Milo wrote:
Hi Tolwen.
Did you get the parcel ?
Yes, it arrived. I already sent you an email yesterday. Perhaps it is a bit delayed 
Milo wrote:
By the way, “Nimhir the regent” is [mith]M41[/mith].
[mith]M42[/mith] is “Mannish Captain on Horseback”.
Oops! Thanks for pointing that out! I checked with the database, but it seems I still mixed up something 
Milo wrote:
I have half a spare for [mith]M35[/mith] but only usefull for dioramas: it is M35B, with no spear, no base, and unprimed
Let me know if you want it.
If I find anuthing else in the future, I will let you know.
Thanks for the offer and keeping your eyes open. Fortunately I’m in no hurry mini-wise, so it has a bit time 