The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
December 30, 2008 at 1:57 pm #4003
Huooommmm …. hom …. you see, Master Jdbrown, it’s not that I have become too lazy in my days of old …. rhuoommmm … today I was quite busy with hanging some pictures in a new gallery in The Mathom House of Michel Delving … huoommm … still I’m not sure if I should keep them there …. rhuoommm … these twigs cannot cope well enough with all those buttons at that camera-thing …. rhuooommmm ….
No, Master Barliman, I didn’t say anything … still standing still, you know …. huooommm
December 30, 2008 at 2:31 pm #4004rhuooommmm …. sorry … being too talkative again, but I’m a bit angry …. hom … as there’s not much around here to do I had a look on that Ebay-thing ….. rhuooommmm …. did you see what that Master driztdourden is doing? …. rhuooommm … offering them dwarven bodyguards as single pieces for 45€ each …. gruuooohhhmmm … that is about 64 USD … hom … same price for some of them Half-orcs (again) and …. rrrrrhhhhhuoooooooooommm … for my standard-bearing Imrahil …. huommm … no further comment from me tree ….. hom
December 30, 2008 at 5:20 pm #4005Yes, I saw Mr. Dourden’s auctions. Even things that are more reasonably priced, he gouges you with shipping – 17 euro to Canada? I know for a fact shipping one or two figures from France to Canada costs maybe 5 euro.
I am a little confused how he makes any money from this arrangement…
December 30, 2008 at 6:03 pm #4006Rhuoommm … let’s say 8 or 6 € from Germany to Canada … rhuoomm … but that is not included in the price for the figures …. rhuoommm … I’m afraid he still keeps a lot of the ‘spare ones’ … gruooohhoommm … he bought six sets of the dwarves … as far as I can remember … then he tries to sell … hom … see, that is 4 times for a single dwarf … makes 180€ for that set.
right then,
let’s put another 5€ on each posting … makes … some 200€ for those dwarves … alas …rhuomm
I hope he cannot sell them for such a price …. homDecember 30, 2008 at 11:59 pm #4009Well, this seems to be a further reason, that people from Germany are a little bit stupid. On German ebay you can find a lot of things,which makes you a little upset.
Like paying the double prize for a regular mithril-mini you can normally received over mithril itself. That happens not only once . . .
I have mentioned before, that I have to collect most of the minis over ebay. That is really a pity !
I can´t tell you how often I have ” correct” the postal price. Thought very often to convert my job in becoming a postman . . .
As a seller myself it is very easy to inform myself in shipping prices. No problem at all !
Also…the difference concerning the box-size of shipping ONE SINGLE miniature- not blistered- again: NOT BLISTERED ( remember: mithril scale is 32mm !!! ) is fantastic.
I have received boxes with one single mini of that size, if Master David daines wants to sell the whole Dol Amroth range. No kidding!
That ebay stuff is sometimes breaking balls . . . sorry, but it seems that not only Master Theobald is a little angry . . .
I have received quiet a lot minis before Christmas and I have to say: congratulaiton to the MMP-members: they did it right ! No doubt about it !
And there are Germans too—-there is hopeHave a peaceful New Year- everybody !
December 31, 2008 at 6:40 pm #4012Well, I am still wondering wether to accept the eBay offer. 180€ are quite some money, but it seems this is the only way to get the dwarves. On the other hand, 180€ are today 175£, and looking towards some Forgeworld items I think I rather go there then thus. If the money would go to Chris I would have no moralic problems shelling them out (just monetary), but I am unwilling to give somebody 200% earnings on items that Chris sells extra cheap so that collectors can get them.
January 1, 2009 at 8:08 am #4013Buying at high prices also encourages profiteers such as dritz to keep hiking their artificially high prices ever higher. As far as I’m concerned the guy is a bandit, but like Master Gavin, I don’t see how he makes any money. His stuff on eBay never seems to sell, so the logic of his sales policy is entirely lost on me.
As for the conversions mentioned by the talking Christmas Tree, Master Jason, from the description given I think they’re conversions and castings produced by an American enthusiast many years ago, for a LOTR campaign he ran with some friends. I have some of them too, though not many. They’ve not been available for many years (they were never available commercially), but occasionally a few emerge from private collections.
January 1, 2009 at 1:23 pm #4017Oh. Ok. I have a few conversions that were sent to me awhile back. I just wanted to see some pictures of them. Pictures can say a lot!
January 1, 2009 at 1:54 pm #4018Huooommmm …. first of all I would like to wish everybody here a very and indeed Happy New Year … huommm …
Well, trying to calm down your impatience a bit, Master Jdbrown, I already said that I need some better weather to take photographs … huoommm … ~grafs … or ~graphth … sorry … You’ll see them one day, but … alas … you know I really cannot haste everything (including the weather) …. huommmm ….January 1, 2009 at 5:44 pm #4020Yes, as the talking Christmas Tree says (I’ve given up trying to keep him quiet), a Happy New Year indeed to all of the Pony’s patrons.
January 2, 2009 at 1:19 am #4021Sorry, Master Tree. I seem to have missed your reply regarding pictures of your conversions. Their is a lot to read here on MMP sometimes and I seem to miss or forget things that I have read.
January 6, 2009 at 6:08 am #4031“Well, Nob, it sure is quite in here. One could almost hear an Orc sneaking up to the gatehouse. Now for a little more light; yes, this candle will do. Be a good lad and bring me another ale; I still have some correspondence to read through–interesting news, it is. Here’s a silver piece–be sure that Barli gets it, I don’t beleive in running tabs. Oh; and I’m sure that also buys me a little of his South Farthing Leaf–hurry now, my pipe is near empty!”
January 6, 2009 at 7:52 am #4032Ah, it may be quiet but I’m still tiptoeing about the place. Mind you, it’s a lot less cheerful now that most of the decorations are down. Wake the tree up and tell him he can move, will you?
A silver piece, eh? Come into some money have you? That’ll clear just about every tab in the place for a week.
While it’s been quiet I’ve got some painting done – figures, not walls (that’s Nob’s job – I knew that woolly head was good for something). In fact I’ve just started on the Theodred figure and some Corsairs (who are going to serve as generic Southron artillerists).
January 6, 2009 at 2:38 pm #4033I am going to get some Corsairs as Haradrim infantry, eventually, too.
So, ranger bloke, what are these tidings?
January 6, 2009 at 3:03 pm #4034Yes, I was wondering that too, but as someone who can’t report the news that I have I didn’t really think I was in a position to ask…
January 6, 2009 at 3:35 pm #4035Indeed.
I should go finish my warband of woodmen. It’s several days behind schedule at this point. The damn things are heinously detailed. And I messed up with undercoats, so they won’t be my best figures ever. Still, I’d kinda like them off my desk and onto the display board sooner rather than later.
Then on to do the little Knights of Dol Amroth scene.
January 6, 2009 at 4:16 pm #4036Huooooommmm … so, that’s better without all those shiny things hanging and dangling from mine twigs … huoomm … so, I see that some of you people call in by now …. hooom … right, that’s fine … hom … nice to have at least some of you around here again …… huom
January 7, 2009 at 12:21 am #4037Whew, spent some time lost in the .net world before finding my way back to the .eu world. Maybe if I came around more often, I wouldn’t be so clueless. But I doubt it. Now for a pint…or four.
January 7, 2009 at 12:22 am #4038Now that’s better, officially here and all.
January 7, 2009 at 1:05 am #4039mmhh welcome back master preSto… and happy new year to you
May I ask something..
you post here with an odd nickname… preto (without s) , as a guest, did you loose your login / password? -
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