Trophée Mithril Maniac
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Trophée Mithril Maniac
- This topic has 137 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by Thingol.
September 8, 2020 at 2:06 pm #38900Milo wrote:About Master Elroi, I am the lucky owner of some of his artworks. I will for sure bring these to next Trophée Mithril Maniac
Here is the link for Master Elroi’s work I host: thread is gold
September 28, 2020 at 7:15 pm #38922Hello Mithril nautes !
I come back to you with a new game : Who am I ?
I am progressing quietly on my Isildur (s) project but at the same time, I decided to paint another Mithril figurine, a monobloc, a reference which until then had never attracted my attention.
I’m trying a new color scheme, I’ll let you discover it, from the back …
Who can give me the reference of this figurine ?[imgz url=][/imgz]
September 28, 2020 at 9:33 pm #38923Fabrice JACOB wrote:Hello Mithril nautes !
I come back to you with a new game : Who am I ?
I am progressing quietly on my Isildur (s) project but at the same time, I decided to paint another Mithril figurine, a monobloc, a reference which until then had never attracted my attention.
I’m trying a new color scheme, I’ll let you discover it, from the back …
Who can give me the reference of this figurine ?[imgz url=][/imgz]
Nimhir The Regent [mith]M41[/mith]
And I like this colour ! I used it several times ….
September 29, 2020 at 7:19 am #38924Well done Master Sam Wise !!!
Your presence here delights me. No post for a long time, i was wondering if COVID hadn’t affected you ?
Have you produced anything lately?
Posts in these places are becoming increasingly rare, would there be a certain danger in frequenting them ?
September 29, 2020 at 10:34 am #38925Beautiful orange colour.
September 30, 2020 at 4:06 pm #38926Hello Master Maenas,
Thanks for the comment.
This is a first for me on such a painting surface. I did not manage to mattify the oil, it shines too much for me but I might try a matt varnish when I finish painting the figure. I think it will be quite quick because it is a monobloc figure and there are ultimately few traps. This is the advantage of monoblocksI hope to be able to show you it fully painted next week.
Until then, be well !October 5, 2020 at 8:03 pm #38931Fabrice JACOB wrote:Well done Master Sam Wise !!!Your presence here delights me. No post for a long time, i was wondering if COVID hadn’t affected you ?
Have you produced anything lately?
Posts in these places are becoming increasingly rare, would there be a certain danger in frequenting them ?
Sorry for the delay Master Fabrice !
All is fine for me !
In fact, I don’t paint since a long time, it seems that I’ve not enough free-time for that … ( or it’s because of the hours I spend to see all the cycling’s races on Tv ?).
I’ve 2 figures to show that I’ve finished in July :
-[mith]M403[/mith] Woodman Girl with Bow
-[mith]LR22[/mith] Bilbo farewell’s Speechand now I want to paint some Orcs because it’s “ORCTOBER MONTH” !!!!! 😆
I’m waiting the next steps of your painting job ! (especially the colours you choose to use with orange …
Keep safe !October 9, 2020 at 10:29 am #38934Bonjour les MithrilNautes !
Je suis en mesure de vous présenter une photo de mon travail sur la M 41. Elle est quasiment terminée, il reste encore quelques retouches à effectuer, mais vous avez globalement devant vos yeux, une version terminée. Malheureusement comme je vous l’ai déjà indiqué, je n’ai pas d’APN en état de fonctionner aussi la photo a été réalisée avec mon téléphone portable. Le rendu des couleurs est bien évidemment un peu altéré. La prochaine fois que j’irai à l’association des Chevaliers du Centaure,( nous y avons un atelier photo) je demanderai à un des membres, de bien vouloir prendre en photo mes dernières réalisations.
J’espère que le choix de couleur adopté pour aller avec la toge orange, ne vous déçoit pas trop Master Sam Wise et Master Maenas ? Un vert d’eau avec des teintes bleues et violettes pour contraster. On ne peut pas réellement apprécier le rendu sur la photo, j’en suis désolé. Il faudra venir sur Nantes, à l’ODO 2021 pour regarder cela de plus près !
On croise les doigts !
En attendant, portez-vous bien.[imgz url=][/imgz]
Hello MithrilNautes!
I am able to show you a photo of my work on the M 41. It is almost finished, there are still some retouching to be done, but overall you have in front of your eyes a finished version. Unfortunately as I already indicated to you, I do not have a working camera so the photo was taken with my mobile phone. The color rendering is obviously a little altered. The next time I go to the Knights of the Centaur association, (we have a photo workshop there) I will ask one of the members to take a picture of my latest creations.
I hope that the choice of color adopted to go with the orange toga, does not disappoint you too much Master Sam Wise and Master Maenas? A sea green with blue and purple tints to contrast. We can not really appreciate the rendering on the photo, I’m sorry. We will have to come to Nantes, at ODO 2021 to take a closer look
We cross fingers !
In the meantime, be well.October 9, 2020 at 7:12 pm #38941Very beautiful choice of colors Fabrice…. But I do not like painting eyes on such a tiny miniatures…. they looks like they have bigger eyes than the owls in panic…
October 10, 2020 at 7:06 pm #38947Nice colors indeed. He makes me think of Varys, the eunuch from Game of Thrones.
October 11, 2020 at 8:40 am #38949Hello Boys
Merci pour vos retours messieurs !
En effet, Master Thingol, il m’ est de plus en plus difficile de peindre les yeux à cette échelle, surtout lorsque vos yeux vous abandonnent, les affres de l’âge!
Je les réussissais mieux il y a encore une dizaine d’années. Peut-être que la solution passera par l’achat d’une visière loupe, comme cela se fait dans le monde de la figurine.
Si j’en ai le courage, j’essaierai de modifier les yeux de cette figurine.
Wait and see…Hello Boys
Thank you for your feedback, gentlemen.
Indeed, Master Thingol, it is more and more difficult for me to paint the eyes on this scale, especially when your eyes abandon you, the pangs of age!
I was doing them a little better ten years ago. Perhaps the solution will be to purchase a magnifying visor, as is done in the world of figurines.
If I have the courage, I will try to modify the eyes of this figure.
Wait and see…October 12, 2020 at 10:15 am #38954Very nice Fabrice. I like colors, contrasts and also your technique.
October 12, 2020 at 3:39 pm #38956Beautiful choice of colours, it denotes the “nobility” of the figure it represents. I like them! even the eyes!
Eyes in this scale can be perfectly done, but, Mithril sculpts cannot help to that issue in any matter, being sometimes oddly missaligned even in the sculpt itself. Or even with a “beautiful” moldline that crosses them. I have found and fought difficulties on them too, but I think they are mandatory, without them the miniatures appear a bit soulless, in my humble opinion.
Being a bit more subtle on them works better I think, and gets you a little bit less “surprised owl” effect xD , althought I still have the same owlish problem here.
November 5, 2020 at 11:18 pm #39112Master Fabrice, your choice of colours is perfect !
This is a kind of figure which allows the use of bright and pastel colours.
You’ve done it ..November 8, 2020 at 8:07 pm #39113Je ne crois pas vous avoir dit que lorsque j’ai exhumé ma boîte magique, j’ai malencontreusement fait chuter une figurine.
Elle est tombée de plus d’un mètre…sur la lance. J’ai bien cru que je l’avais cassée. J’ai vraiment eu de la chance.
L’extrémité de la lance était tordue et formait un angle de 90° avec la hampe.
J’aurais dû prendre une photo pour vous la montrer mais, immédiatement, mon réflexe fut de la redresser.
Je n’en menais pas large mais je ne l’ai pas cassée et elle ne s’est pas fissurée.
Je l’avais mise de côté dans cette boîte en prévision de la peindre un jour.
Je crois que le moment est venu. Après cette petite péripétie, elle a bien mérité d’être mise en couleur.
C’est une très belle figurine, vraiment bien sculptée et qui présente très peu de scories.
Elle me “parle” beaucoup, j’espère pouvoir lui faire honneur.
Mais saurez-vous me dire de quelle figurine s’agit-il ?[imgz url=][/imgz]
I don’t believe I told you that when I unearthed my magic box, I accidentally dropped a figurine.
She fell more than a meter … on the spear. I thought I had broken it.
I was really lucky. The end of the spear was twisted and formed an angle of 90 ° with the shaft, I should have taken a picture to show it to you but, immediately, my reflex was to straighten it.
I wasn’t leading off it but I didn’t break it and it didn’t crack.
I had put it aside in this box in anticipation of painting it someday.
I believe the time has come. After this incident, it deserved to be colored.
It is a very beautiful figurine, really well sculpted, very little slag. She talks to me a lot, I hope I can do her honor.
But can you tell me which figurine is it?November 8, 2020 at 11:05 pm #39114Indeed that M339 Elrohir is an excellent figure with a lot of fine details. It’s wonderful to be painted. – Yes, the good-old M-series figures … I still miss them.
November 10, 2020 at 8:10 am #39117Hello Théobald,
Well done !
You are absolutely right! And for everything!
As I wrote previously, I have not collected Mithril figurines for over 20 years. There would be too many references to recover and among them, some are today impossible to find and artistically not very exciting.
On the other hand, we have a reservoir of old references which are for the great majority (the M references) really very successful. Elrohir is a perfect example.November 16, 2020 at 5:00 pm #39149Strider visiting the new Tarproom 5
[imgz url=][/imgz]
He continues his journey towards the Mithril 2021 trophy
November 16, 2020 at 9:35 pm #39151Very nice…
December 17, 2020 at 3:13 pm #39285Devinez qui vient leur rendre visite ?
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Guess who comes to visit them ?
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Trophée Mithril Maniac