MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › THE TAPROOM 2
- This topic has 3,998 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 1 month ago by Barliman.
September 30, 2011 at 7:34 pm #20487
well I am sad to read this barliman, and I understand of course… but you’ll have to admit that going down from 22€ each to 11€ each is no small effort in terms of “discussion”…. it remains expensive but this is quite a change…
I have from safe source learned that any lower price would stop mithril activity altogether… certainly because bad choices and investments have been made and it costed money… indeed we are not sponsors to invest money in mithril we are buyers… but if we want mithril to remain in activity, we’ll have to consider the high prices are a sort of sponsorship , indeed the value is far less, but we “pay” for mithril to remain in business… it has to be fair though…. I accept this principle at 11€ , I would prefer 9€ each… but would have NOT accepted it at 22€…
I’m still waiting to know if I’ll have a reduction since I intend to preorder all the set, but in single piece only… and i am in autoshipment…
Chris had told me there would be reduction if you buy everything…September 30, 2011 at 7:34 pm #20488Huoommm …. yes, indeed … though … rhuommm … also some other things seems to be shaping, as far as I know … rhuoomm … as what you lately called apathy, Master Barliman, I witnessed while you put me in charge of the Pony … huoomm … with that I felt very much honoured, by the by … rhuoomm … though … I know of things that are moving … rhuomm …
ahhh, Master barkeep if you could please fill me a bowl with some sparkeling (sic) water … rhuomm … then we might get back to the good ol’ times when the Pony was a place of facts and rumours in former MMP-times … rghuU°mmm … “sorry” … sometimes we had facts, sometimes we had rumours … rrrhuoommm … fact is, me bowl’s empty, rumour is there’s a lot moving outside the Pony …. huomm .. just believe me … HUomm..m ?September 30, 2011 at 8:02 pm #20489I made pre-order for one set of figures… and I surprised with final prices. Very surprised… and satisfied !!! Now we should wait one month for first release. My only concern is how they will be charge my CC. Whether by month or all at once in advance ! ?!?!?!?
September 30, 2011 at 8:04 pm #20491Rhuoomm … sorry, Master Gildor I was printing while your last entry was seen … rhuomm …
to be honest, I rather prefer being in the Prancing Pony relaxing … rhuomm .. though, if I chose I could step outside for awhile … rhuoomm … why always have these speculations about prices here … rhuomm … is it really all your concerns are about, I wonder. …… ggruuuoohummm … is there any body around here to enjoy that the Strawheads might finally be released (and a very fine bunch they are) … rhuomm … years of complaining that such set wasn’t released … rhuom… now, as it might be about to be released, complaining … huoomm … so what? … rhuoommm … I’m fed up with this … you want quality for a dime … rhuoomm .. then you’re at the right place here in the “Pony” …. rhuoommm …. sorry mefriends … rhuommm … though I could also provide rumours …. huommm … interesting ones I believe … hooommmmm ,,,,September 30, 2011 at 8:05 pm #20492Gildor Inglorion wrote:well I am sad to read this barliman, and I understand of course… but you’ll have to admit that going down from 22€ each to 11€ each is no small effort in terms of “discussion”…. it remains expensive but this is quite a change…Ah, I’m a complete clot. An utter ninnyhammer, as Gaffer Gamgee would put it. I completely misread the price structure (too much to do, and too little time to pay attention to things closely enough – I’ve had a VERY bad week outside the Pony, work-wise).
Because I was expecting the worst, my brain read it as €22.45 for a first figure, and €11.95 x 3 (therefore €35.85) was the bulk discount price. My pessimism confused me.
All is well – I shall be ordering some after all.
(Note to self: Read things properly in future before opening your mouth and jumping into it feet first. Postscript to self: Drink more scrumpy.)
September 30, 2011 at 8:06 pm #20493I sent a mail to Lars saying I intend to pre-order the all set, and will wait to buy it with all my missing range (120 minis) in 2012, once my budget is secured.
September 30, 2011 at 8:19 pm #20494all in all, we have had the best news in a while today with all those announcments
price is not the most important one… partnership for distribution in the states and a presence on the market.. THIS is the great news!!
September 30, 2011 at 8:25 pm #20495Did anyone else notice, though, that HD2 is described as the second of three sets? The Man once told me about a fourth and even a fifth set, but it sounds as if they’ve faded away. Shame. Still, some of the theoretical figures seem to be appearing regardless, more by chance than by design…
September 30, 2011 at 8:37 pm #20496well with all those mithril bad health I think the fourth and fifth set have been postponed, if not totally canceled, and not even sculpted yet… easterlings and HD3 are… but this is as far as Mithril has commissioned Chris for this work… all further “work” if it exists, is not “property” of mithril and could eventually released by the man under his own name in a future, who knows…
Planning 3 or 4 ranges on a same them, at first , was a mistake… they could not know what the future held for them… they should not have make such long time plans on regular releases…
September 30, 2011 at 8:38 pm #20497Well I’ve just ordered the Dorwinion wine merchant, a second White Council and entombed Balrog for a couple of projects I have in mind, plus a couple of other older bits and pieces so my funds are spent for a while
, but to be honest what I’ve just ordered are of more practical use to me at this moment in time than the HD 2 figures.
Still, bit by bit these prices are more affordable than 22+ euros, so I can try and sneak them in gradually I suppose. I still wish we could get them for non EU prices, roll on the referrendum!!!
I wonder how this deal that Mithril has struck will affect who decides on what the next range might be?
September 30, 2011 at 8:40 pm #20498this is totally stupid that Non EU countries are taxes free, I think german and french governments try to put a tax on all “market transactions” as it is this lack of tax that plays a heavy roles in the economy problems… BIG companies make a lot of profit thanks to this “tax free” for exportation outside europe.. For Mithril this is a small case, but for economical giants, this is disgusting…
September 30, 2011 at 8:48 pm #20499It is good to see everyone in good cheer today! I have just preordered 3 each of the first release. I must remind everyone that if they wanted to pick up an extra of the 6 months or older MS miniatures they should do it soon before sales are open to everyone.
September 30, 2011 at 9:40 pm #20500well from what I heard yes this means MS releases will be cheaper!!
September 30, 2011 at 9:46 pm #20501We shall see. I shan’t be holding my breath in the meantime. In the meantime I need to make some budget plans to work out what to order first out of the several things that I want. Probably be a certain Ent whacking hell out of a person of semi-Orcish extraction.
September 30, 2011 at 10:51 pm #20502rhuomm … Master Barliman … I clearly did not understand you … rhuomm … but that Ent still is busy a bit … rhuomm … in other matters you might perceive soon … whatever soon means … .Huooommmtidommrh .. kloppediklomm … huommm …
September 30, 2011 at 10:52 pm #20503they said it, personnally I don’t care if they release MS widely, Mithril HAS to be present and to SELL something outside the small numbers that we represent… all those MS have Never been advertised outside the GF because they were not available… it’s time to change…
Indeed the fellowship has to retain some exclusivity : suggesting, voting and better price for memberships are a bonus, besides, all MS figurines will only be available to gold fellowship only for the six first months of their release, then they will become publicly available… at slightly higher price for non members
this is , a really good plan I think… I had not thought about it but this is a good thing… they should use the french Prince August Distributor to do the same I think… it could be a good step!
October 1, 2011 at 3:57 am #20504A voice from a dark corner of the Pony says:” Here are some thoughts, and responses to comments above:
1) The reduced pricing is is great news, and came about because Mithril reached out to (or was approached by) an outside company to FINALLY leverage the MEE license in a way to promote Mithril. Perhaps some efforts by certain members paid off. Lars is involved in several businesses, but to my knowledge they are mainly computer related. PA and Mithril are somewhat orphans, it sometimes seems. Still, Lars must care about PA/Mithril and profit from it somewhat or he certainly would not continue these companies.
2) I also would like more details about when we pay for our pre-order and if we order all at once do we have to wait until December for them all to be shipped together?
3) Rumor has it that not only are the HD3 and Easterling prototypes mostly ready, there is also another release “mostly” ready . . . . of course, that’s just a rumor.
4) As for the VAT, everyone hates taxes, especially in the US. But we all want security, safe food, air, water, etc . . . ohh, and of course some education, healthcare, pension (social security) and good roads. So, you get what you pay for (minus, of course, the part lost to stupidity, waste and corruption). Still, you really do get what you vote/pay for!
5) it sure would be nice to have an ale, Barli. My mug is dry, and one also for all of the members, I’m going to have a little extra coiny-thing with these prices now
October 1, 2011 at 6:35 am #20506twrich wrote:Rumor has it that not only are the HD3 and Easterling prototypes mostly ready, there is also another release “mostly” ready . . . . of course, that’s just a rumor.I have heard the same “rumour”. The Easterlings have certainly been “rumoured” to be complete for several years, while The Man has several times over the past couple of years promised to send me pictures of HD3 (though, characteristically, he’s never quite got round to it!), so they must indeed be very close to completion, if not entirely finished. As for the third release….hmmmmm.
October 1, 2011 at 8:04 am #20507Huoomm … Master Twrich, ad 5, a very good idea indeed … rhuoomm … though I would rather prefer to have a bowl instead of that tiny-muggy-thing … huom … I also witnessed some rumours about different matters … rhuomm … so we’ll see … hom
October 1, 2011 at 11:33 am #20508Quendil wrote:Has anyone noticed that the last few links to view the figures don’t work on their website, such as the raised spare showing the sword and the archer showing and orc. (…)Yes!
First I thought, I have consumed too much scrumpy . . .
Maybe Master Michael did . . . -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › THE TAPROOM 2