who’s who on MMP
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- This topic has 323 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Maenas.
December 1, 2011 at 4:28 pm #21963
Welcome here Mornedhel
and being quite curious, could you tell me which prototypes and Christmas figurines you miss?
I saw that you own the three white 54 prototypes (from the collection manager) Maybe you have or know about other prototypes I myself could not trace back. I welcome any picture or information about such figurines
I suppose you miss [mith]Chr1989[/mith] and [mith]Chr1991[/mith]? as for prototypes? [mith]ME2[/mith] maybe?December 1, 2011 at 5:05 pm #21965Hi and welcome Mornedhel !
It’s always great pleasure to meet mithril fans, especially since 1988.
I hope you’ll show a bit more of your collection here sometimes as it seems you can talk about uniques and unfindable more than I do.For vide grenier, I myself more search in old forgotten attics
December 1, 2011 at 5:31 pm #21971Welcome here dear new Mithril friend…. welcome Master Mornedhel…. left us here picture… and somewhere else some photographs of your figures… collection.. painting work…. !!!!
December 1, 2011 at 5:34 pm #21973And please visit the Prancing pony to get a free drink and share your mithril passion around a beer.
December 1, 2011 at 5:35 pm #21975…. or two beers
December 1, 2011 at 5:43 pm #21976Welcome from me too! (For the record, English for “brocante” is a second-hand shop or junk shop, and for “vide grenier” is a boot-sale or attic-sale – not exact translations, but close enough!) I’ll fill a mug for you at the Pony…
December 1, 2011 at 6:26 pm #21977Gildor Inglorion wrote:I saw that you own the three white 54 prototypes (from the collection manager) Maybe you have or know about other prototypes I myself could not trace back. I welcome any picture or information about such figurinesI just checked. So you are another lucky owner of Dwaw of Waw ! Great to have 2 owners here (if I remember well, Master Ent once provided picture of his prototype).
December 1, 2011 at 6:42 pm #21978wrong thread, sorry.
December 2, 2011 at 9:10 pm #21986Welcome Mornedhel, here you can find advice, a nice pint of scrumpy, or just enjoy a quiet pipe in the corner
April 14, 2012 at 9:29 pm #23829Greetings
My names John and Im from the UK, about 35 miles south of London. I have a deep and abiding love of Middle Earth since I was a teenager in the 1970’s , over the years I have collected many Tolkien related items , particularly gaming items such as board games and RPG’s but especially miniatures. Although the Mithril range has always been my favourite I also collected all the other licensed miniatures as well as quite a few historical 25/28mm that would fit into the world of Middle Earth. I was a member here at one point too, although not very active , then for some reason my interest waned a few years ago and I concentrated on other lines of miniatures ie Colonial (you can never have enough Zulus) , Dr Who , a couple of races by GW (I have 2 boys) and especially Victorian Science Fiction.
Last year I bought a 50 yr old car (same age as me) and unfortunately he is at the moment in pieces being repaired, this is very expensive so i decided I needed to raise some cash by selling stuff on ebay, in particular my Middle Earth miniatures which I realised I could probably get a reasonable amount for (I think I have over 6000!).
However, much Im sure to your relief, as I got them out the boxes I realised I really didnt want to sell them, so for the time being I am only selling my doubles and even some of them I have put back away as I now want to start painting up a couple of armies!
Anyway I hope I havn’t bored you , but im glad to be back!
JohnApril 15, 2012 at 7:23 am #23831Hi Master Mors and welcome back on mithrils if I understand well.
Is it true you have 6000 mithril ? more than impressive :rolleyes:April 15, 2012 at 7:30 am #23833……6,000? Wow, I hope you have room enough to display them!
April 15, 2012 at 8:06 am #23834well 6000 middle earth miniatures I read
that must includes mithril and all other manufacturers too
that remains impressive in terms of placebut Mithril itself with only ONE of each REF reaches above 1000 already by far considering the warbands, and the “multiple figurines” refs (not counting the classics , and vignettes as single figurine because single base)
April 15, 2012 at 8:22 am #23835…. hmmmm… impressive quantity of metal….
maybe you could cast some spare parts for your 50 years old cars from this figures… just kidding… welcome here master Mors… I would like to see or know which figures are in this bunch of middle earth races… do you have some list or inventory….
April 15, 2012 at 9:28 am #23838Welcome, Mors
as many have said right above, a very impressive collection. It’s a pity you have to sell it, but… hey, you have us here to have the minis finishing in good hands – Some really true Middlle-Earth Lovers right here.
April 15, 2012 at 12:23 pm #23839Thanks for the welcome, the 6000 is a estimate and was a figure I had in my head from years ago. Its not 6000 Mithril sadly, I beleive I have about 1500-1800 from the Mithril range , after completing my M range collection I tended to focus on generic army figures so something like M198 I have 10 or 12 sets and the same goes for Orcs, Rangers etc from the later issues, I have 3 Army sets of each the Orcs and Gondor. the rest of my collection is made up from other manufactuers.
The original Citadel range I have at least one set of each, although not all the variants, I have 3 Encounter at Khazad Dum sets.I have a few of the very rare figures, ie the Troll and the Uruk Hai that were only for sale for a little time.
The Heritage range based on Bakshis cartoon is I suppose about 60 % complete, I have the two boxed sets of Paint and Play, I was also in contact with a guy that had the moulds years ago and bought all the diorama sets as well as the 75mm , although i have some of the originals too. I managed to pick up a very nice set of 12 done in the same style as Heritage, must have been the same sculptor, of 54mm ish figures which were only available on a American Express card offer, I paid a lot for them though.
The Grenadier range is complete, I have all the boxed sets.
The Harlequin/Icon/BTD range I have is complete , and because i bought boxed sets as well as blisters when they came out there are quite a few there. Not very nice figures as they are done in the Nottingham style of GW Warhammer, although some of the character pieces are ok
The new GW range I collected for a few years of all the new releases, but i think it was this that made me stop, I just couldnt justify the expense.
There are also figures which were not licensed form the 70’s , like the Minifigs Mythical Earth range and the Der Kriegspielers/Customcraft ranges from the USABarliman, sadly they all in boxes crates and have been kept in storage, now much to my wifes horror they are spread about the house!
Thingol unfortunately I have not got a up to date inventory but I intend to rectify that , I will be contacting the webmaster to see if I can use the Collection manager .
Imisel, i have decided I dont want to sell all of my collection, I love them too much. So at the moment its only doubles of character figures. I am undecided about some of the Xmas specials etc. Another reaason for not selling is it takes so long to put them on ebay then send them off, particularly as there were many non UK buyers winning my first batch of auctions, Im happy to send them all over world but it takes time at the post office!
I would like to get back into collecting the Mithril range again , but i need to wait a while till my finances have recovered !
If anyone would like images etc of the boxed sets or miniatures from other ranges Im quite happy to take pictures and send them.
RegardsApril 15, 2012 at 2:44 pm #23841I flagged you collector master Mors
so now you can begin using the collection manager to anything Mithril indeed (the other companies are not there as you can imagine
though you rign a bell or two in your last entry and I would be personnaly interested in discussing some points with you
I may be interested in two or three items outside Mithril, and also, if you have any hint on this chimera that is the Chr1989 please, do share info with us
we have been on this crusade for info for years now!! (and I put a very special option on this one if you would be willing to sell it)
April 15, 2012 at 3:29 pm #23844Welcome back, Mors. – I think it was a good decision not to sell all your Mithril miniatures and get back here again.
April 15, 2012 at 8:49 pm #23845Welcome Mors
It’s often a very difficult choice when we have to choose and sometime sell part of our collection.
I aslo collect Grenadier Tolkien figures and the Harlequin serie (the production didn’t last long) and would be happy to share them with you.Mornedhel
April 16, 2012 at 8:38 am #23847Mors wrote:If anyone would like images etc of the boxed sets or miniatures from other ranges Im quite happy to take pictures and send them.
RegardsI have been gathering all existing images about mithrils for the lostminiwiki gallery.
I sent you a mail for what pics I miss. -
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