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  • #22718
    MMP Elder

      well there is a good news in this… though 29.95€ is quite expensive, as always, I had thought that the Sauron figurine price would be a lot more expensive due to its size (57mm full height) so I’m rather happy to see it at this price…

      I just hope it will carry on with Beregond vignette…………


        At last, we have some very nice news from Ireland !
        Sauron and Saruman are fantastic, and next is Beregond….:cool:

          Milo wrote:
          I just visited GF forum, it is dying ! appart from suggestions and german section…no more talks there…and only 34 votes this time…
          this is worrying me and I guess I’m not the only one ?

          I don’t think it’s disinterest so much as despair and despondency at the apparent lack of enthusiasm, progress or interest at Mithril. New releases other than those the Fellowhip has in effect commissioned and paid for are now such a rare event that there seems litle point in suggesting or discussing potential new ranges or ideas, because the consensus of opinion is that they’ll never happen anyway. I certainly find that Mithril’s lack of enthusiasm has sapped my own, to the point that I haven’t even suggested a Fellowship release for several months – not since Beregond, in fact.


            . . .no, you are NOT the only one, Master Milo. Though I completely agree with what Master Barli pointed out.
            Think over what is happening with the Strawheads-release at present — and in general!

            I have bought some years ago a flock of seagulls – NO this is a band, I mean a flock of bats. 32mm. Absolutely great.
            Unfortunately I can´t provide a pic at this time but I will do it later today! Therefor I am a bit disappointed about those Crebairns.
            There are only two! This is the minimum to say it in plural!

            (is it for sure, that Crebairns are birds, no bats . . . ?)

            Good to see, that The Man had modified Sauron´s crown. Still- do you really like this figure ?!

            MMP Elder

              fact is… lack of releases and two months for a single suggestion/vote result in a lack of “buzz” on the forums of course…

              eventually, things could move up with releases but we never know… I am just happy to see there are forthcoming great figurines , Sauron Saruman and Beregond are Great indeed!

              (I ordereed TWO Sauron, one of which will be the first casting)

                Gildor Inglorion wrote:
                (I ordereed TWO Sauron, one of which will be the first casting)

                Oh really?! I want to have the FIRST casting also. What do I have to do, Master Gildor !???


                  No answer from our elf. He prefered to leave . . . :/

                    Gildor Inglorion wrote:
                    fact is… lack of releases and two months for a single suggestion/vote result in a lack of “buzz” on the forums of course…

                    eventually, things could move up with releases but we never know… I am just happy to see there are forthcoming great figurines , Sauron Saruman and Beregond are Great indeed!

                    (I ordereed TWO Sauron, one of which will be the first casting)

                    I do not understand very well. As Saruman suggestion winner, shall I send also an order for it or is it automatic ? Do we pay anything ? I thought 1st one was reserved, and free, therefore automatic :rolleyes:

                      Turambar wrote:
                      . . .no, you are NOT the only one, Master Milo. Though I completely agree with what Master Barli pointed out.
                      Think over what is happening with the Strawheads-release at present — and in general!

                      I have bought some years ago a flock of seagulls – NO this is a band, I mean a flock of bats. 32mm. Absolutely great.
                      Unfortunately I can´t provide a pic at this time but I will do it later today! Therefor I am a bit disappointed about those Crebairns.
                      There are only two! This is the minimum to say it in plural!

                      (is it for sure, that Crebairns are birds, no bats . . . ?)

                      Good to see, that The Man had modified Sauron´s crown. Still- do you really like this figure ?!

                      I like this new Sauron very much yes, even better than the preview we had last year.
                      Then you are right that 2 crebains is not enough, I remember having suggested also several birds on the floor with rocks around…well, il seems I will have to make a little scene :rolleyes:. Still the pause and sculpt is very good.

                        Milo wrote:
                        . . . I thought 1st one was reserved, and free, therefore automatic :rolleyes:

                        REALLY ??? I don´t know this. Is it true?! Who can inform about this!


                          I just read GF rules (
                          If I understand it right, from rule 9: The winning entry get the right to get the first casting which will be engraved with serial no. So be sure you add your wish first. (if there is any dispute in regard to this, Mithril has the final say).

                          So, maybe not free, but at least, you get the 1st casting with special base marking ?


                            Ahh, I see! And I understand. Thank you very much for this explanation, Master Milo. :) :) :)
                            Always interesting to read EVERYTHING !


                              You’re welcome my dear Archer. BTW, even if I do not read German, I saw in your last post in german section you are mentionning [mith]M17[/mith]. If needed, I have 5 [mith]M17[/mith] (4 still in blister) to trade ;).


                                A vertitable tribe!

                                MMP Elder

                                  Sorry I had a very busy dat at work but Milo answered for me… yes the GF original rules ensures that the suggesting winner gets a special Casting number°1

                                  but as I do not trust them to remember ….. Each time I win I ensure they do not forget… and I order two of them (one regular for painting) and one for collecting purpose with “1” engraved below, and “casting 1” written on the blister laber (sometimes…)

                                  it is SUPPOSED to be automatic each time you win but I prefer to remind them….


                                    And so you should. I’ve never yet received a ‘No 1’ figure in the case of any of my Fellowship winners. It hasn’t unduly worried me, because it’s not the sort of thing I worry about, but it confirms Master Gildor’s point – always “remind” Mithril if you want to get your winner numbered!


                                      Mmmm, maybe Barliman you should request your winner numbered ones and provide it to others ? :P😆


                                        The M17 ?!
                                        A really marvellous figure! No thank you Master Attic Warden!
                                        I have one, already painted and placed inside a diorama with his chieftain! 😎

                                        But it is very kind of you to mentioned it for me, sir!
                                        PS: I think it is better NOT to understand what is written inside the german section . . . in this case . . .


                                          Huuoommm … I simply forgot about all that … rhuoomm … but that doesn’t matter to me … huom … my “Hirluin” has no such special base marking, as you call it … huoommm … though my PM1 is the first casting, as The Man once gave it to me for something I do not remember well, but he confirmed … huoomm …


                                            Lucky you are Master Ent. I hope Chris will soon find time to recast PM1 !

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