Reply To: Another big lot of Mithrils.

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad Another big lot of Mithrils. Reply To: Another big lot of Mithrils.


    Just a shame it is for the US only!
    Very nice minis within!

    Big Lot of MITHRIL JRR Tolkien Miniatures Hobbit LOTR
    ** Over #40 Pieces ** Item number: 130210370857

    And this is what you get!

    Black Sword
    M238 Turin “Black Sword” Mounted
    M239 Orodreth of Nargothrond, opened
    M240 Finduilas and Gwindor
    M241 Brodda the Easterling, opened
    M242 Hithlum Easterling Warrior, opened
    2 M243 Brandir the Lame
    M244 Turin Turambar
    M245 Niniel the Bride
    M246 Angband Orc-Captain
    M247 Noldo Elven Warrior, opened
    Last Alliance
    M269 Gil-Galad High King, opened
    M270 Elrond, Herald of Gil-Galad
    M271 Elendil the Tall
    M272 Cirdan at Gorgoroth
    Tale of Turin
    M215 Outlaw
    M216 Morwen and Nienor
    M217 Thingol of Doriath
    M218 Outlaw of Teiglin
    M219 Kim and Ibun
    M220 Turin Gorthol Dread-Helm, opened
    M221 Beleg Strongbow
    3 M222 Horgoth Orcs
    2 M223 Wolf Sentinal
    M224 Gwindor, opened
    Misty Mountains
    M301 Great Eagle Gwaihir, opened
    M302 Great Eagle Landroval
    M303 Great Eagle Attacking Orc
    M305 Hithaeglir Northman Adventurer, opened
    M307 Stone Giant
    M308 2 Hithaeglir Goblins
    Cirith Ungol
    M332 Frodo in the Tower
    M328 Lugburz, Orc Tracker, opened
    M330 Morgul Orc Fighting
    Mithril Classics
    MC17 Saruman and the Palantir
    MC33 Orc Rider on Charging Warg
    MC5 Great Goblin opened & painted
    Gandalf, opened & painted
    Heroines of Middle Earth
    M318 Dunland Girl Warrior
    M322 Easterling Shamaness
    M286 The Chamber of Mazarbul doorway
    M176 Isengard, Galndalf at Orthanc
    M74 Far-Harad Caravan Guard
    C 05-59 Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring, Isildur
    Fellowship of the Ring pack
    Includes 9 metal figures
    Opened, some small pieces broken off