The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
January 18, 2009 at 6:58 pm #4158
Look, just becors I karnt tipe properly duzn’t meen I karnt spel. At leest I know Jerman wen I see it, witch iz moor than Nob duz.
January 19, 2009 at 1:43 am #4159Laughing out loud, a voice from a dark corner (one of many, and the echoes lately make it hard to discern which one) says: “Well, I prefer my memory, even if it turns out to be wrong!”
January 20, 2009 at 6:57 pm #4173Rhuoooommmmm …. just had a look at that GF-voting …. alas …. so 4 there are … huommm … out of whatever number …. grrr …om … 4 for 2 votes (in case you choose to give both votes at the same time – unless you don’t, one vote of yours is void) …. huoommmm …. to be honest, wouldn’t it be a better practice in future to have just one suggestion in the final to be voted for with …. huoommm … let’s say 3 votes per member? …. rhuoommm … just a thought, of course …. hom …
January 20, 2009 at 7:00 pm #4174Huooommmm …. need a drink, Master Barliman, just to calm down a bit … huoomm … clearcleanyouknow …. hom
January 20, 2009 at 9:18 pm #4177I haven’t voted yet. Going to now
January 20, 2009 at 9:27 pm #4178I voted for Celebrian and the female assassin
January 20, 2009 at 9:32 pm #4179I agree with the Tree that the voting arrangements this month (well, these two months to be more exact) have been somewhat compromised – er, that’s polite-speak for ‘screwed up’. I don’t know what Michael was thinking of! He failed to explain the voting arrangement sufficiently clearly for members to understand (it was pure chance that I placed both my votes at once), which has led directly to several people losing a vote.
Another Fellowship detail I only noticed today is that the latest two figures (William the Troll and the Egyptian pharaoh…) have only had 150 castings made, rather than the previous 250. Hmmm. Do I detect a lack of confidence at Mithril that the backlogs of Fellowship figures will ever sell? How many Fellowship members are there now anyway – does anyone know? I seem to recall someone mentioning the existence of about 200 at one point.
January 20, 2009 at 9:49 pm #4180Still waiting for Barliman’s address.
But yes, I suspect Mithril probably shifts about 100 Fellowship miniatures in the near term, and then another fifty or so in the longer term, meaning that they always have back catalogue stock of the miniatures. These things, because they are highly specific, aren’t going to move as fast. As amazing as the figures are, some of the results have been odd in terms of broader appeal. The king of Numenor figure is beautiful – but how many people want to buy the king of Numenor?
Someone might, but its probably not enough someones.
Others have far broader appeal, but I suspect people who might buy, say, the Haradrim champion on war camel, would be put off by the Fellowship obligation. I suspect the better deal is that the Fellowship suggests, votes and so forth, but the results are open to all to purchase.
January 20, 2009 at 10:30 pm #4182The prices will also inevitably put some people off (me included…) – especially since the dollar and now the pound have crashed in flames against the euro!
January 21, 2009 at 11:07 am #4186Mithril is learning. Look at Imrahil. Still avaiable. Only 150 casts worlwide and after all this time not sold out.
I’m sure it is worse with the fellowship figures. So why cast 250 and have 150 sitting on a shelf for years. Not very smart I believe.January 21, 2009 at 12:44 pm #4187Huooommmm …. yes there is a problem meseems … huom … the figures are not selling well …. alas, about a year ago Master Edman persuaded me to let 150 Imrahils being casted though I then was thinking about 100 castings of the regular release … huooommm … only have a look at the total number of GF-members which is less than 200, I think … hom … then only the smaller part of those is willing to buy each and every release … rhuoommm … so only 150 castings of a figure of the MS-range seems to be sensible, I think … huooommmm … but it’s not my problem as long as I am able to receive all new figures …. hom
January 21, 2009 at 6:57 pm #4190Hey Hooooo,
have a look at the Mithril newsletter, some nice new pics of upcoming releases. I hope they are available soon and not only promised. I do not mind if Mithril reduces the amount of figures made, as long as I can get all of them sooner or a little bit later. The problem is, that GF’s are not that rich, that they can buy all releases, when they are out and the releases tend to be massed, which means, not every month only one figure, but several figures in a month, then nothing for some month and so on. To me it would be easier to pay up to 20 or 30 Euro per month, than much more every two or three month, especially when such great but expensive figures like Dol Amroth knights or corsair are released, which means money for normal M-figures have to be add to my beloved GF-figures.
Just my opinion, but in a taproom, the folk tends to drink and speak with an easy tongue
estelJanuary 21, 2009 at 8:58 pm #4191well Mithril has “mouths to feed” too . They could not rely only upon GF figurines not enough money income… And though with my baby to come (and home to change…) I will have less money to spare for Mithril I can easily understand that undertaking (and carrying on) such a collection costs (and should cost) some money, at least enough money to ensure those wonderful people in Ireland , and Chris in England manage to live out of it…
I would be very sad to see mithril close because they are bankrupt… besides there is the agenda problem of Chris… Mithril has the problem of having a single sculptor… maybe if Chris had an assistant… but that would put mithril spirit and “design” in jeopardy if the student does not sculpt the same way as the master…January 21, 2009 at 10:01 pm #4192I think all the production-quantity cuts, special deals and savings we’re suddenly seeing from Mithril simply reflect the world recession that has hit everyone. You guys with euro currencies are luckier than we fellows on either side of the Pond, since, obviously, euros are also Mithril’s currency. Six months ago I was getting about 1.40 euros to the pound; now I only get about 1.04! – needless to say, this drop of about 25% in the value of the pound has had a HUGE impact on my Mithril-buying budget!
And I shudder at the very thought of Mithrils not designed by The Man…
January 22, 2009 at 12:59 pm #4193The latest campaign of special offers are very well for me. I have relatively recently joined the GF, there are many figures that I have to complete and that these discounts are more affordable me …
I believe that the rebates and the reduction in the emission GF 150 is the product of a policy of reducing stock. When there are economic recession is good releasing stores….
January 22, 2009 at 2:24 pm #4194I’m sure you’re right, Master Erchamion. But recessions are only good for anyone for a short time – if they last too long smaller companies manufacturing specialist or hobby products, like Mithril, run the risk of not generating sufficient income, and are forced out of business. It would be catastrophic if that should ever happen!
I think I need a drink to help me recover from the idea…
January 22, 2009 at 3:33 pm #4195An extra two weeks to work on the Dol Amroth guys! Get painting y’all.
Mine are coming along. I’ll post some pics of them in the gallery section a bit later when they’re more finished. I think David will beat me on volume alone since I’m only painting three.
January 22, 2009 at 3:59 pm #4197Another two weeks?
I think my little scene will be ready for the 31st, but extra time is good! Especially since I am making a lot of the paint schemes up as I go along.
January 23, 2009 at 1:49 pm #4202Huuuooommm …. I just received the two new releases … huommm … as for Willi I can say that it clearly is mutton (I licked at it) …. rhuoommm … but what is it he carries in his back pocket? ..
seems to be some kind of angry smily …. hom … well, then I’m not yet decided what to think of that Ramses-figure …. huooommm … maybe a large bowl of that clear-clean-appely-tasting-honey-couloured liquid might solve my problem … so, please, Master Barliman, may I have one ?January 23, 2009 at 1:59 pm #4203Huuoooommmm …. I just tried to assemble that Willi …. the parts (two arms and body) do not fit well … huom … on the other hand the grey undercoating seems to be the same as that of the last releases … much better than those of the Knights of DA …. hom ….. must be Ramses III …
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