What is the story of your first figure Mithril?
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › What is the story of your first figure Mithril?
- This topic has 11 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by Gavin.
June 10, 2008 at 8:55 pm #272
Well, some of you have already spoken about it, but I was curious. What is the story of your first figure Mithril? 😎
I am beginning. The first picture I bought was a M152 “variag horseman.” It was my first character role-MERP back in the year 1991 and I have much affection. We are talking about the beginnings of role playing!
From that time retain some 40-50 figures. The rest I have been acquiring gradually in recent times (even I have left enough to complete the M-serie)Erchamion
June 10, 2008 at 8:55 pm #2334Well, some of you have already spoken about it, but I was curious. What is the story of your first figure Mithril? 😎
I am beginning. The first picture I bought was a M152 “variag horseman.” It was my first character role-MERP back in the year 1991 and I have much affection. We are talking about the beginnings of role playing!
From that time retain some 40-50 figures. The rest I have been acquiring gradually in recent times (even I have left enough to complete the M-serie)Erchamion
June 11, 2008 at 10:29 pm #2335My first introduction to Mithril was some time in the late 80’s when Mithril first appeared – I happened to visit a small hobby shop near Portsmouth in England where I saw some grey primed figures on a rotating display rack.
Call it a 6th sense or whatever, but I just felt that these figures were something special – I am not a smal scale figure collector unless they was Tolkien based which back in those days was not exactly a plenty, but when I looked closely I saw these figures were the early Rohirrim figures plus whatever else was in the early series (alas not an M16). They just oozed quality simple as that, and from that day forth I was hooked (a bit theatrical I know).
To say I was overjoyed is an understatement (they were Tolkien based) and although I have collected many figures over the years mainly in much larger scales and usualy of a sci-fi/horror nature I have always come back to Mithril and can say with hand on heart that these figures have been the most consistent in terms of collecting from a modellers point of view.
All I would add to that is I do wonder what if they had not been undercoated in grey? Would my eye have been drawn to them? Who knows.
June 12, 2008 at 9:45 pm #2336I don’t think I have one specific first Mithril. My first Mithrils purchased was a bunch of small lots on ebay some time in 2003, but it’s been fun ever since.
June 13, 2008 at 2:18 am #2337I remember back in the 80’s when I went to my local comic shop and I noticed behind the counter some small grey figures that said Middle Earth Figurines. I had just read the Lord of the Rings about a month earlier and asked the guy in the shop if I could look at some of them. He handed me Riders of Rohan and a Gandalf figure and I ended up getting the Gandalf figure and I took it home and was so overwhelmed with it that I said that I would get more of these wonderful figures.
June 13, 2008 at 11:56 am #2338I remember back in the 90’s, maybe 1994 or so…. going to my RPG shop and seeing a whole wall filled with miniatures with a map of Middle Earth on it, getting a closer look , for the first time, I saw the world of Tolkien, which I really loved, come to life in small metal figurines before me… That was an illumination. I had discovered the world of JRRT some year just before and I was very fond of this heroic fantasy stuff. I was with my mother by that time, also a Tolkien and Fantasy fan in general. we bought some mithril figurines among others… (i still have some of those “others” star wars or very raw and bad looking figs) but soon, I enjoyed quite much the precision and quality of mithril so I remained faithfull to Mithril.
My first purchases (I could not afford all of them indeed) were in the “Misty Mountains” series, something around M300 or so. If I remember well, my first figurine painted is the Hithaeglir Adventurer (M305)… I have never “repainted” it since that time, it’s a memory… but you can imagine how “bad” this figurine can be painted… I never repaint my figurines… this way I can witness the progression in the techniques and quality of my works, even if it means that quite a lot of my figs are not “so well” painted…June 14, 2008 at 7:34 am #2339I started around 1978 with collecting fantasy figures from Grenadier, Essex, Rose PA and GW. I bought only the figures I liked the look, not collecting minis of specific brand. From GW I bought the whole set of LOTR figures when they came out. During time approx 50% of the GW minis started with lead rott. From then on I didn’t buy any of the GW’s anymore. In the german magazin “Zaubererzeit” I saw the first advertisemnt for M1 Galadriel. I couldn’t wait for this figure to be available in the stores. I bought Mithril up to the number M164 and then I stopped and had for the next 10+ years more important things to. Then I decided to sell all the minis I had collected.
I got rid of most of the minis of all the other brands exept the Mithril. I only sold the ones I had doubles of. The rest went back in storage. Aprox three years ago I started again collecting Mithril!June 17, 2008 at 1:21 pm #2352Ha, one of my favorite Mithril stories is my first purchase! I’d been a D&D gamer for years and had quite of few of the old Grenadier and Ral Partha figs. I distinctly remember finding Mithril’s rather odd, with the largish size and grey primer. Being a huge Tolkien fan, I was intrigues.
My fellow gamer and best friend, Tony, and I had been buying a lot of Arab looking and Middle-east type figures. This must have been around 1989 or 1988? I saw the M73 Caravan guard on camel, as an excellent addition to our collection! A very fortunate purchase, as it turned out. I don’t recall seeing anything earlier than the Far Harad stuff in local stores. Later I bought most of the Turin and Blacksword series, as those were my favorite stories.
If I had only known then what I know now! I remember seeing a nice wall of those grey primed figures at the shop, and only buying a few. Later, around 1998, I was reintroduced to Mithrils at a game convention, caught the disease, and started a collecting rampage. The rest, as they say, is history!
June 18, 2008 at 5:46 am #2353Wow, what good memories I have of collecting Mithrils. This is a good subject so thank you erchamion for starting this conversation. I first read the Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, and Silmarillion some thirty plus years ago in my early teens.
Like Presto and others, I came to Mithrils through Role-Playing, starting with D&D, and then Call of Cthulhu. One of my college friends had a bunch of Pal Ratha’s and Grenadier’s, and a few Mithrils which we played our Adventures with. The Mithrils were far superior to the other miniatures, and when I began to lead RPG adventures using MERP, I began to acquire the miniatures my adventurers needed in our game play. Soon I was hooked and became a collector, and set out to collect the entire range of Mithrils.
I must say that I have met some of the nicest people who share a similar love for the craftsmanship of Chris and a love of Tolkien’s writings on this (and the previous MMP) web-site. So Thanks also to Gildor for his great work in opening this new site for us to continue our conversations!
June 18, 2008 at 10:00 am #2354I’d rather say, thanks for this community to exist. I just put a little tool in place, I have not done much (in matters of MMP) it is a community work
as for discovering Mithril through RPG. It was the same for me. I discovered RPG and the use of lead figurines, I saw people using (and so I bought) some Ral Partha or Grenadier.. and Mithril… and indeed Mithril quality was far above all the others + it was tolkien related… perfect for me. But I never have, or will, play in Tolkien universe when it comes to RPG. Giving people the opportunity to modelize and alternate Tolkien universe is some kind of blasphemy for me… I thus prefer D&D worlds. at least, these are “meant” to be “built” and modified by playing them.
July 1, 2008 at 2:21 pm #2446Y’know, I’m not absolutely sure about my first Mithril – at some point I just became aware that I’d accumulated several of these grey-coloured LOTR miniatures; but I THINK my brother was responsible, and got me a couple of them for a birthday present when he didn’t know what else to get at some point back around 1988 (it actually seems a lot longer ago than that, but it obviously can’t have been). He knew I liked LOTR, even though he wasn’t into it (I think he remains one of the few people on the planet who still haven’t read it!), and he thought I might like them. To be honest, they sat unopened in a box for many years thereafter, and I only got back into the Mithril habit about ten years ago, when rumours of the upcoming movies reinvigorated my interest in all things LOTR. Still haven’t got anywhere near all the figures, but am more than happy to have the ones I’ve got!
July 2, 2008 at 3:36 am #2454Well, when I were a lad, and all ’round ‘ere were fields…
I saw an ad on TV for Prince August moulds. They had ads on TV back then, in Ireland. I’d seen Year of the French some time before, so I would cast English and French late 18th century figures and paint them as the Redcoats and French soldiers at Kilalla. I wrote away to Prince August and saw their catalogue. I remember being vaguely intrigued by the Goblins and Elves and Orcs. I had no idea what they were. Later that year, the year after, a family friend, while living in the US was rather amused by the media frenzy about Dungeons and Dragons and how it was driving troubled teens to suicide. Since I was a troubled pre-teen, she decided I would be perfect. So she bought me the Fighting Fantasy roleplaying game corebook.
Some time that following winter, my friend Ian McGuinness introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons, the real thing. I was sort of hooked. He told me about the Hobbit and so on. I was 11. It was my last year in primary school. It was a pretty hellacious time. I was looking towards secondary school with increasing dread. I wasn’t much of a reader, then. My step mother loaned me her copy of the Hobbit, and I slowly made my way through it. On holiday in Cork that year, I finished (we went to Macroom on that trip, I think).
I read Lord of the Rings that summer, re-reading it all over the last week in august before heading to the dreaded secondary school. I escaped into Lord of the Rings, into the appendices. I grabbed out my casting tools and made a sort of wargames ruleset. That christmas I got the Grenadier Fellowship boxed set, and…the other one.
The following year, I started collecting the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings figures. I knew, on some level, that they were hideous, but they were “official” and they had a sense of movement (or something) to them. I kept all my figures in a big box, a mix of Grenadier, GW and Prince August fantasy. Sometime that year I discovered MERP, too.
But some time in the summer of 1988, I was perusing the figurine section of Easons on O’Connell street, and had this weird moment. Beside the Prince August figures was a range called Mithril. I thought I was misreading. Then I realised: these were MERP figures. By Prince August. Without the ugly clothes and stupid poses of those other figures. These would look the same as the prince august fantasy figures. This was great! I bought probably all of the first dozen figures.
And then, I don’t really know. I never had time to paint them. I was frustrated with my painting abilities. It was the Inter Cert year. Then into fifth year and hell, before you knew it, it was the Leaving Cert and then off to what came next. Life went on.
In 2000, I was talking to my friend Tiina about The Lord of the Rings. the movies were coming and she and her brother were huge fans. I told her about these “Mithril” figures I remembered as a kid. I remember showing her the website in the cyber cafe where I worked, thinking “cool.” That summer, I did my first freelance professional writing assignment and once again, I forgot about Mithril.
My moment of doom came at 3am in October 2002. I was trying to keep awake so I could meet my sister at the bus station at five am. I re-read this short fantasy written piece I’d done years before. I thought: hey, I wonder if Prince August is still going. And…they were. I wonder, I thought, if Mithril is still going. It was. Then, as it started to get light, I thought: I wonder if Iron Crown is still going. That lead to me writing Cyradon. But it also lead me to buying the Battle Games in Middle Earth magazine on a trip home to Ireland…and a few weeks later, making a huge order from Mithril. And that was it, I was doomed.
Doomed, I tell you.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › What is the story of your first figure Mithril?