is that “Urak” Master shadyt ???
If you are looking for orcish archers or orcish bowmen, I would suggest you to buy a Warband set called “Orcs of Mordor” !
There are plenty of them inside.August 15, 2010 at 11:13 pm #11373I suspect the reason we are discussing more is that we’re looking for that sweet spot between
– What Chris wants to do
– What we might buy
– What PA will release.When there’s a wonderful sounding M series (Wilderland) sitting around in Cork, which I would do injury to sheep and small children to own, its clear that the sweet spot was not there.
So keep suggesting until something gives, perhaps?
August 16, 2010 at 1:54 am #11374I say that the already sculpted series should be released then start with the lists posted here and work your way down! There are wonderful ideas already and unexplored sections of ME. And yes, Master Tree I do remember well those days in the early ’90’s when releases would come out sometimes only 3 months apart. Those were the days and I, too, think the LR series is underrated., especially the Nazgul. I won’t mention the hordes from the East here, er, oops!
August 16, 2010 at 5:15 am #11375Keep up hope Gavin.
August 16, 2010 at 12:32 pm #11376the “proposition” of Chris to open this thread and discute about ideas was HIS idea… not PA idea…
People have to understand that what/when figurines are released is not a decision up to the man… he can decide what to sculpt but not what or when to release it…so these are two different things…. and discussing about releasing mithril prior to suggesting ideas is somewhat sadly useless because 1)Chris can do NOTHING about it 2) that does not help him…
August 16, 2010 at 12:47 pm #11379It is all about what every single one of you would like to see in the Mithril range!
If whatever you like and write down here, is produced in the future is another question!
I really love Master Estel’s range!
Al little bit of everything.August 16, 2010 at 5:26 pm #11387Okay, I’ll play…I would like to see Gondor cavalry as well as warriors from the distinct provinces. Men of Dale, Variags, Men of Rhun, Balcoth and Wainriders. I agree with the Grey company suggestion as Gavin outlined. Perhaps more Laketown folks (remember the M133? More like him!). Maybe some inhabitants of Nurn (what would they look like?!). More trolls like the Angmar ones, i.e. armored. Plenty of room for 3rd age stuff. Shall I continue…?
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › Regular Mithril Range Suggestions (members only)