The Taproom

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  • #2363

      Huoommmm … I’m glad you enjoyed those metal bits, Master Barliman …. huoommm… I’m even gladder about not having a tab left at the moment …. hom … about Boris, well, don’t you remember those four guys singing a song about Boris the Spider …. huoomrhuoommm…Kinks


        …. huoommmm … I also dislike the idea of that assassin lady because I think it’s too close to a very bad (male) GW-assassin-figure …. huoomm …. that at once came to my mind when I read about that suggestion … hom … nightmare association

        MMP Elder

          which leads me to an idea…. I know that people are free to suggest everything they have in mind for next months vote for GF membership… but a lack of “general charter of what can be suggested or not” leads to such inconsistencies…
          One of us could suggest Michael to organize a one-time “side-vote” that would be used to generate a chart of what can be suggested or not… (the aspect of a vote for this chart is for the democracy part of it, forcing a chart to members without their approval would be dictatorship…)

          but although I am a great Roleplay Gamer myself, I really dislike it when people tend to transform Mithril universe to fill their game desires at any cost… no matter if it turns asunder the tolkien mythology and settled world… (I make allowances for MERP related stuff as they have been… once… authorized and approved material for all the community of Tolkien RPG fans)

          well let me know what youthink about it… I would really be disapointed if this girl would win…


            I think that everyone is free to propose what they prefer or likes as GF figure. I am among those who think that members of the association are sufficiently “successful” when that vote is not necessary to put limits or obstacles to the ideas. After the vote of the majority is imposed (democracy) and the results are the ones who send. For my taste, all figures of GF are exceptional so far and all of them have a great reflection on the world of JRRT so the voters at the end know what they do :)


              While I too find the “female assassin” character far afield from Tolkien canon, I don’t think there should be a limit to the suggestions for GF figures. The public vote will determine if the idea has merit with collectors or gamers, or not. Wasn’t “Assassins of Dol Amroth” an ICE module?

              This month’s selections are OK, but there is some odd repetition. We just had an Eomer at Pelennor fields, albeit with Aragorn. But how different would another Pelennor Eomer be form previous M-series releases? The king Dain sound repetitive with the M-series, but Wendy’s explanation definetely sets it apart and pairs it with the coming Brand figure. An unfortunate description was used for the voting list, so I don’t think it will get due consideration.

              I like the idea of Elessar and infant, Chris does a good job with these things. Mirkwood captain? Got one already, M67. I don’t like Hobbit figures much, and not that interested in another orc. So it will be Narvi, Dain, Elessar, or maybe the half-troll for me!


                I agree entirely with the preceding observations regarding having no limits on what can be suggested, and I’ll continue to rely on the Fellowship members’ good taste and the merit of individual suggestions to determine what gets selected. It will, nevertheless, continue to worry me that JRRT’s works are sometimes viewed as no more than Fantasy game sourcebooks! That “Assassins of Dol Amroth” is an ICE module is precisely the point I was making, of course – the concept isn’t Tolkien’s, and runs entirely contrary to his writings. I’m sure he’d have shuddered at the thought that even the Men of Dol Amroth could be so ignoble as to resort to assassination, let alone the women!

                But then, I guess that raises the issue of whether the Mithril range is ultimately a LOTR range or an ICE range. It’s certainly had a long, if erratic, association with the latter; but Chris’s best figures have undoubtedly always been those taken from the books themselves – as, happily, by far the majority are and always have been.

                MMP Elder

                  well I assume you’re right about the limits, after all, I suppose that all of GF members have good taste about what to choose or not to vote for :) which in itself is far enough :)

                  but “assassins of dol amroth”…. seems to oppose this statement… if we consider it is winning the vote…

                  Mithril won’t have problem with Tolkien Enterprise since they own ICE licences, but with the community of tolkien fans… and in regard of the tolkien estate, that won’t do anything to help promote its image… After all, the main cause behind the fact Mithril is badly seen by Christopher Tolkien is because it is viewed as an ICE subproduct and nothing else, and the Tolkien family tends to hate any of JRRT suberversion, beginning with ICE… (even now that MERP is dead)
                  After all, Tolkien Enterprises themselves sometimes have problems with Tolkien Estate, concerning “extended tolkien universe” names and concepts…


                    Hello, well it seems that the female assassin has generated some heated debate; to that I say GOOD!

                    It would be a terrible idea to regulate which ideas could be submitted and which couldn’t. That somehow suggests that the will of the majority should not prevail in our membership. And I don’t believe for a minute that Mithril and Chris would ever seriously consider it. And why would they, it would reduce interest and membership the moment it was instituted. Look what happened with Michael’s attempt to even just narrow things to a specific race, such as Dwarves. We already have many members frustrated that we are limited to single, mounted etc. months, but at least we can accept that due to an understanding that Chris has a heavy workload. Say a list was put together, where would one draw the line? Could we have Elessar holding Eldarion, even if it was never specifically mentioned in the body of the Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit? What about the Apendices, Unfinished Tales, even the History of Middle-earth series?

                    No, the real problem is that we are not getting enough good suggestions each month (only nine this time), and are rehashing various characters over and over. This, in my opinion is why a female assassin or a half-troll standard bearer are of some interest to many. Truth be told, I feel that it is important to try and suggest something every month, and wish others would too. This past deadline came upon me fast, and I felt it better to throw something in the ring than just sit there and do nothing. I do not expect everyone to like every suggestion–I certainly don’t, but I hope all of those voicing an opinion would make an effort to make a suggestion every month.

                    In fact, my suggestion is not original at all. It is based upon the cover of Assassins of Dol Amroth by MERP, as some have mentioned above, and I thought it might be a nice compliment to the upcoming Dol Amroth release. It certainly has nothing to do with trying to get a specific role-playing figure–there are many miniature female assassin types out there to buy for that.

                    No, this has much more to do with several previous email conversations with Chris about the lack of certain character types, especially females and Humans from the many other geographic areas outside of Eastern Gondor, Rohan, and Eriador. In the past, he enjoyed producing those kinds of figures very much. And we have seen a move in this direction: Lossarnach, Corsairs, soon Dol Amroth and Easterlings, not to mention the recent MERP-based series.

                    So please, vote for who you like best, but please also help make ours a better Fellowship by making monthly suggestions!

                    MMP Elder

                      I have put suggestions for two years, I have got the chance to have two of my suggestion come to life. Lately, it has been months I have not given any suggestion?

                      simply because all of my desires are only vignettes at the moment, I can’t imagine any idea about solo figurines that has not been cast yet or If I do, I have clearly seen the result of the public opinion and took upon myself not to resubmit it :) (I honestly doubt an idea who gains only 2 votes out of 60 would miraculously get 40 votes out of 60 the next month.)

                      Lately I have other focuses than Mithril and the Gold fellowship so I vote, I read suggestions but I do not submit many ideas. Therefore indeed I thought and still think I have (had) the right to put an opinion even if I did not submit any suggestion on purpose . I only submit suggestions when the month allows… which means that I can only voice my “real desires” three times a year, and have a very small probability of winning ;) Still i’ll remain a GF member , in order to have access to the vote and to the figurines… But I have renounced the idea of having my suggestions come to life :) It simply cannot anymore..

                      and after all, that does not matter that much….Sauron vs Elendil & Isildur gave me joy enough for years…. and years to come…


                        You shouldn’t give up on making suggestions just because they might only get two votes, Master Gildor! Just look at Eorl – I think I had to suggest him about half a dozen times before he got made, and I seem to recall that he only picked up about three votes on his first couple of outings. My Ingold suggestion has only picked up a couple of votes when I’ve put him up too, but I shan’t give up on him – the only reason he didn’t get suggested this month was because I was away when suggestions were being made. As someone said to me many years ago, you can’t win a competition unless you enter it – so keep trying!

                        MMP Elder

                          yes mater barliman, but you must also consider the fact that I am satisfied with what i have been given already, I was one of the very early “suggestion winner” of the GF, and I got this opportunity twice, so I think others should have their chances too, I have been given enough satisfaction already… Besides, my suggestions are mainly vignettes :) as I said, I submit them, but only when vignettes are allowed :)

                            Gildor Inglorion wrote:
                            yes mater barliman, but you must also consider the fact that I am satisfied with what i have been given already, I was one of the very early “suggestion winner” of the GF, and I got this opportunity twice, so I think others should have their chances too, I have been given enough satisfaction already… Besides, my suggestions are mainly vignettes :) as I said, I submit them, but only when vignettes are allowed :)

                            Mae govannen Gildor and Barliman,

                            as you are much closer to Chris than me, you must know, that Chris is surely having an eye on the GF boards and especially to the suggestions we gave and give. Therefore I think that some ideas will come true in future in form of small lead figures. Even an artist as Chris needs some inspiration and that is what we give. Ingold and Hirgon for example never reached high in votings, but could lead Chris to an M-series “Minas Tirith II” or “dawn at Pelennor”- that’s what I hope. I also hope to see one day a series or boxed set “Orc heroes”, which would surely be popular among other tabletop or lord of the rings fans or collectors, so I will again and again suggest sometimes some Orcish thing.

                            So do not worry, and help us all (as you did before) suggest named characters :D



                              Huuooommmrhuomm … hom … you might remember that until now I never suggested a figure … rhuoomm … this is passive behaviour, methinks … hom … but let me please mention that so far I never missed giving my vote since the Gold-fellowship exists … huuoommm … which might be regarded as active behaviour … hom … I restrict from suggesting because, believe it or not, I just like to see suggestions being transferred into tiny metal things and so far I do not regret having bought each of them …. rhuoommm …. once there is a more or less clear idea of a figure I support that idea as much as I can … rhuoommm… I still remember good old Frumgar and recently Imrahil … rhuoommmhuom … hom … so I’m absolutely pleased … as you can imagine …. rhuommm … still I will keep on voting or commenting matters concerning those tiny metal things …. hom! … ;)

                              MMP Elder

                                well I see that Master Tree shares my point of view, and behavior :)

                                as for knowing Chris… I have not been in direct contact with him for more than a year… he is a busy man and I don’t want to annoy him with other mails…


                                  I like the idea of a Minas Tirith II series, Master Estel. Problem is, I suspect, that The Man has desires and ideas of his own, and less hands than he’d like! Still, we can live in hope.

                                  Does anyone have any idea exactly what the next range after the Dol Amroth and Easterling gentlemen is going to be? I seem to recall our Tree muttering about it a while back, but I can’t recall now what he said (my memory continues to deteriorate at an alarming rate).


                                    Huuooommmmm … as about the contact with The Man I can assure you that there is none at the moment … hom … for a long time now … rhuoomm … yes, Master Barliman, your memory is not that bad as you always try to pretend … rhuoomm … a while ago I muttered something about plans about a new M-series, I did … rhuoommm … but now I will not repeat again what I said, because I’m doubting too much about what I faced as facts and what then turned out to be rumours …. huooom…. let me explain, please ….. hooomm … first of all, The Man is busy and has got just two hands, as you wisely found out, Master Barliman :) then we are awaiting the Easterlings for about a year by now … hom … in between the Dol Amroth guys were announced …. right? …
                                    of the lost dwarven army only the three of the command saw the light so far, though it was announced that the army will see the light again … huoommm … then there was the habit of releasing Christmas figures I tried to insist on … huoommrhuommhom … one appeared late, a very tiny one, meseems … the other matter I tried to bring back to minds was about the second free figure for the second year of the gold-fellowship members … rhuoommm … then just remember how many GF-figures are still planned …. huoomm … must be about eight or nine by now … that might turn out to be one year of delay … hom… two hands, you witnessed …. right.
                                    So just imagine how many of that coiny things will be necessary to buy all that …. or do you know? … alas … while reading all those entries and discussions about new ideas for those tiny miniatures I have become even more patient … rhuoommm … I’d rather like a year of non-voting and suggesting to keep up with the schedule … rhuoomm … yes, I know that this idea is not business-born … huoommm …
                                    Just to stop my gabble, Master Barliman, could you please hand over a bowl of that clear clean water? …. huoommm … the one with the amber-colour, please … hom

                                    MMP Elder

                                      Alas, I go for the same conclusion as master ent here… it seems the man is overwhelmed, and each month suggestion in addition, creates more and more delay…

                                      Maybe a pause in suggestion and voting for some months would help put back the schedule in place…. Mithril can’t take this decision on their side because they have a “contract with us” about giving us the possibility to suggest AND have necessarily one figurine “planned” each month… maybe if all of us GF members, do take upon ourself to suggest a PAUSE in the GF voting… they would appreciate it… after all, creating too much delay is not good at all either for their business.. helping them reduce this delay will help them release more “regular” figurines in the ends… and “breathe” ….

                                      Could we imagine… submitting a pause to Michael? Would everyone agree to that?… this would have to be a unanimity decision, because if a single member wants to be able to suggest… it is his full right, due to the terms of contracts with the GF membership… Alas, would we all agree for this sacrifice? can we trace down every single GF member to know if he agrees?

                                      now would be the time, maybe, to ask the man himself about that… and what he feels towards that…


                                        I would certainly support a ‘pause’ if we’re getting (albeit belatedly) the Fellowship figures only at the price of delaying future ‘M’ series releases – which may actually turn out be more interesting and desirable! Perhaps you should email Michael and suggest that he puts this idea up on the Fellowship site, and in the next newsletter, for a poll, to see if sufficient other members agree?


                                          Yes a break / pause could be a good solution.


                                            Huooommmm … so it seems some of you do share my feelings and thoughts … huoommm …
                                            I just dared to put into words what worries me most … huoomm … as you all know, haste is something that might hamper life in general … so why be that hasty? … rhuoommm … isn’t it better to relax and contemplate for a while ? …. rhuoommm … which does not mean to stop communicating here or elsewhere …. hom …

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