Regular Mithril Range Suggestions (members only)

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Secret Vaults of Angrenost Regular Mithril Range Suggestions (members only)

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  • #11388

      P.S. More Orcs with siege equipment!


        A catapult, for example! 😎
        Or a machine which throws great spears . . .


          O.K, I think we all understood what this thread here is about. And we understood, that it was the Man´s idea, and this is very kind indeed of him!

          And we all know so far, that it is NOT the Man giving the ruling of what is to release next – unfortunately.

          For those who are able to read between the lines it is clear, that the Man gives US a preference. This is also very kind indeed of him.

          And I for myself feel very honoured about this preference!

          Let´s wait and see what is the real reason for this preference, by the Man . . .

          So- there are many fellows who suggested many fantastic ranges so far, aren´t there?!


            … and I want to see whole list of characters taken from book and all appendices but first I must buy a winning lottery combination ( or “Bingo” ) just kidding 😆

            I would like to see hobbit army defending Shire from bad guys….. we have only 2 hobbits with weapons…. (M61 from 22 years ago)… and hobbits in “Green dragon” on celebration and toasting for some hobbit national holiday…. etc…


              Well, as I recall, efforts have been successful in the past of the putting of heads together to come up with an M series. I remember the thread which lead to the Corsairs.

              I’ll have to think a bit. Of course, the given suggestions are quite good.


                2 great new informations in our newsletters…. wow !

                1. The White Council vignette is also in development and has been submitted to T.E. as well. So once we get the approval we can show on our website more information.

                2. Helm Deep 2
                [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz]

                MMP Elder

                  please… please

                  Chris is trying to read this thread to find ideas for forthcoming sculpting … if we mix up and post other events or debats in this thread it will not do good….
                  consider this thread a bit like Mithril Gold Fellowship suggestions… post ideas the way Chris described above… debates or news have their place elsewhere :)

                  thank you for your understanding
                  (i’m leaving all those post for the time being, but will move them in another thread in one week after everybody has been given a chance to read it here)


                    … sorry Gildor, there are so many great topics here so sometimes I just forgot where to left post… :) and this topic is most popular in last few days… so the post finished here spontaneously :)


                      Spontaneous-ness can never be wrong! :rolleyes:


                        :D !

                        MMP Elder

                          So Chris wrote to me about these suggestions threads and asked me to put in place a “poll” system.

                          I gave him several format suggestions which I’ll test beforehand. and then we’ll adopt something more similar to the Gold Fellowship suggestions…. with no winner or losers, with multiple choices and no or wide time limits…. we have to remember that it is only “statistics” to allow Chris to know what we prefer the most on a wide basis… it is not a competition…


                            At last I have some time to think. Steal an ideal which I suggested in GF ;)


                            -Vidugavia, king of Rhovanion
                            -Vidumavi with child Eldacar
                            -Royal Guard Rhovanion (2 figures)
                            -Horseman archer Rhovanion
                            -Warrior with sword fighting with easterling (2 figures)
                            -Marhwini, the last king, on horse
                            -Pedaler with mule loaded with wine
                            -Elderly seer sitting at table with glass sphere
                            -Vagabond asking money with a plate

                            Besides armed troops would do well to include common characters of a city, as the vagabond or woman seer, as claimed by those who are like the dioramas. The peddler selling wine represent one of the typical products of this region.
                            Soldiers of Rhovanion can also be used as Rohirrin, not in vain were their ancestors, which would be much use to the serie.


                              A great suggestion, Master erchamion. Just read the chapter of the wainriders in the “Lost tales” and thought: wow, this is really a great story.

                              MMP Elder

                                mmhh I wonder how this could be represented…. as a suggestion for a M range… remember it is “ranges” we can suggest, the content though it may be discussed later on may remain the decision of Chris Tubb. Rhovanion is a good idea and I’d love to see Vidugavia and family as I really like tolkien genealogy and this branch in particular, but can we afford to be so precise I don’t know , I wish though…

                                Please remember to test the poll I created , this is a prerequisite for suggestions to begin being voted…


                                  …. Great ideas Master Erchamion… Vidugavia and family… there could be more characters as you mentioned… but this is simply enough for a first Rhovanion set…. if in some case Chris decide to sculpt all of those ideas there would be enough painting work till retirement for all of us…

                                  MMP Elder

                                    ok now… I got authorization to proceed from Chris, so now : for one month we can submit all kind of RANGE suggestions on this topic, then I’ll post a poll which will stay for several months

                                    no limit of suggestions but please use BIG BOLD letters so that I do not miss them among the debate that follows and their descriptions.

                                    Please remember we are suggesting ranges.. not individuals… but you can describe the range if you want, but don’t be too precise….

                                    the average of a range is : 10 references
                                    there can be SOME furniture and mounted figurines depending on the thema
                                    there is no limit on how many suggestion you can submit except that I’d the suggesting time to not last over one month…
                                    so that there is some time afterwards to have useful stats in the polls…

                                    no winner/no looser these polls are only for statistics to help the man, no promise made

                                    well, let’s begin

                                    (please if you have already suggested something in this thread PRIOR to this post, resubmit it using BOLD BIG COLORFUL letters…)


                                      As you command! :D

                                      [large]The Passing of the Grey Company[/large]

                                      (10 Figure series – in the book, we see the Grey Company first mounted, but lets have these as on-foot figures)

                                      Aragorn, dressed as a ranger, bearing Anduril. Aragorn goes to fulfill his destiny. He is weary after many battles and adventures, but becoming the great king and captain of men.
                                      Legolas, wearing a hotch-potch of his Helm’s Deep and Lorien equipment, and carrying his bow.
                                      Gimli, armoured, carrying a shield, helmetted, and grim of face.
                                      Halbarad, an on-foot version of the MS figure.
                                      Elrohir – The sons of Elrond ride to war, dressed in shining Elven mail under a ranger-like cloak and gear.
                                      Ranger of the North – a Ranger armed with sword. This should be a very detailed figure, representing some sort of ranger captain or ranger hero. He has a bow slung across his back, along with several packs. He wears a mail shirt. Comprises elements of the Halbarad, Female Ranger and Watcher at Sarn Ford miniature.
                                      Ranger with Spear – a slightly less detailed “soldier” ranger in leather armour, bearing a spear two handed, striking an enemy.
                                      Ranger with bow – a ranger with bow half drawn looking around for foes.
                                      Ranger with sword – a Dunedain ranger with sword drawn, looking around him – as if troubled by the Whispers of the Dead.

                                      The visual theme is the Rangers waiting at the Black Stone for the coming of the king of the dead. They are all prepared for battle or violence. Put them all together and create an instant scene. But there’s just enough action in their poses that you could put them beside the Corsairs for a fight scene in Pelargir, or on the Pelennor.

                                      Finally, one of the Rangers can become a MERP PC type (the singular Ranger of the North) or other “special” figure.

                                      And of course we have variant poses of the soldiers, which can be converted anyway the collector might want. And Elladan and Elrohir looking cool. I am not sure the sons of Elrond should be mounted or on foot. I suspect the answer is “on foot”
                                      Last edited by Gavin (Sun, Aug8 2010 6:13pm)


                                        Ah, I see Erchamion has some kind of idea like mine, trying to fill the Rohan gap…

                                        Some kind of hubby of mine, a very devoted one, who breathes Mithril, asked me to think about an idea.
                                        I browsed the catalog, saw that every major thing was done… But there’s one that could be added …

                                        We have all “capital cities” done except that one. We have rohirrim fighters, but it would be nice to get a full set of Edoras citizens.
                                        – Eowyn
                                        – Eomer
                                        – Theoden
                                        – Grima
                                        – various Edoras guards
                                        – various Edoras citizens
                                        Edoras being known for its horses, a vignette (or 2 figures) with a horse and a lad training it would be great too.

                                        yes, we have several Theodens, most mounted except the M27. So we could imagine an enthroned Theoden
                                        Same with Eomer, all Eomer figures are “battlefield” ones, with sword drawn. So a city-clad Eomer, or at least one that would not be mounted or with weapon unsheated.
                                        For Eowyn, we already have a fitting one, the MS554, so I don’t know.
                                        We already have a Grima, the LO23, but it’s a 54mm, so another smaller one could do.

                                        Here was my idea.

                                        MMP Elder

                                          Now “Edoras City” is a good idea! (well it was submitted many times already but with Rohirim citizens that could be interesting!)

                                          Now another idea (already I think many people are looking forward to seeing it realized)

                                          THE COUNCIL OF ELROND
                                          no need of table nor that everybody be seated but I’d like to see :
                                          – Elrond on his trone (never seen before, he always stands…)
                                          – Erestor seated
                                          – Glorfindel seated
                                          – Galdor seated
                                          – Old Gloin seated
                                          – Old Bilbo seated
                                          – Legolas on foot but with “noble clothes”
                                          – Gimli on foot with “townfolk clothes”
                                          – Frodo on foot
                                          – yet another Gandalf … (or not…) but if so it would have to be VERY original seated without hat nor staff nor cloak nor sword but only gray robe…
                                          – Boromir seated pointing at Frodo as if saying “It is a Gift!”
                                          – Aragorn on foot with noble clothes

                                          that makes 12 characters, among which some are not absolutly necessary because they exist elsewhere (Gandalf and Frodo) but all others are original ideas I think

                                          anyway, the details are left to be chosen by the man, it is only MY vision of the Council, it could be represented other ways….


                                            Same thought as per Gildor with these characters:
                                            THE HOBBIT DWARVES

                                            I would love to see all theses dwarves equiped for travelling and in action.
                                            Thorin and Bombur already exist, (Balin in armor also), but every other are missing exept in the UP project.
                                            Of course, this suggestion has nothing to do with my on going diorama project:P:D

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Secret Vaults of Angrenost Regular Mithril Range Suggestions (members only)