I wonder if I can stand still on the table…Let me try…oh..OH…bing !
A shame Master Ent is not around. He would have told me how to stand still for sure.
I’d better take a sit and not move until he comes in.
Regarding rugby, I recently found out why Germany does not have a good team, whereas Germany is very good in all other team sports…
It has something to do with WW2 history …too bad… I guess this could be improved now..
Master Barliman, it seems your inn become a chat-room . . .
Aussies and french has much too say, obviously . . .
The fact is: this very talkative Forest Warden has overrun me.
And as far as I know him meanwhiling, this will last . . .
So then ! My hobbit friend Master forest warden’s open hunting competition for “the largest number of messages”…. This is proof that the little hobits can run very, very quickly….. Grrroink !