some news…
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › some news…
- This topic has 247 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 5 months ago by Gildor.
July 28, 2011 at 7:57 am #18931
Voting for the HD2 makes absolutely sense. This is clear for me and I am sure we will get them, someday.
Well, a solution is to buy the licence for those Easterlings- as Master Corless did with these Warbands-
and make a deal with a CASTER somewhere around the world . . .
(with some professional artwork, boxes and stuff like that we could make some profit to earn the next m-figures . . . )
July 28, 2011 at 7:59 am #18932This has got a litle taste into the direction:
” How could we manage to kill the m-range saying: YOU customers are to be blamed, because you won´t spent 22.50 for the miniature”.
As Barliman pointed out: there are TEN of them, not ONE !
July 28, 2011 at 9:41 am #18938Barliman wrote:I’m another one who won’t buy these at the €22.50 price – simply because I couldn’t afford to spend £200 on 10 tiny toy soldiers, however wonderful they are. If HD1 sold poorly at hiked prices, why on Middle-earth should the next M range sell better at three times those prices? it just doesn’t make sense.I agree with the Elf. They really need to do some proper promotion if they hope to get even 200 people involved. I just don’t see them bothering, so the whole project is likely to be dead in the water before it even gets launched.
You are damned right Barliman….I fear the same
July 28, 2011 at 9:42 am #18939actually 5 +5 . Mithril never considered selling all ten altogether and have people paying 200€ at a time… that would be more expensive than the MX unexpected party…
I know it may be a desperate case but the only thing I can think of right now is about US doing some promotion for mithril so that they get more customers…. it is not our job, we are not paid for that except that if we succeed it will relaunch mithril and in a more short term manner : it will allow for price reduction…
July 28, 2011 at 9:47 am #18940£100 + £100 still equals £200, and I simply couldn’t afford or justify such sums, whether they’re charged in one instalment or two.
July 28, 2011 at 10:10 am #18941I bought many mithril miniatures this year. I spent hundreds euros… But I bought only a douzen references on mithril’s site…why ?
I prefer to spend 20€ for a lot containing 4 old references than 1 single mounted new one.
I prefer spending 50€ for a single prototype than buying MS453 “Thorin Entombed with Arkenstone”, even if it is a great release
I prefer spending 200€ for 50 vintage miniatures (with many extras…) than 100€ for 15 M regular series I miss (or 100€ for 5 MS…)And I’m no “standard customer”:
I am a forever fan,
I am compulsive buyer,
I can manage to spend a lot.July 28, 2011 at 10:57 am #18944wrote big emails today to Lars,Michael and Chris to express some concerns …. I’ll let you know…
July 28, 2011 at 11:33 am #18945This approach to consumers is a great shame. To avoid the further writing refer to what I stated on this link:
July 28, 2011 at 12:12 pm #18952How passionate !
Still Master Thingol, you shall modify your post and remove mentions to your salary…who knows how such info can be used in www.July 28, 2011 at 12:28 pm #18953Milo wrote:How passionate !
Still Master Thingol, you shall modify your post and remove mentions to your salary…who knows how such info can be used in www.…. they can send me a bill. I will not pay before I get an answer. At least brief. I just want to Mithril lives on …
hooomrhommmmm or hai hou !
July 28, 2011 at 1:17 pm #18954I take care of those matters… once again I am off to send lots of mails to chris… to lars and michael… on the forum….
I offered to work for Mithril…. under contract if need be… I think Lars is not taking a lot of consideration about this… it took Chris to go personnally at Macroom to move him to do something….
July 28, 2011 at 1:26 pm #18955I do wonder if Lars wants to sell Mithrils only from their website because, presumably, the price Mithril charges is the retail price and any Mithrils sold through a hobby shop would be sold to the owners at wholesale price. I think he’s too comfortable with charging full retail through even though in the long run, it’s short-sighted. I know the economy is rough in Ireland, but still…did Lars have to take a second mortgage on the factory or something?
Collectors shouldn’t have to take over the job as marketers, especially when everything is pretty much already in place with regards to Prince August products. Besides, Mithril has something special. I think if one has an officially licensed Tolkien product, flaunt it and take advantage of the buzz that’s already started from the long anticipated Hobbit movies.
July 28, 2011 at 1:42 pm #18957i confirm Wendy…. Lars wants to use the website as sale platform alone… and disrupt local distributors…. once the new infrastructure is in place…. which is not the case alas… at the moment
Lars has Five businesses running, two of which in computers… not figurines related… so I think he makes benefits in his other companies… but won’t invest in mithril if there is no guaranteed benefits….
too much of a business man he has become…I asked Chris humbly if he could not get back his parts of the society and become, once again, after 11 years… co-owner of the brand…. in addition to its sculptor…
patience is the key… Theobald should make us all learn about it more often, I try to be so…. but Mithril fixed ultimatum themselves so there is hurry to do, alas
I really want this project to be successful… I did suggest the preorder thing myself… in order to have Control over stocks and allow for overall price reduction… not to be used – or mis-used – as a price scaling system
but the decided price seems to have been the deciding factor for which Lars accepted to run this project….
July 28, 2011 at 3:51 pm #18962Barliman wrote:I’m another one who won’t buy these at the €22.50 price – simply because I couldn’t afford to spend £200 on 10 tiny toy soldiers, however wonderful they are. If HD1 sold poorly at hiked prices, why on Middle-earth should the next M range sell better at three times those prices? it just doesn’t make sense.let me get this straight — the so-called limited ms editions cost between 20-30 € per figure and the regular m figures will also cost some 20 €? hahahaha … jesus.
July 28, 2011 at 3:55 pm #18963Turambar wrote:Well, a solution is to buy the licence for those Easterlings- as Master Corless did with these Warbands-and make a deal with a CASTER somewhere around the world . . .
(with some professional artwork, boxes and stuff like that we could make some profit to earn the next m-figures . . . )
isn’t it easier to rename the “easterlings” to “mongols” and then get a cheaper license? who cares what the miniatures are called, in my opinion.
July 28, 2011 at 4:18 pm #18967That’s something I’ve often wondered about myself. Loads of companies manufacture figures that shout “LOTR” without being named as if they come from the books, and surely Mithril could do the same. It’s The Man’s modelling capabilities we all admire. Admittedly there are limits to how far one can get away with that sort of thing, but (for instance) ‘a wizard accompanied by crows’ wouldn’t need a MEE licence and wouldn’t breach anyone’s copyright, even though we’d all have a pretty good idea what was being represented. So I agree entirely. It’s called thinking outside the box (or outside the blister maybe…).
July 28, 2011 at 5:09 pm #18968with middle earth entreprise around having a close look at what all their licencee do, I certainly think that if Mithril revokes their licence… and carry on releasing tolkien stuff without calling it tolkien… they will fall on them like a birdprey…
why do you think even the man, as himself, and with other names, has not yet released many of his works which could be seen as a licence disrupt….
July 28, 2011 at 6:35 pm #18969The Tolkien copyright protects the content of the books (or films) alone, and can’t be extended to “something that sounds like it might be from Tolkien”; if it could, then every company producing orcs, half-orcs and halflings (all Tolkien-invented terms as far as the Fantsay genre is concerned) or wizards in wide-brimmed pointy hats and long beards would be getting sued every day of the week – though I guess an organisation with enough money to fund all the legal challenges it wanted, however trivial or unwarranted, would likely be able to cow a poorer company into submission simply by shouting “Boo!”. But I entirely fail to see how imagined figures could be claimed to have anything to do with a specific book if they were called something else, and it would be instructive to see anyone try to prove it in a court of law if it ever came to the crunch (which, of course, it never does, because the Law is weighted in favour of the biggest bank balance).
July 28, 2011 at 6:52 pm #18971On posts 135, 136, and 137 is many true words uttered. But the point of this discussion is not the name of characters ( wizard with pointy hat ) or license, but the price…. I am buying these figurines because they are associated with the Lords of the Rings with The Hobbit. There are a lot of fantasy figurines on the market, but I do not any other bought, nor will I probably never buy any of this other figures. I once Mithril stop producing their figures I will hold my collection, but other kind of fantasy figures I will not start to buy. So that’s my story..
July 28, 2011 at 7:09 pm #18973A fair enough viewpoint. Personally I like The Man’s work sufficiently to see past the name issue and buy his figures simply because of how they look. Nevertheless, this is all a digression – as you say, Master Thingol, the price is the root issue that realy needs attending to at this point in time.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › some news…