Reply To: The Taproom

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony The Taproom Reply To: The Taproom


    Huoommmm … what about facts, Master Barliman? …. huuoommm … As I have been away for awhile it was not that your premises displeases me, not at all … huuoomm … I’ve been away to to find out about different matters … rhuoommm … that takes time, of course … huommm ….
    Talking with Master Edman, I recently met, I might pass his words here:
    “I do not foresee any problem with TE approval with [-] We have a good idea what will pass:”
    huoommmrhuooommm … sounds good, doesn’t it? … huoommm … at least 10 more figures are awaiting the approval … huooomm so to say … huooomm ….
    I would have more rumours to spread …. but, alas, tired as I am by now … just pass me a bowl of that honeyish- coloured water … huooommmmmmmmmmm