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  • #33215

      rhuoommm … hello, Master Hsf62, glad to see you around here again …. rhûoom … I hope this time you can find a bit more time to spend here in this extraordinary place … huoommm … I wish you could send me a bird carrying some news … huoommm … must not necessarily be about diets and stuff like that …. huoommm ..


        huooommm … Master Barliman, as far as I know there’s no diet yet that excludes that illicit liquid … huoommm … though, as you know, I would recommend liquids from stills from other regions … rhuom .. but we talked about that before, didn’t we …


          Ah, but I’d only resort to it if I was forced on to an exclusively potato-esque diet.


            Without wanting to rake over any embers, or open any tender wounds, and I may be rather late in making this observation, but why, on the Mithril page promoting it, is our resident tree not credited in any way with commissioning the spectacular MX535? Seems a very odd omission to me.


              huoomm … I also wondered about that since the release of MX535 , Master Barliman … rhûom … though, er … to be honest, it really doesn’t matter to me that much … huooouôm … I just feel fine that it was and could be released at all, though it took some effort … huoomm …. but those are yesterday papers,aren’t they … huoOom …


                … huom … as for further interest I then provided a thread here in the “Mathom House of Michael Delving” reading “MX-Vignette” in which I tried to document the development of that MX-vignette by permission by Chris Tubb. … rhûom … that’s all there is


                  You’re very generous in thought and deed, Master Tree – I just felt that it would have been nice for you to receive the recognition and appreciation that Mithril owe you.


                    Maybe it’s just as simple as contacting them and kindly ask michael to add the credit, since I have just checked that all the other “Mx” have the person behind them written. It’s more than possible that it will be an omission since it is the longest text accompaining an MX.
                    But who knows mithril sometimes is not simple at all…..


                      Mithril is sometimes very simple….


                        and the simple pleasures are the most important ones — a round on me for everyone, hope you folk are doing well!
                        *flips pouch of gold onto bar*


                          Master Cameosis — dammit, he’s gone again already ….and I never got a chance to ask him to settle his bar tab!

                          MMP Elder

                            Well hello hello folks… I’m back, well at least a little.

                            I’ll pay a round of beers for everybody it’s on my note master Barliman ! I apologize dearly to you all for my lack of communication and posts of late I have been very busy for real life matters and Mithril is completly out of my minde again still I carry on collecting and maintaining MMP and will always carry on! Double beer for master Milo who manages the database like a “chef” in my absence, he is of a great help!!

                            Still no news from the Man alas and I admit I did not have time to write to him to ask if everything was ok lately… So I am growing patient and less in a rush, following the wise advice of our dear master ent :)

                            I saw the idea of painting challenge though I did not read all of it in detail alas and could not participate due to my lack of time for painting and mithril activities altogether…. but that’s a great idea :)

                            Well enough talking, and cheers all !!


                              Thank you for that beer Maese Gildor, it’s good to see you back, at least a little. Life is sometimes worse than a vampire….
                              Glad that you liked the idea of the League and I hope you will be participating in the next one ;)


                                Nothing is worse than a vampire. They taste awful unless you roast them for at least an hour.


                                  Thanks Master Cameosis and Master Gildor for drinks. I will take 2 and keep a thrid one for the evening.:)

                                    Barliman wrote:
                                    Nothing is worse than a vampire. They taste awful unless you roast them for at least an hour.

                                    And add a nice bunch of garlic ;)


                                      Thanks for that advice, Master Dave. You’ve obviosuly eaten vampire stake before (bit of a Halloween joke there). There’s a thought. Do you other fellows from beyond Bree celebrate All Hallow’s Eve as we do in UK and USA?

                                      On another issue entirely. I bought a dozen Dol Amroth knights some years ago, and after opening the blisters I put the weapons, arms and shields in a “safe place”. But now that I come to assemble these figures, although I’ve found the other bits but can’t find the shieldds anywhere! And believe me, I’ve looked hard. Question therefore is, do any of you chaps happen to have any unwanted Dol Amroth knights’ shields (the round ones) that I could beg or buy from you? Drop me a message if you can – I’d be grateful.


                                        mmmm Vampire a la garlic!! xD

                                        On our region we celebrate “la castanyada” we cook sweet potatoes, chestnuts and “panellets” all of them high calorific foods. If you are curious you can have a look here:

                                        But nowadays and with the aggresive marketing we are a little flooded with orange pumpkins and candies and our own tradition is dying in agony, because haloween is more colourful and easy to seel away. The luckiest families, like ours, do a mix of both of them, so we cut a pumpkin with that funny face and also eat sweet potatoes and panellets ^^

                                        On that shield issue, maybe you can make a mould of one you own and make some copies of it with greenstuff/milliput or something similar….


                                          Hi Master Barliman, I come for 2nd breakfast today.
                                          Weather is nice today, I intend to find mushrooms near the old forest borders once my belly is filled.


                                            Mushrooms and a lot of Cabbages :-) I will serve the “Cabu roussi”, if Master Barliman allows me

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