The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
May 22, 2011 at 3:00 pm #17516
well I have to say in terms of display… I only display what I have painted… or what I will never paint… AND which is assembled
this brings to something very odd… I haf 4 glasscases, three are mural, one is a standalone in its full height (but it carries other things that mithril)
all mithril dioramas, andrea figurines, mithril 54mm, mithril prototypes, and mithril boxes sets go in this standalone big glasscase (a mix of wood and glass) I have there all the Christmas figurines (unpainted as I don’t paint them), and also the prototypes I have (except the unreleased warbands… which, as they are not assembled, cannot be displayed at the time…)
all other series that are mithril, 32mm and not boxed sets or dioramas, AND which are painted, go in my other three mural glasscases. they are organised in series. I try to paint figurines by series and try to complete a full series so that it can have it small allocated space in the glasscase for the full series. this way it is easier to “point out” where a figurine is if you retrieve its fellow from the same series in the glasscase…
all others…. are either in big boxes of blisters, for those I have in blisters.. waiting to be painted… and those few I have unblistered and unpainted (rare ones usually I got from ebay back in time) are in a small metal-bound “attaché-case” each of them in small zip-lock bags with the ref number written on it, except for the M16 and M10 which are both in a separate little jewelbox instead of ziplock, inside this case waiting to be painted and displayed too
as for the unreleased warbands (orcs, and half the dwarfs ) they are all , for the time being… in another full aluminium metal bound attachécase with a digicode lock… those twoo attaché cases being quite hidden in my appartment…
and my collection being insured…indeed it is stupid to have the M16 or M10 in ziplock > jewelcase > attaché case … or the MW bands in digicode locked metal case…. when you have the Chr1988 or the three 54 white-primed prototypes displayed for all to see in a big standalone glasscase without any lock for it….
but such is my madness…
oh.. and also, I have two box in which I store all the blister cards for all figurines for which I have a blister… this serves as remainder/certificate of authenticity/proof of purchase… for those which I don’t have a blister for, I have scanned a neutral old red blister card without ref sticker, and I can then print such cards in the proper dimension with the name written on computer where the sticker should be… this thus makes artificial blisters for those I am assured are genuine….
the most upsetting thing to do is… since mithril has begun to release those new plastic locked blisters….I have to glue the “information sheet” for the MS release folded precisely so that it opens right. and I have to unstick the reference sticker from the plastic package and stick it back on the little red blister card as to be able to Keep the blister card WITH its reference…. and information sheet if any….
who said I am a maniac…
May 22, 2011 at 3:09 pm #17517(ohh btw, master ent, i am VERY interested if you could provide me with some info on “temporary glue” that allows to assemble, but can then be removed for dis-assembling and paint…. this would allow me to display unpainted figurines waiting to be painted… without the risk to have them “permanently glued)
this would be precious info indeed)
May 22, 2011 at 3:16 pm #17518Never fear, gentlemen, the first person to call either of you “maniacs” will be barred from the Taproom for life!
May 22, 2011 at 3:45 pm #17519Huoommmm … err, I think it was me who first used the word ‘Mithril-maniac” the first time here as trying to explain what I am … rhuom .. years ago … gruomm … then there was the “auto-shipment” word the Company kindly respected once and gave it a go … rhuoommm … alas …
Yes, of course I also keep some blistery-things, if blister is the right word for that … huoomm …
but you know … rhuoommm … things to be done, Balrog’s to be kept calm … huom …
err, sorry, master Barliman, am I barred now? … for life? you said … huoomm … alas … that’s hard indeed … bye then …May 22, 2011 at 4:58 pm #17520No, Master Tree, I said (if I may paraphrase) “the first person to call you a maniac”. You’re perfectly at liberty to call yourself names. By all means, please do.
May 22, 2011 at 5:11 pm #17521actually mithrilmaniac was a VERY old association of french collector/professional painters who were in contact with prince august…. they are a lot older than the MMP community, and its two “leaders” also were given gifts such as the [mith]ME2[/mith] by Mithril to be painted for events and promotional events… though alas I have lost contact with these guys…
their community has long declined though their website is still active but very old, archaic and far from up to date….
here is their site : 22, 2011 at 5:20 pm #17522My collection is spreaded everywhere in my house.
10 years ago, I found nice little mural glasscases but had no money enough so I bought only one.
Since I restarted to collect vintage mithirls, I have put 1st 35 references in it. Only 2 holes remaining (M16 & M25 which are still in Australia today)
Then, I found a good way for my minis to wait for a proper collection display in years to come.
I have put every unblistered mini in 2 wooden boxes from Grand’ ma she used for sewing:
Like this one: dioramas, depending on their size, small ones are in a big Glass cabinet above the bar, big ones are on top of furnitures. Carrock is in the garage…
I open a blister when I paint it. Doing so, the mini is kept in new conditions before it is used.
Not opened Blisters (around 400 not opened yet) are everywhere in bedrooms closetsAs Miss Milo is not very found off “little lead soldiers”, I plan to make a full glasscabinet where every sinlge assembled minis would be sorted by ref. This will be in my garage once I have settled a real workbench in it.
Then as Gildor, I have kept every blister & cards, even 1st one (M14) bought in 1988 !May 22, 2011 at 6:04 pm #17523Huoomm .. see, Master Gildor, I also understand a bit of that French tongue … rhuoomm … my problem is that I can read but not speak well enough … rhuom … that’s why I always try this English-version of languages … gruuoommm … last night I tried to find out about Harlequin … rhuoommm … took me some time … huoommm, so “helle-quin,” as they once were were called in Brittany were the riders of hell … rhuoomm … what keeps me busy is the fact that all this name is referred to king Herla … rhuoomm .. you might remember that guy, Master Barliman, as he was some unpleasant fellow popping into the Pony some hundred years ago … huooommm
May 22, 2011 at 6:23 pm #17524Yes, I remember him. Always struck me as being a bit wild. And he always had a lot of lads with him, who could sink a fair number of points between them; used to keep the kitchen supplied with venison at a good price. But they never stayed very long, then they were off again, chasing about here and there through the wild country.
May 22, 2011 at 8:26 pm #17525I see around here many mithirl maniacs …. I’m also one of them…. and now comments…
The biggest maniac of us are certainly Master Gildor, and on second place is Master Tree… So I ranked them like that just because of one fact…. Insurance policy and ….. “indeed it is stupid to have the M16 or M10 in ziplock > jewelcase > attaché case … or the MW bands in digicode locked metal case…. when you have the Chr1988 or the three 54 white-primed prototypes displayed for all to see in a big standalone glasscase without any lock for it….” :lol::lol::lol: I did not know that it is possible to insure figures….
he…he…. I will see if it is possible in my country…..
About Master Tree maniac condition….
coincidence is that I also have all of my figures in living room… in one big glass cabinet with 6 shelfs… and all figures are in there except one Samug and Mumak who are not yet prepared for painting.
Living room is the best place where is possible to expose this great collection. So all your friends and other visitors may be jealous
May 22, 2011 at 8:30 pm #17526…. and about Balrog… I’m sure that it is magnificent figure… I have not yet ordered this figure, and I will do it next week when company publish Guthlaf and Thorin III Stonehelm. Because of cheaper postage and easier procedure for customs clearance….
May 22, 2011 at 8:34 pm #17527…. and I forgot…. Master Tree… My wife also bought me glass cabinet for Christmas
May 22, 2011 at 8:34 pm #17528Hmmmm. I shall now have to consider whether or not to ban Master Thingol for using the word “maniac”….though I may let him off if he pays his bar tab, which currently stands just a little higher than the national debt of Iceland….
May 22, 2011 at 8:37 pm #17529Barliman wrote:Hmmmm. I shall now have to consider whether or not to ban Master Thingol for using the word “maniac”….though I may let him off if he pays his bar tab, which currently stands just a little higher than the national debt of Iceland….Croatian national debt is not much smaller than Icelandic….
please forgive me I will never use again that word……
Please :rolleyes:
May 22, 2011 at 8:43 pm #17530I always open the pack to examine the sculpted details then they either go back in the pack or may get grouped into conceptual dioramas/scenes. Some actually get painted
, the majority reside in an old drawer ready to be plucked out and painted or in a cupboard. Some including finished painted pieces reside in a cabinet with frosted glass which is about as much use as a chocolate teapot for viewing them.
My real long term aim is to make boxed doiramas of key scenes from the book which would also act as self contained display cases, and i have many sketches outlining each scene, but the chances of realising this are probably minimal especially as i then use allocated figures for other projects. But who knows, maybe one day
May 22, 2011 at 9:29 pm #17531as master daines say, with the recent blisters which can be opened, and closed again it is easier… I always open then, check the content then put them back in the blister for future painting, but I always check the content and all pieces (i need this for the database you know…)
as for insurances…. the figurines are not insured as “figurines”, but i chose an insurance option including “collections” for a given amount of money (and since I am more expert than they’ll ever be about the worth of THIS collection, I gave them how an approximate amount of what my collection is worth… and such amount indeed requires insurance….I could certainly buy a luxury car by selling my whole collection….
May 23, 2011 at 2:54 pm #17533Huuoommmm … concerning keeping my miniatures I have to admit that I have no fixed plan … huom … e.g. last weekend I decided to give the new Balrog a larger base about 9 X 9 cm … huom … things like that take some time which keeps me from painting … rhuoommm … then I have not even managed to spray (prime) all Mithrils and some variants … alas, all this will keep me busy for many years …. huom
May 23, 2011 at 9:16 pm #17534mmh I hope I did not upset anybody on the GF 2nd round vote this month… I just wanted to speak out my ideals and “fights” to convince Mithril that regulars ARE necessary, as it seems , day by day that they don’t even take care to hide the fact they consider regulars totally “pointless” at the moment since “everything ranging from common to very special” can and IS achieved through the GF system… so why bother a regular range?
that’s their current political position… and it seems I can only agree to this considering the last results
still I keep true to my own words…
don’t take me wrong, I really like the idea of the dorwinion female, as I am certain it will win in the end… but I would have sacrificed it and motionned for it to be released as a regular,at an honest price, rather than the “regular” 30€ mithril will ask for a “wine maid”…. that’s worth the price of 3 bottles of very good quality wine… for real
May 23, 2011 at 9:23 pm #17535It would buy you an entire crate here….
May 23, 2011 at 9:39 pm #17536You are completely right, Master Gildor!
But that sounds to me also like the neverending story . . . -
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