By chance.
After spending months of plastering ( I started in January !) my Thingol left the workbench yesterday.
I place him in a “Petra”-like sorrounding, my association of the kingdom of Doriath.
By chance.
After spending months of plastering ( I started in January !) my Thingol left the workbench yesterday.
I place him in a “Petra”-like sorrounding, my association of the kingdom of Doriath.
Here is a closer look. This miniature is so wonderful aristocratic. I spent 8 Euros for him, but that was 2001.
So make up your mind concerning this current ebay-offer . . .
Thank you Wendy and thank you gentlemen for your friendly words.
Gildor, master Elwe.. ( I don´t have these two points) – I think you have to explain this a bit to me . . .