Trophée Mithril Maniac
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Trophée Mithril Maniac
- This topic has 137 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 8 months ago by Thingol.
December 17, 2020 at 11:38 pm #39286
A Bree gate-warden (M116a?) and the lute-player (M120a).
You chose beautiful colors and details are very well done, like the keys on the belt of the warden and the strings of the lute.
The warden makes me think of Sean ConneryDecember 18, 2020 at 9:09 am #39287Magnifique
December 18, 2020 at 2:48 pm #39288Very nice
– the figures complement each other very well.
December 20, 2020 at 3:37 pm #39296Oui, c’est Strider !
Il est toujours en ballade , explorant de nouveaux lieux ou pas, comme ici, où il semble avoir fait un petit crochet par Bree[imgz url=][/imgz]
Yes, it’s Strider!
He’s always out for a walk, exploring new places or not, like here, where he seems to have made a little detour by Bree: D
Thank you all for your last comments.December 20, 2020 at 11:05 pm #39303Excellent Fabrice! Very well done. Do you know Richard Poisson? He has painted many Mithrils.
December 21, 2020 at 5:46 pm #39311Bonjour Wendy,
merci pour tes commentaires.
Oui je connais Richard et feu son épouse, Catherine.
Ils ont, un temps, adhéré à Myth’Image/Mithril Maniac.
Richard a d’ailleurs remporté le Trophée mithril Maniac au moins deux fois je crois.
C’est un bon peintre de figurines.
Je pense vous montrer prochainement dans la rubrique “Il était une fois Myth’Image Mithril Maniac”, des photos, non pas des gagnants du trophée, mais leurs réalisations.Hello Wendy,
Thank you for your comments.
Yes I know Richard and his late wife, Catherine.
They once joined Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac.
Richard has won the Mithril Maniac Trophy at least twice I believe.
He is a good painter of figurines.
I think I will show you soon in the section “Once upon a time Myth’Image Mithril Maniac”, photos, not of the winners of the trophy, but of their achievements.January 15, 2021 at 4:48 pm #39373Bonjour les Mithril Nautes !
Je devrais avoir un peu de temps ce week-end pour terminer la peinture d’Isildur M 272. Il me reste à peindre les gants, je pensais les laisser en blanc nacré mais le résultat ne me plait guère. Que diriez-vous d’un vert ocre jaune ?
A votre bon cœur messieurs ![imgz url=][/imgz]
[imgz url=][/imgz]Hello Mithril Nautes !
I should have some time this weekend to finish painting Isildur M 272. I still have to paint the gloves, I am thinking of leaving them pearly white, but I don’t like the result. How about a yellow ocher green?
To your good heart, gentlemen !January 19, 2021 at 1:33 pm #39375It could work I think, as long as it stays muted/subdued.
As it could also work some cold or neutral mid-grey. I think the only problem now, is that the white is a bit too bright, so its draws too much attention.
Beautiful work by the wayJanuary 19, 2021 at 1:44 pm #39376I think you should stay with the color pattern of grey, blue and blue gray.
Or the tan color you used for the belt, could also work for the gloves.
That’s what I should do.
If it was my work.January 19, 2021 at 7:17 pm #39377Very nice !
January 23, 2021 at 4:52 pm #39378Merci pour vos conseils Messieurs Maenas et Gerold.
Il m’est déjà arrivé par le passé de mettre une figurine de côté, ne sachant pas comment la terminer. Pour celle-ci, mon schéma de couleur était simple, copier celui que Jacques avait appliqué sur son Isildur et je l’ai un peu modifié en accentuant le bleu. Mais dans la version MS 226, Isildur ne portait pas ses gants. Je n’avais pas suffisamment analyser ce détail lorsque je me suis lancé dans sa peinture. Une petite erreur, mais rien de grave. Je pense donc me laisser encore le temps de la réflexion avant de l’achever.
L’autre référence d’Isildur MS 534 est également à l’arrêt. Le schéma de couleur est un mixte de des deux versions sus-citées. C’est la mise en couleur de la cape qui me pose problème. Avec ou sans motifs et lesquels ? Le choix de la couleur de la cape n’est pas encore totalement définie. Wait and see !
Depuis, j’ai donc préféré me consacrer au décapage et à l’ébavurage de figurines. C’est un travail que je n’aime guère mais indispensable pour obtenir le meilleur rendu final de la figurine peinte. Enlever les lignes de jointures du moule en les ponçant, reboucher des trous au Milliput. Un examen minutieux s’impose et gare aux oublis lorsque vous les apprêtez sinon la besogne est à refaire. Elles sont donc une petite dizaine devant moi à attendre d’être sous couchées. Combien de temps avant d’être peintes ? Longtemps, d’autant plus que je m’attaque au meilleur ami de l’être humain, le cheval !
Nous avions consacré une planche couleur de notre fanzine Mithril Maniac à quelques unes de nos peintures équestres.
Je vous laisse la découvrir dans “One upon a time Mithril Maniac/Myth’Image”. Rendons à César ce qui lui appartient!
Thank you for your advice Messrs Maenas and Gerold.
It has happened in the past to put a figure aside, not knowing how to finish it. For this one, my color scheme was simple, copy the one Jacques had applied to his Isildur and I modified it a little by emphasizing the blue. But in the MS 226 version, Isildur was not wearing his gloves. I did not sufficiently analyze this detail when I launched into his painting. A small mistake, but nothing serious. So I think I will still give myself time to think it over before finishing it.
The other Isildur MS 534 reference is also at a standstill. The color scheme is a mixture of the two above-mentioned versions. It’s the coloring of the cape that causes me problem. With or without reasons and which ones? The choice of the color of the cape is not yet fully defined. Wait and see!
Since then, I have preferred to devote myself to stripping and deburring figurines. It is a job that I do not like much but essential to obtain the best final rendering of the painted figurine. Remove the mold seam lines by sanding them, fill the holes with Milliput. Careful examination is required and beware of omissions when you prepare them otherwise the job has to be redone. There are therefore a dozen in front of me waiting to be lying down. How long before being painted? For a long time, especially since I am attacking the best friend of the human being, the horse!
We had dedicated a color plate from our Mithril Maniac fanzine to some of our equestrian paintings.
I let you discover it in “One upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image”. Let us give back to Caesar what belongs to him!
February 14, 2021 at 2:21 pm #39395Hello MithrilNautes !
Not many people around lately …
As I could tell you the road will still be long from here to the Western Open of the figurine. Objective 2022 !
That doesn’t stop Strider from continuing to explore new lands and discover the tombs of the kings of old.
Do you well.[imgz url=][/imgz]
March 14, 2021 at 4:05 pm #39436Hello Mithril Nautes?
I am quite surprised that there is no post on the painting challenge launched by
Is it your collector’s side that does not vibrate in front of this challenge or anything else different ?
For my part, I will not be able to participate but I would have liked to devote a little time to it.
Be careful all.March 16, 2021 at 10:37 am #39437Hi Fabrice,
Thanks for reviving our soul.
I feel, such mini should be part of a hobbit hole diorama and it requires much more time than just painting.
So maybe I will have a go, maybe not.March 17, 2021 at 10:21 pm #39438Fabrice JACOB wrote:Hello Mithril Nautes?
I am quite surprised that there is no post on the painting challenge launched by
Is it your collector’s side that does not vibrate in front of this challenge or anything else different ?
For my part, I will not be able to participate but I would have liked to devote a little time to it.
Be careful all.I will need to purchase it first, and as Master Milo says, more than the figure is required
March 18, 2021 at 8:12 pm #39441I’m not sure If I will be part of this challenge… I do not produce dioramas from mitrhil figures… Master David is perfect candidate for this year winner… So I will wote for him (in advance)… But he need to buy MZ690 first….
April 29, 2021 at 3:09 pm #39556Hello Mithril Nautes !
Hope care with you and your family !“We used to say with Jacques that our respective collections would give us material to paint for the rest of our days, which we hoped would be distant.
Unfortunately the start came much faster than we had imagined for Jacques.I inherited the Mithril collection from Jacques when he passed away.
Besides its beautiful painted figurines, there are also quite a few figurines still in blister packs, like those from my own collection.
I have not made the exact count of what I have but it must represent at the very least close to 1000 Mithril figurines, with multiple doubles or triples, all dating from before 2003. Besides, I draw in these last to regularly present my achievements.
A decade wouldn’t be enough for me to paint half of them. However, it is perhaps this lapse of time that I have left to paint satisfactorily, before my sight betrays me definitively and old age no longer allows me to perform the same fine motor skills as today.I would define myself today as a painter of Mithril.
I am no longer an avid collector like most of you.
I no longer feel the need to own them all, as I did thirty years ago.
Ah this fever that overwhelms you at the idea of being able to fill a void in your collection …I don’t want to keep all of his miniatures.
Also if you are missing some references and want to acquire them (provided I have them), you can contact me in MP.
Hurry, I intend to get rid of a good part of them, during the ODO 2022.
It’s recently been officiated. The town hall of Couëron gives us access to the room of the Fraternity in May 2022, but we remain dependent on the French presidential elections to know exactly the right weekend. To be continued !“April 29, 2021 at 6:42 pm #39561I just took another look at where exactly Couëron is. This year, unfortunately, there are still no airlines flying to Nantes. I mean there aren’t any out of the airport mind environment. Everything is still in no schedule status due to COVID… I hope 2022 will be finaly fine for flying without any obstacles.
Let me follow up on the text written above. It is sad to read that the collections are quietly passing from hand to hand and it is not known what will happen to them next. The younger generations are not so interested in mithril. I specifically have everything I want and I don’t need anything. I painted all the figures. I’ll paint them as soon as the package arrives. I love seeing them painted. Somehow they come to life in my hands when they are painted.
I don’t like to think about what will happen to them one day. Who knows. My daughter says she will save everything. But while we can enjoy this world of mithril figures, it’s good!
I will definitely stop buying them one day when Chris stops being their author. The computer can design them and programmatically copy them indefinitely. But that will no longer be the real thing.Not for this kind of figures…
April 29, 2021 at 7:57 pm #39563Well my dear Fabrice , you know what I am looking for
I could contact you but well… this is special…
Still knowing what is in the colleciton might be interesting too
May 2, 2021 at 10:56 pm #48602I would like so much that you could be present at the ODO 2022 Master Thingol. I hope this can be done with an accessible flight to Nantes.
Master Gildor Inglorion, nothing is impossible ! You have proven it to us many times !
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Trophée Mithril Maniac