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  • #24483

      Congratulations to the winners but also to all participants… Great painting jobs right here.


        Barli went quickly to the taproom, before I could answer …….Here you are!
        You said:

        “However, it’s only a few months since the latest Ent, and he was the “right” size, so Mithril’s policy is a little inconsistent on that score – and it doesn’t explain why we’re suddenly getting so many large vignette MS releases. One Huorn surely involved a lot less metal than a vignette and could therefore have been the same height as his forebears?”

        Is it consistent to link the final price only to the weight of the figure? Although it would make sense that the answer is yes, the fact is that Mithril set prices without regard to this (compare MS 569-570, 568-572, 574-578).
        why there are more expensive large vignettes lately? Perhaps The Man is bored to see “limited” his creativity and try to create scenes as he can. This would also explain future emissions Phaeton ……
        or perhaps, simply, they make more money with expensive vignettes …… (remember that making money is always the ultimate goal) :rolleyes:


          In fact the vignettes are surprisingly inexpensive compared to “large” single figures. That’s why I don’t understand why the Huorn had to be any smaller than the Ent relased only a few months ago. And I think Master Gildor’s link of weight of metal to price has a lot to do with the equation – which makes the discrepancy between the Huorn and Ent even more inexplicable.

          Perhaps Chris simply ran out of modelling putty when he was making the master for the Huorn!

          But I think you’re right re The Man’s motives for doing large vignettes – it must get boring doing single figures all the time when you’re as talented as Chris is.

          MMP Elder

            you must add the “mould building” and casting involved in making big pieces too not only the price in metal.

            Still I agree with Barliman, I don’t see why the huorn would be so small…

            Did you weigh the figurine, as opposed the the ent ? (considering the ent is something like a vignette too, I dont remember but I don’t think the ent was the price a of a “single” fig, as opposed to the huorn?


              Huoommmm … why do that? … rhuom … er … if you really want to, it’s better to compare with the “trumpeting Ent”, as he is not lifting some nasty half-orc … 没uoomm …


                As I said a few days ago….it is not a problem in the quantity of metal – this was Huron’s child….. 馃槑


                  Presumably he’s having a tantrum, and has just thrown the half-orc out of his pram.


                    I put Huorn with his mithril friends in my Glass cabinet last week-end, he is very small indeed. But some real trees are much smaller than others don’t they ?
                    Anyway, to my point of view, no matter the size, I always love having new Ents joining my hill.

                    Please Master Barliman, serve a round to people who come here tonight. No specific reason, just my pleasure to share good time and friendship here.

                    kshink…I know this sounds ever more friendly to your ears ! :D


                      Yes indeedy. That was music to my old lugs (sorry, Bree dialect again).

                      Very hot and humid here tonight, so I think it’s time for ice-cold Bud or Cors. Apparently we’re going to have a month’s rain in the next two days. Mind you, they didn’t say which month’s rain. If it’s June’s rain we’re in big trouble (here in Bree it was the wettest June on record).


                        Sorry- this discussion is breaking my nerves meanwhiling.
                        Why don麓t you say that this Huorn is a misunderstanding! And for sure- he is!
                        Clearly- AN ENT is surely something different in our imagination. I say OUR, because I suppose I am not the only one . . .
                        Make your mind up what an ENT suppose to be . . .

                        A scrumpy please, MAster B, with extra rat-tail!


                          You’re right, of course, Master Archer – everyone sees Ents/Huorns differently in their minds, but whatever way you look at it the new Huorn is inarguably SMALL – you only have to stand him alongside the old Huorn – or even a Mithril human – to see that he is. The only reason that Ents Entered the discussion is because we’re told by JRRT that Huorns are trees getting Entish, or Ents getting treeish, which one can only interpret to mean that they’re much the same size as Ents and/or trees. Here in Bree, a “tree” that’s only about eight feet tall is no more than a shrub with ambitions.


                            grrrr没oommmhuomm huomm .. rhom … kloppedi-di- klopp ? … [ ] … rhuomm … <--- !! & ? ...
                            er, just for a thought … rhuoommm … Master Barliman, may I have a bowl of clear-clean-honey-coloured-not-rat-tailed-and-semi-liquid-pure-watery thing, please … rhuoomm … if you know what I mean … huommm … yes a bowl, I said … rhuoom …
                            I dislike this discussion about Ents and Huorns very much by now … rhuuoomm … as I feel fine with it …. rhuoomm … no sense? … rhuoommm … ? … got it right then …. huooommmm …


                              Got it right indeed. One bowl of something you think is water coming right up.


                                Huoomm … now that’s the best barkeep in Bree …. rhuomm … he even is able to understand trees … h没没没没没么mmm … ah, thank you for that bowl ….


                                  Good evening Mr Barliman is your inn open on sunday night? If so an hydromel glass for me, if you don’t mind


                                    Not sure if he is around Master Mornedhel, but I know where he keeps the key to the cellar ;)


                                      Fantastic, let’s move on to the famous Mr Barliman’s cellar…


                                        On another matter, is it just me, or has anyone else found they can’t get into the GF area of Mithril’s website? I tried to gain access last night to make a figure suggestion and found that the current password (or at least, what I assume is still the current password (to do with a particular time of year and a large creature) and couldn’t get in. Any suggestions? I’ve sent an email to Michael but haven’t yet received a response.


                                          Well, all I can say is, that the smaug related password is OLD !
                                          Can麓t remeber the current one – unfortunately- and has already deleate the mail it was mentioned in.
                                          I am getting older- you know . . .


                                            Aha, just found the old email with the new password – fortunately my trash can hasn’t been emptied lately.

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