special suggestion for december/january
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › special suggestion for december/january
- This topic has 60 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 2 months ago by cameosis.
December 9, 2010 at 10:59 pm #547
I wrote to Chris today in order to have his advice on an idea I’d like to suggest…I’d like to know if he would agree to realise it before submitting it for this month suggestions…
I don’t know if it has its chances… I’d really like it realised… the title would be “The Forging of the One Ring”…. I let you imagine…
what would you say? would you like this one?
December 9, 2010 at 10:59 pm #13929I wrote to Chris today in order to have his advice on an idea I’d like to suggest…I’d like to know if he would agree to realise it before submitting it for this month suggestions…
I don’t know if it has its chances… I’d really like it realised… the title would be “The Forging of the One Ring”…. I let you imagine…
what would you say? would you like this one?
December 9, 2010 at 11:56 pm #13930As far as I am concerned: clearly yes. It could be intresting to see The Man´s imagination of which kind Sauron takes shape . . .
December 10, 2010 at 12:33 am #13931well the shape of Sauron here is not the most important thing… it is mostly the “position” and the base… which could be exclusive
the base should be a promontory over a chasm, and Sauron stepping on it, triumphant with one foot on a step above the other, graspign the ring in his finger in a defiant/victorious displayWould Sauron have a cape? an armor? a plate armor? these are questions to be answered IF the Man accepts it
and I’ll wait for Chris reply on this case before submitting this idea…
I think Sauron in this case should be a “cross-over” between the [mith]MS435[/mith] Sauron and [mith]MS483[/mith] Annatar
His face should remain hidden, by a full helm or a mask, the burning blowing streams of the core of Orodruin making his cloak or hood or robe be pushed back from his body revealing greaves under his lower cloak, gauntlets under his sleeves, as if he was “threatening” a storm in front of him (if you can see the image)
in the end, some kind of Nazgul but with the “under parts” revealed… and with a face, covered in a mask or a full helm (I can’t imagine him in full plate armor but rather in armor covered with a “monk robe”…indeed, this is my imagination… and when it comes to Sauron… anybody has his own vision… having some masks, cloacks, robe is a way to remain “anonymous” (as it was the case for Gothmog which really was a success, for me at least…)
December 10, 2010 at 9:46 am #13934well I would hardly imagine a “shadow” forging something real…besides
during the time of the forging of the Ring, Sauron clearly had a body, he was no shadow of himself yetDecember 10, 2010 at 9:22 pm #13945Interesting idea Master Gildor….. I will support this if it appears to suggestion list…
but you must be persistent to pushed this vision of your imaginary forging of the one ring scene… than we would have complete line of figures…. only missing one of the last David’s idea…. dead of Celebrimbor
December 10, 2010 at 9:44 pm #13947Having him in armour (regardless of type) at that moment is IMO absolutely inappropriate. He is in the heart of his realm, crafting his ultimate tool in secret. No one knows about that. Here armour would only be a hindrance for the process. So, fittingly he should be clothed in working garb which would be of the best type imaginable. Probably it would be rich and elaborate. Remember that he is still wearing his beautiful “Annatar” form. Accordingly he should be modelled as a regal, most noble Elf but of greater height (e.g. equivalent of ca. 2.5+ m IMO).
If a face is not an option for Chris, a facial mask (as a protective shield) might be OK, but then the hair should be visible to show that he’s no “monster” at the time, but like a lord of the Eldar or even more noble and beautiful. It depends on the stage of the forging process. If it is the moment the One has been completed and Sauron puts on the One for the first time, he probably has taken off any “work garb” to fully enjoy the completion of his plan. For this later stage, a mask and “work dress” *might* be OK, but then with the mask lifted (e.g. like a raised visor). For the final steps of the actual forging a “face-protected” Sauron would be OK IMO.
TolwenDecember 10, 2010 at 11:22 pm #13949I rather would have him in his “true” form. In his in the heart of his realm, so he doesn’t need to “wear” the Annatar form. I’ll have him a bit taller than a man, muscular with long hair. Clothes are not a good idea when forging unless you wear some leather protection, but since he’s a Maia I would go for something more epic.
Bare chest, long hair with movement, a cruel smile, a raised hand with the One Ring on (or maybe just holding it in his open hand) and an ornate hammer in the other (and an ornate anvil to complete the scene). I could even make a sketch.
December 11, 2010 at 12:19 am #13950full armor garb is not appropriate, but a “too human” form, with bare muscles , well I don’t think it would be fitting for Maia as all of this is surrounded with shadows, secrets.. etc , there is something about himself that has to reveal the deceit, the malignent , the evil, the shadowy, yet the strong…
My idea was not to have the forging tools with him but rather just when he has finished it and brandishes it in front of… the very place where it will be casted down by Frodo, millenia later.December 11, 2010 at 1:31 am #13951I’ve finished the sketch. As I drew it, I have realised you were right, Master Elf. I’ve began with what looked like Conan with the One Ring and it didn’t work at all. I’ve added a mask, a short tunic, an Elven style leather protection (like those of Mirkwood Elves) and some other details and it now I think it looks right. I can post it tomorrow, if you want.
December 11, 2010 at 8:42 am #13953Arthadan wrote:I rather would have him in his “true” form. In his in the heart of his realm, so he doesn’t need to “wear” the Annatar form.For the fallen Ainur, it’s not easy to change a bodily form at a whim. Even Melkor lost the ability and he was *far* more powerful than Sauron back then. Thus Sauron would be more or less obliged to remain in the Annatar form. Shedding (and especially re-making) a corporeal form for someone as Sauron is tiresome, so it’s not done without a good reason. And IMO there’s no reason why he should shed it. It served him well, and is extremely useful.
TolwenDecember 11, 2010 at 10:06 am #13956There is lot’s of possibilities to see this changeable Sauron’s forms but for me this would be a real challenge for modeling this figures…. I’m sure that if this idea win on next round this will be excellent example of creativity….
December 11, 2010 at 10:24 am #13957Agreed, Master Tolwen. But we can’t have just some Elven-faced guy with a ring. So I’ve used a mask.
Here s my try. Position is a bit stiff, proportions are off but is an sketch, not a finished drawing! I know the Eye was used openly in late Third Eye, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t used privately before (I found fitting he began to use it when he forged the One).
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/551_sauron11.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/551_sauron11.jpg[/imgz]
Here you are a detail of the mask:
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/551_saurn_mask.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/551_saurn_mask.jpg[/imgz]
December 11, 2010 at 11:57 am #13958Impressive! Sketches from spain! ( oh, isn´t that an album from Master Miles Davis . . .?)
December 11, 2010 at 1:14 pm #13959Thanks, Master Archer!
December 11, 2010 at 3:34 pm #13960I like your sketch master Arthadan, though I would envelopped him altogether in some cloak to add some… fluctuation in addition to the hair… (if you see what I mean)
as for Tolwen… Sauron lost his ability to change “fana” when he “died” during the fall of Numenor… which was later after the creation of the ring… Melkor was embodiement of dark forces and had lost his ability to change fana when he stole the silmarils…
Sauron on the other hand, was a Maia of Aulë, and his original true fana was certainly that of a smith… before he served Melkor… there are several examples of his ability to change shapes during the reign of Morgoth … remember when he was a vampire and fled before Beren?December 11, 2010 at 4:42 pm #13961I considered the cloak also, but it sees too impractical for forging. On the other hand, with a cloak and the smith hammer replaced for a nasty weapon (such a mace), it would make a nice alternate version of Sauron as general of his own army against the Elves of Eregion.
December 11, 2010 at 9:48 pm #13975well, Chris seems to have made Sauron wield swords in his “universe”, two times we have Sauron/Annatar with a sword…
why not… Melkor used a mace, the Witch-king used a mace AND a sword… the fact that Sauron uses a mace in the movie does not mean it was this weapon he did use actually
December 12, 2010 at 1:42 am #13979The cloak makes sense. Everything else sems a bit difficult.
Hey- we are talking about the shape, don´t we?!
( Gildor wrote: well the shape of Sauron here is not the most important thing… it is mostly the “position” and the base… )December 12, 2010 at 4:13 am #13980Gildor Inglorion wrote:well, Chris seems to have made Sauron wield swords in his “universe”, two times we have Sauron/Annatar with a sword…why not… Melkor used a mace, the Witch-king used a mace AND a sword… the fact that Sauron uses a mace in the movie does not mean it was this weapon he did use actually
That’s the point! I think is more interesting to have the same character in diferent outfits than having the same character with exactly the very same equipment in another pose. We can have Isildur with “parade” armour”, Isisldur with campaign (less decorated, more practical) armour, Isidur with battle-worn armour and so on.
In this miniature case, I think that a sword is a noble weapon, while a mace is a smashing destructive and so it will emphasize the “evilness” of the character despite his almost Elven looking. In case you wonder, I mean something slim and elegant like this.
By the way, feel free to use my skecht (send it to Chris or whatever).
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › special suggestion for december/january