The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
April 15, 2008 at 5:06 pm #1897hsf62 wrote:A toast to the new figs!!
Master Barliman would you please be so good and bring me another drink, mine is nearly gone…
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Don’t look at me like that! Size doesn’t matter, or does it now?
Hello hsf62,
hmm, hope this nice baby is yours and not you yourself?
Seems, that the little one likes Barlimans drinks more than mother’s milk. 😆
If the hobbit-sized one is you, I am NOT very surprised about your great conversions: with such small fingers it is easy to handle small 32mm figures.
April 16, 2008 at 6:44 am #1898Well, you have to start early to train them, so they can cope with Barlis scrumpy!!
April 16, 2008 at 8:01 am #1899Look, let’s clear this up once and for all – there’s nothing wrong with my scrumpy! It’s the quality of your taste-buds that’s questionable. Probably in consequence of drinking too much scrumpy, I’ll allow…
April 17, 2008 at 12:51 am #1900Give me a drink right away! Those GW figures that I saw are hurting my eyes and is making me very thirsty!
April 17, 2008 at 5:34 am #1901Ah, I assume that’s the new Mordor chappies on the GW ‘Sneak peeks’ page? Yes, those Black Numenoreans are extremely horrible, aren’t they? As someone observed on The Last Alliance website, GW seem to be finally turning the corner from a LOTR strategy game to a Fantasy game ‘inspired’ by LOTR – which is not the same thing at all. Once again, though, it’s worth emphasising that these monstrosities are the work of the seriously untalented Gary Morley. I wonder why GW ever employed him?
April 17, 2008 at 6:34 am #1902Barliman wrote:Ah, I assume that’s the new Mordor chappies on the GW ‘Sneak peeks’ page? Yes, those Black Numenoreans are extremely horrible, aren’t they? As someone observed on The Last Alliance website, GW seem to be finally turning the corner from a LOTR strategy game to a Fantasy game ‘inspired’ by LOTR – which is not the same thing at all. Once again, though, it’s worth emphasising that these monstrosities are the work of the seriously untalented Gary Morley. I wonder why GW ever employed him?Yes, maybe because G.M. sounds like GW or Gary Morley had to work without being paid for this.
Dear Barliman, give us a large bowl of heavy drink!
Thank you Barliman!April 17, 2008 at 9:16 am #1903Huooommmm …. rhuoommm … why are all of you always seem to be so much concerned about that GW and Morley stuff? … huom … I don’t even have a look at those things any more … hom.
Methinks that’s why I don’t have to drain down that scrumpy liquid in such gallon-measured masses …… rhuoommmm …. it seems that those GW whatever-things cause serious damage to your health …. huoommmmm … Sorry, Master Barliman, with this I really don’t want to affect your business … homApril 17, 2008 at 10:32 am #1904Actually, you make a good point, Master Tree – why DO I look at that GW stuff? Well, just occasionally they do come up with a nice figure or two, so I suppose that must explain it. The only other reason I can think of is that perhaps I’m a masochist.
April 17, 2008 at 6:19 pm #1905Huuooooommmrhuuommm … so, just as you like it … hom … it’s all right
April 18, 2008 at 1:08 pm #1914Huuooooooooommmmm ….. Master Barliman, I just want to let you know that whenever our friend the Master Caster appears here I will pay his bills … huom … as he just gave me the Lady falconer just like that …. rhuoommm … I still cannot believe …. huomrhuoommm ….
No, you don’t have to doubt my possibilities being able to do that, Master Barliman …. rhuooom.
In case you do not insist on those coiny things I could also pay with different metal things … huom. …April 18, 2008 at 1:26 pm #1917Hello, hello,
I was next door and clearly I heard the words free scrumpy! Bring it on Master Barkeep. A toast to the save arrival of the Lady!
April 18, 2008 at 1:32 pm #1918‘Other metal things’ are fine by me, Master Tree.
What do you think of this new Fellowship voting system, by the way? It’s actually a bit boring, isn’t it? You can’t see who’s winning (which I appreciate is the point), so there’s not much point in visiting the page again once you’ve placed your vote, and little point in making any sort of comment. And of course – ironically – we’ll never know if it will actually make any sort of difference to the way people would have voted anyway.
April 18, 2008 at 1:55 pm #1919If Mithril goes on with this system in the second round, what do they do if two minis get the same ammount of votes? A third round?
April 18, 2008 at 2:23 pm #1920I would imagine the existing rule remains as it is – under such circumstances The Man has the casting vote.
April 18, 2008 at 5:30 pm #1923Huuoommmm … I don’t appreciate that way of voting either … rhuoomm … to me it always was a pleasure to have a look at the development how votings went .. hom it became a habit, so to say … huomm … just for fun … hom…. besides reading and enjoying the comments …. Rhuoommm … so meseems there’s no need for keeping up that thread any more … hom … reduced to being a ballot box …. huoomm … once opened a month … alas … rhuoommm …
I do not like it …. as it implies a lack of communication methinks …. hom.April 18, 2008 at 6:00 pm #1924I agree entirely, and it would be interesting to know who actually thought it was a good idea to vote this way, and exactly why. There’s a very good chance that a figure with just a handful votes could win with this new system, and I’m unclear why that’s a good thing. As far as ‘tactical voting’ goes, nobody with a brain bigger than Nob’s would ever vote for something they didn’t want, but it would be nice to still be able to influence a vote in favour of a particular figure if it was a more worthy contestant than its rivals.
April 18, 2008 at 9:31 pm #1925Huoommmrhuoomm … I do not know who thought of that being a good idea …. rhuoommm … honestly, I don’t. … rhuom … and I don’t know why … hom. … I just can confirm that I always voted (except one time – as I had to spend some days abroad at the time my vote should have been casted …) hom … anyway
HUomm… usually I do not comment on the process of votes given and arguments for pros and cons … huoommm … I simply enjoyed following the process … rhuoomm … I do mean that I enjoyed … hom … so I cannot understand what a, what you call a “tactical voting”, could be about … rhuoommm …
Huoommm … another bowl of clear clean water, please, Master Barliman ….
HOOOMmmrhuommm .. as I never suggested any idea for an MS-release … huommm …and will keep to this habit of mine … you might say what does it matter … if things are being changed …hom … to me it means that part of my interest in the monthly developments of voting will be cut decisively … rhuoomm ….
In future it will just be necessary to log in twice a month for first voting and second having a look at the results. …. rhuoommmm … that’s how communicaction goes … hom … no comments, no interaction … rhuoommm …
Alas, I forgot, Master Barliman what would you like to have … a scrumpy?April 19, 2008 at 4:51 am #1927Well, I have just left the question with Michael: What if the new confidential voting system leads to fewer visit and posts to the Mithril FG Forum? Although I wasn’t one who pushed for it, I did think that a confidential vote would make people vote for what they really wanted. But after hearing some of the concerns above, I thought the question should be posed.
It will be interesting to hear his response.
April 22, 2008 at 5:58 am #1957I see Michael now has a poll up and running so members can vote on their preferred voting system. Good idea.
I also see that yet another Mw347 pikeman is up on eBay – he’s probably been there a few days, but I’ve been too busy to take a look recently. He’s only £9 so far, though, despite 15 bids. But his appearance begs the question: how many of these comb-helmeted pikemen were cast? Virtually none of the other Mw347s have ever come up on eBay as individual figures, yet this dude comes up again and again (and again…), as if the world is full of them. I did some maths once, from information given to me by The Man, and his gifts to people, and the number of known eBay sales, and it seems to me that there must have been at least 60 to 80 castings of this particular figure – but apparently not of any of the others. Odd, that, but there must have been a reason. I wonder what it was?
April 22, 2008 at 12:37 pm #1958If this guy was the first one it could be, that from this type a production mould was made including this type only and run a few times. Depending on the size of the mould you can easy fit 10 figs. 8 runs and there we go… 80 produced!
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