MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › THE TAPROOM 3
- This topic has 2,403 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by Barliman.
July 16, 2015 at 10:32 pm #32760
Well I must say I am quite upset about this eldacar / Castamir… I saw the pics almost one year ago and it was still in creation. I told him it would definitly gain emphasis with a “common” base instead of having them separate on “basic” base…. indeed there are those who make dioramas who will adapt, but Mithril has made such great vignettes in the past, it is a pity this one is not a vignette too
July 17, 2015 at 3:16 pm #32761well, I think it’s time for some refreshment here, it’s too hot in my head at the moment…. not only outside but with all the current events.
I don’t know what people think about it around here at the Pony, but seeing this “Arwen Hunting” suggestion being in a good position to win makes me shiver and clearly disapoint me… I am more tolerant than many when it comes to Mihtril freedom with sculpting style) but I am not totally out of my mind when it comes to changing clear facts from the Books. It is simply impossible to even imagine Arwen doing anything martial….. PJ did a lot of evil with his Arwen character taking the place and role of Glorfindel… It would pain me a lot to see such “evilness” transpire into Mithril releases…
July 17, 2015 at 3:24 pm #32762You know what my view of this travesty is, without me needing to state it again; but for the record, I agree with all that you say.
July 17, 2015 at 3:53 pm #32763let’s share a fresh drink then master Innkeeper, I think we both need it !
July 17, 2015 at 3:55 pm #32764Sounds like a good idea.
July 17, 2015 at 4:53 pm #32765huoomm … if I may join in, please? … huom? … indeed that idea of Arwen as a “martial”hunter clearly is a bit more than just weird … hom … I don’t want to comment on that PJ-stuff concerning the last 3 movies any more … rhuom …
… it’s hot outside, so cheers … huomJuly 18, 2015 at 12:52 pm #32767Hi guys I wasn’t here for a while… so I’ll pay one round for everyone who come today in the inn….. and about Arwen in hunting…
weird indeed…..
July 18, 2015 at 12:55 pm #32768Milo wrote:“5000 entish posts” is more than respectfull, it’s a hobbit life ! 😆Happy to read you’re back master Ent. And thanks for the drink.
Hooooum 5000 reasons to drink somenthing on my account today…. cheers Master Ent !
July 18, 2015 at 5:41 pm #32769well I definitly need some fresh drink again… I’m going crazy with all those accusations from Luthien4tinuvielle and quendil on official board, I must say that someone grieves me…. not upset, not disapoint, not anger…. but grieves…
Maybe I am no more in phase with mithril “active” GF members, maybe it’s me who got it all wrong. I know Thingol, Barliman, you agree with me, but months after months, years after years, we have seen a lot of new faces joining the Gold Fellowship. Most of those people are not MMP related in any way, and are not what I’d call a community, they are, well, they are the “new generation”, and this generation may want something else , something new, something different out of mithril, which is not what we, from “the old school”, want
i’m too old fashioned I suppose, time to give up…..
even MMP seems to die , stats are not good, and maybe it’s also my fault here, lack of presence, or my behavior when I am present, make it so that people don’t want to come back… I suppose I can understand them…. my bad mood can make me quite “pissy” at times…
I think I’ll take a real break for some time… don’t worry, the website won’t come down
well not until december renewal at least and certainly even after
July 18, 2015 at 6:19 pm #32770It would be a huge shame if it did.
The lack of activity on both sites has more to do with Mithril’s failure to generate new models and, therefore, enthusiasm. Things would probably pick up if there was real determination on Mithril’s part to get some marketplace recognition. But how they can be motivated to do that is a mystery – we’ve all made suggestions, especially over the past few years, but none of them are ever taken up or acted upon.
It’s not a “real break” you need, Master Elf – it’s a real drink!
July 18, 2015 at 6:44 pm #32771thanks for your word (and drink
) master innkeeper,
well nevertheless… I’ll take a real break . I’ll be away from home next week, which means away from computer and internet… and I hope… I’ll try to paint a bit (first time in a year I’ll use a brush…) but with my twins now totally on their legs running everywhere in the countryside, I fear I’ll be too busy being after them to paint …
July 18, 2015 at 8:04 pm #32772Ah, the joys of parenthood!
July 18, 2015 at 11:12 pm #32773huooommm … taking a good break from time to time together with a real drink is what extends one’s lifetime most … HOM …
that’s why I’m still around here for some time … huoommm ….
Master Gildor, I just can confirm what Master Barliman told you … huoomm … I hope you find the right point of a brush to use it again … hom? … anyway … cheers …. ??? …. hooomrhûom … I shouldn’t forget to thank Master Thingol for the free drinks yesterday … huooomJuly 18, 2015 at 11:35 pm #32774I told that you need a real break, Master Gildor?
Well, I thought you already had . . .July 19, 2015 at 10:36 am #32775well I was not yet on “holiday” master Archer, thus it was hard to make a real break, wasn’t it…. now it’s sure, I’ll be away for some time I hope it will be for the best
July 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm #32776A break is as good as a rest so they say
. Recharge the batteries, forget about MM for a while and get painting (while they sleep if necessary)
In the meantime I can now turn my attention to creating the accompanying scenes to Farewell to Bree.
July 20, 2015 at 8:23 am #32778I took some quiet time this morning to read both MMP & GF discussions.
Master Gildor, about MMP, you know I come here as often I could, being also very busy: No brush handling for 18 monthes now..You also maybe right about old school fans & new fans, you may be not. In the end, it’s life, and as several here wrote, sharing a drink & having good time is the good way it should cary on.
Master Thingol, thanks for the drink.
Cheers !
July 22, 2015 at 3:08 pm #32781Haven’t stepped in the GF forum since long, whatever happened take that necessarily rest Gildor.
It would really be a pity that this site would close after all these long lasting years. May the resting and some of the best pony drinks dilute those dark thinkings.
Cheers to all!July 29, 2015 at 11:09 pm #32785Huoommm … so by now it seems everybody here is taking a rest or some holiday at will … rhuoom … or is this silence just been caused by the lack and backlog of that tiny-metal-miniature-things we once used to discuss about here … grûomm … alright, that is to me … huoomm … I still need some time here to clean the rest of those old bar-tabs from their shards and scribbles on them, so they can be used again for new … huomm … cleaning the teeth and paws of the doormats, you know … huom … there still seems to be a lot to be done by that Company that might “keep its customers satisfied” meseems … huom
July 30, 2015 at 7:56 am #32786There is indeed. And there’s no point you looking for the bar tabs – they’re hidden somewhere safely out of the way.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › THE TAPROOM 3