Reply To: The Taproom

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony The Taproom Reply To: The Taproom


    Huooommmrhuoommm … hom …. so this company surprises me for being right in time to offer that Imrahil … huoommm … what I can say is that I agreed with The Man to release that MX-metal thing before the Swan Knights follow …. rhuoommm … then Master O’Brian suggested to have those figures released the end of March … hom … so it works … but we had to be sure that The Man will finish the figure in time …. rhuoommm … but he managed and I’m more than happy about this … hom … he did a brilliant job and the figure is superb, methinks …. hom ….
    Friday …. rhuoommm … I thought about next Friday (28th) …
    Well, the coincidence of releasing the Christmas figure at the same time was just meant to start the …. huoomm …. “new” year with massive releases from the Company … hom …
    As for those MX-variants I already recieved a lot of queries within the last weeks …. rhuoomm…
    But let me state here again that they were not produced for commerce … so they are not available … rhuoomm … just gifts for good old friends …. huoommmm … I hope you understand that …. huoommm … nice pics in the newsletter ….
    so I’ll sit back awhile and taste some of that more honey-coloured liquid … hom … I could give you a tab for that, Master Barliman …. as that seems to be the currency used here …. hom