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  • #32495

      Michael explained somewhere in the last day or so that the first Forlong was rejected for some technical reason, and had to be redesigned. But I’m not sure where I saw it now…

      MMP Elder

        I can provide some more “unofficial” info about this Forlong….
        Back in november 2014, if you remember well, we exchanged a lot on some aspects of Chris sculpture and some of you (Arthadan among them) quoted some links from other brands or other figures to illustrate what Mithril and Chris sculpts were lacking in terms of “art” and expression.
        As I told you I synthetized and sent all those feedbacks to Chris who took them all in consideration and thus decide to RESCULPT entirely the character of Forlong to match most of the expectations and feedbacks that had been done by the MMP community members.

        the result is the current version (as seen in the last GF newsletter)… So this is the result of a lot of our feedback. I have never seen the original version though, just this one, back in november while it was still a work in progress


          Oh yes!!!! I can remember well everything! And it was it worth. Absolutely. Resculpting the figure was exactly the absolute RIGHT decision!!!!!!
          Synthezising was absolutely right! And well done in sending all those feedbackst to Mr. Tubb! It was worth doing that! Absolutely!
          Therfore the waiting time was it worth also. I was waiting- just a moment- four month. And the result: A very unique figure . . . unique and single . . .
          just like a Malt from the Highlands . . .

          [imgz url=][/imgz]

          MMP Elder

            ahh well indeed the final result is definitly better , and there is more movement, emotions in it

            well I’m glad all those feedback and insight was done and sent, that proves the Man listens to us and can do the right things

            if there was still a doubt about it, that’s really is a proof it is good that we gather feedback, ideas about how Chris should orient his work. I have his ear (well so far) and he is listening to critics positive or negative as far as they are constructive

            I’m glad about the process here…

            now the collector man that I am would crave to get his hands on the “early version” of this Forlong, as it could be a prototype “collector” worthy of interest…. as you know I am a prototype hunter :)

            I should ask the man if he kept a test cast just in case :)


              Proto hunter is a good title for you Gildor ;)

              Thanks master turambar for having put both sculpts together. The improvement is obvious.
              At the end, constructive criticism have been very usefull (I had doubt about it, I admit). I feel last releases have improved a lot, and still the man style is there. I thank you again master Gildor for your involvment.


                Well I am certainly happy with the result, pretty much what I was hoping for and how I had pictured him.

                Thanks for the explanation Gildor of why the original was abandoned – I was curious when it was mentioned in the text.


                  Ahem . . . gentlemen, I am a little bit confused. On the other hand it shows exactly the point of “desaster” . . .

                  The second figure is of course NOT the prototype, it is simply [mith]M526[/mith] .

                  And I am certainly NOT happy with the result, because it is simply another repeat.
                  And exactly that was to be meant for hinder, wasn´t it?!

                  MMP Elder

                    I took the freedom to send a mail to Chris to tell us that this new Forlong was well received and that our work together with comments etc. paid well. I’m sure that he too will be happy about this :)

                    (NB : I used the occasion to ask for an update on the Phaeton range hehe)

                    MMP Elder

                      well, it was fast, already got a reply … though without any feeling concerning Forlong though some news concerning Zbrush :) it is going quite well though he lacks time at the moment to completly master it, the results are so far quite impressive and he likes it.


                        So- what is your information, Master Gildor? A BIG MYSTERY !!!!! Like always! I know something but I can not tell it . . . What should this be for?
                        So that means NO news concerning phaeton range at all. NO news concerning the “Necromancer´s Tower” range.
                        So that means that our effort- I mean “the poll”” was simply for the “ass”, as we call in my region.
                        So- I will throw my diorama WITHOUT figures into rubbish and Mr. Tubb can do the same with his masters . . . I am NOT interesting anymore in those figures.

                        What is Zbrush??????

                        You are a man who like collecting prototypes, Master Gildor? I do so also. If I have the opportunity. Like everybody here, I suppose.
                        Oh- I asked Mr. Tubb concerning the prototype of “fallen Balrog”. Do you remember that figure?????
                        I asked him about prototyoe of Sauron as well. A figure sculpted with a helmet like the Nazgul in LR-range.
                        I also made a realistic suggestion concerning releasing that NT range . . .
                        What do you think was his reaction?!
                        Well- maybe he doesn´t like me in person- therefore he could tell me: I don´t like you and will NOT answer to any mail of you . . .
                        But- what would be the reason for it? Was I rude to him in the past? Why should I? So- NO IDEA AT ALL !
                        I made the decision leaving everything concerning Mr. Tubb at all a long time ago.
                        If you receive a mail from him, Gildor? Be lucky! You seem to be the only one. Which is a mistake in my eyes.

                        I concentrate to other sculptors who are more friendly, more communicative and more polite.

                        Sorry for being harsh, but I am really fed up!!!
                        Good night!!

                        PS: and please- don´t send these words to Mr. Tubb without my permission, Master Gildor- as you did before! That would be kind!

                        MMP Elder

                          I will not send any word master Turambar…

                          Still I’d like to know why you are this mad at me? I must say I’m quite astonished by your tone here. You have every right to feel the way you do but does it mean I am responsible for that??

                          Sorry if I can only share what I am told I can… my mistake then I should say NOTHING at all and not try to get information altogether (you will note that I provided information actually, but in Angrenost… not the pony, because it does not have to be public). I have no news concerning Phaeton range at all so I can’t give any, it is not even a matter of disclosure just that I got nothing except what I already said.

                          Now what is the mistake ? the fact that I am lucky or the fact that I received a mail, thus saying I’m a liar? I don’t know why Chris would answer me rather than other people, I think he also writes to others. But if he does usually it’s to partake info or receive comments from the MMP community as for him, I am the mmp-middle man, being the manager/owner of MMP and of his Phaeton “vitrine”… I think it’s only that.

                          Please take a seat and have a drink, it’s on me… but you should calm down

                          (NB : Zbrush is the computer software used to design 3D models of figurines)

                          MMP Elder
                            Turambar wrote:
                            Ahem . . . gentlemen, I am a little bit confused. On the other hand it shows exactly the point of “desaster” . . .

                            The second figure is of course NOT the prototype, it is simply [mith]M526[/mith] .

                            And I am certainly NOT happy with the result, because it is simply another repeat.
                            And exactly that was to be meant for hinder, wasn´t it?!

                            So I had missed this post and it explains a lot…. Sorry to have missed that. Still so I took you original post not a hinder but as A FACT, you provided the pic yourself and I thought it was a TRUE one, now if you say it is a hoax, I have no idea what the original looked like oO … From Milo, Ddaines and myself though, it seems the new version looked better than the fake original you provided which was after all M526… in what way would this Forlong not be unique but a repeat then, to what figurine could you link it ?

                            So you blame the messenger while everybody here was in agreement to post and synthetize those feedbacks… feedbacks that were made mostly from MMP members I did not say anything myself. I am completly at a loss here I’d like to understand…


                              You feel that I critizised you, Gildor? Why? Why should I? What did I say? Where is something written like this????
                              If I read my latest post I come to the conclusion, that there is only ONE person that was critizised: the “sculptur”. Nobody else!

                              Concerning the “information-point”. That is generally a “problem” in my eyes. It is NO information when you say: I know something but I can not tell it.
                              So to say A Zero-Information. That is not that essential to be angry with me, Master Elf.

                              We- especially YOU- have/has create that poll in the past concerning NT-Range. To give ABSOLUTELY NO information at all concerning that really makes me angry.
                              And that shows the missing interest of “the sculptor”. That´s all. And that is really a pity.

                              I still do not know why nobody did recognize this M526 figure.

                              Anyway- I suggest you also to come down and we should ask Master Barli for serving us one of his famous drinks . . .

                              MMP Elder

                                well then there was clearly a misunderstanding and quiproquo… as you see I am not the only one here not to have recognized the M526 and the tone in your post seemed genuine so I did not check further I really thought you were happy and were showing the difference… well nevermind.

                                As for NT range, I understand your frustation but alas , I have gone above the status of being infuriated or upset, I am “accepting” as there is nothing that can be done… Trust me I ask, several times I asked and said we were waiting for its release but without success… the poll did nothing, even with its result, what should I do…

                                Now it comes to a point there is nothing more that can be said here, and I deeply agree with you, we should get one of those Barli’s famous drinks and have a good evening :)


                                  Changing the topic if I may,I’ve begun a serie of articles about Middle-earth miniatures suitable for role-playing as true to the books as possible.

                                  First one is out in Other Minds magazine. Here you are in case you are interested:


                                    . . .change topic reverse . . .
                                    Well- Master Gildor, everything is clear now. Speaking with the “other” language could lead to misunderstanding often . . .
                                    I would like to add- again- my not-undertanding of absolutely NO information concerning NT by “the sculptor”..
                                    There was none before AND after the poll. I can remember that 100% members long for more pictures. Posting pictures included making them take seven minutes.
                                    ( I stopped the time posting the Ent-Picture above . . . ) What position shoud be transported with that behaviour?

                                    But it seems, that I am the only one realising this . . .


                                      Well Gentlemen, Master Elf and Master Archer–I am glad that I did not read these exchanges until after you had a drink together at the Pony. I was confused reading each one (here in my corner with an ale and a pipe), and I didn’t follow the prior conversation well either. Then when you shared that drink, showing good sense, I think I overheard a respect for each position. Let me buy you both another.

                                      Barli, is Southfarthing legal tender in Bree?


                                        Arthadan, that is great!

                                        You should post this link to the “Playgrounds of Erebor” section.


                                          (yawning loudly) Good day, gentlemen. Have I missed anything?


                                            Hi Master Barliman,
                                            Do not worry, it’s the usual loudness while 2 elves are having arguments & keep sharing drinks.
                                            I’m glad these are not dwarves though.:lol:
                                            By the way, they must be hungry. Please bring them some of Mrs Barliman delicious scones on my account.
                                            Hem… don’t forget to tell me how much Ie owe you this month while you bring me a good breakfast.

                                            What? That many? I trust you and I need to find more coins in my attics!

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