Forum Replies Created
You still being a master Roi.
Where can I see your Mithril Minis here in Spain?
Have you left something in a shop or exposition?
Congrats.Un saludo
What a great work. I like it a lot.
And with your little introduction,. you help to explain the atmosphere and what you were trying exactly to represent.
This forum has some very good artists.I´m very very busy with my studies and my work, but I will always find a break time to shoot any miniatures.
In the meantime I’m lost into the forest, where resting under a tree I discover it was a kind of huorn like Old Man Willow, and I scape from the horrible destiny that expects me, thanks to an extrange person wearing blue jacket and long feather in his hat, that saves me singing for this evil tree.
[imgz url=][/imgz]But now a new contribution related with the Orthanc Tower: M180 Half-orc captain and M181 Wormtongue.
[imgz url=][/imgz]Ha ha, You must be sure I will be a very silvan warden.
Thanks for my new incarnationQuote:Milo wrote:
A real forest warden ! I’m jalous you knowMy best decision ever. I’m learning a lot of things about wild nature. And my future (I hope) will be watching and warding natural landscapes like an Arnor ranger.
I´m in shop, but with half part-time work. Maybe we will see each other in a near future.
Wow, you never have enough taverns?
Very good work at this moment, I’m anger for more.
See you Roi.Hey Roi nice to hear you compañero.
Is difficult to me to be active in this world now. I’m at school again preparing myself to be forest ranger (serius).
But I’m allways here watching
More unpainted miniaturessoon.
Waiting to see it full of miniatures. I promise you to drink a beer looking your work when you finish this.
More minis…
Ghostwarriors: M168 Ghoul, and M167 Walking dead.
[imgz url=][/imgz]
More Ghostwarriors and an inhabitant of centre Mirkwood: M169 Wight of Tughaib, M109 Werewolf and M172 Lesser Ghost of the under-depps.
[imgz url=][/imgz]
We will follow tomorrow…
A bit more in form of my last unopened blister:
M123 Frodo & Sam (new format blister)
[imgz url=][/imgz]
And my used miniatures, some painted in the good old days (when painting was an adventure using enamel Humbrol oils and all my bedrrom smells hard with the paint thinner.
Mirkwood I: M083 Smeagol and Deagol in boat, and M088 Beorning fighter.
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Mount Gundabad: M102 Bralg the Insane and just one of two M094 UrukHai royal guard.
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Just a few minutes for more…
Now the Collector’s series.
PM496 Goblin Chieftain in enormous wolf, and MV374 Ringwraith and hobbits.
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Very good battle scene. Can I supose the foothills behind miniatures are the mountainside in the Lonely Mountain?
The environment around works really well here, looks good with the scale and accompany the miniatures in a natural way.
I hope to see more soon.Thanks Thingol, now more history in images.
A couple of Mithril Classics, MC19 Treebeard and Hobbits (old M185), MCD4 Beorn as man and bear (old M233 and M86), MCD3 Bilbo, Thorin and Gollum (old M227, M229 and M232).
[imgz url=][/imgz]
More Mithril Classics in new blisters, MCD10 Nazgul and Wight King (old M147 and M257), MC16 The Mirror of Galadriel (old M136).
[imgz url=][/imgz]
And again, more soon, maybe tomorrow…
Really hard to pay
original blisters.
M156 Thrain Dwarven King and M215 Turin Neithan the outlaw:
[imgz url=][/imgz]
And now M104 Bilbo and two dwarf tied up, and M139 Aragorn & Arwen:
[imgz url=][/imgz]
More soon, I hope…
Miniatures collected for long years, since my childhood and today looking in old shops and second hand offers.
Today original boxes and blisters, mint condition:
Original Fellowship box, still in catalogue:
[imgz url=][/imgz]
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Roi you are allways creating credible worlds. If Tolkien had seen your miniatures he thinks you have understood his idea for Middle Earth.
Still watching.Looks really well this diorama.
I love the old arabean buildings behind miniatures, with this ciclopean column and the ruined arc.
I hope to see it finished as soon as possible
Congrats.Thanks again for this wellcome. I hope to see more new faces soon.
Uff, incredible use of real atmosphere. I can feel my feet wet looking this swamp.
Congrats. -